When Jesus Christ comes back, how are atheists going to react?
Are they going to commit mass suicide?
When Jesus Christ comes back, how are atheists going to react?
Are they going to commit mass suicide?
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nah we'd finally have evidence
and then you guys would get sent to hell
Why would we? We would just kill him again.
I'm pretty sure jebus didn't want people to be smug, and that he helped all
At that point atheists will already have taken the Mark of the Beast, they would not be human anymore.
The Antichrist (influenced through Satan) would gather the world to battle against God, only to get swiftly defeated.
Prodigal son much?
Lost sheep returning much?
Jesus is a false prophet of a false god. When Odin returns He will smite all you pansy Abrahams.
what if he comes back as a woman, will you kill yourself?
Impossible because God is a man.
>helped all
Wasn't it only the believers, the oppressed, and the innocent/good? Not necessarily 'all'?
they are going to shit their pants and seek to wage war against Him.
atheists dont exist, scientific studies have shown that children are born with an innate knowledge of some sort of god/creator. theism is natural whereas atheism requires cognitive and mental gymnastics.
What if he was trans?
We may have all been trolled already because, a woman was supposed to head the Church initially. But the politics at the time didn't allow for it.
Whether it's true or not I don't know, I wasn't there.
Link to study?
Is this the /pol/cucks larp as devout believers to distance themselves from their atheist past and try to justify their god emperor paying billions of dollars to Israel thread?
they are cited in this videos
> impossible
> for an omnipotent spirit being
wew lad
You'll be one of the dead, so you will not get your evidence.
I, for one, welcome proof of his existence.
They'll mostly reject him due to their egotistical nature.
And they'll probably be already killed since they'll be on the anti-christ's side.
by that point atheists will already been brainwashed by the Antichrist's army.
Studies can state anything, still, most of them are incorrect. It doesn't make sense because abstract thinking like that requires serious stimulation before coming to being, see cave paintings
>be me
>one night I feel a divine pressence
>feel diffferent, as if I held godhood within
>have dream, heaven and hell, see myself in heaven
>meditate, see myself as light brown haired naked white woman in a forest at night surrounded by friendly wolves
>feel an urge to love my being, do so, fall in bed feeling love for myself and fall asleep in a trance
>dream that theres a grill inside sum geometrical shapes, have sex with this spirit while pressing sum white buttons she has in her stomach
>wake up, my dick feels as if I just fugged
>check religions, none is like this, my god pulls me away from each I try.
>enter internets
>there are people killing themselves over all these discarded religions
Didn't he forgive the romans and shit?
Christcucks don't know their own religion, what a surprise.
>Mass suicide
Surely the Christians would be committing mass suicide, considering that they finally have proof of their religion.
Well, maybe they could pretend it was accidental to get into Heaven.
And that's if the Muslims etc. don't kill them all first for Heresy.
>le "there is no proof" meme
Nice display of willful ignorance here.
Sticking your head in the sand will not change reality.
>Worst Objection to Theism: Who Created God?
>Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
>Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism
>The Introspective Argument
>The Teleological Argument
>What Atheists Confuse
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Is Atheism a Delusion?
Part 1 youtube.com
Part 2 youtube.com
>Atheists Don't Exist
reminds me of the stories of greeks who claimed to have had a goddess visit and have sex with them overnight. similarly according to Jewish legends wet dreams are from Lilith raping men in their sleep
8/10 mystery cult tier
Make your case yourself or fuck off, no one can properly address these because of the sheer infobomb and the olway it removes tge discussion from context
And the way it removes the discussion from context*
But Jesus Christ is a fictional character.
>god exists therefore jebus
As they are included in "everybody", yes. Everybody's sins were forgiven on the same account: "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."
But that did not restore life to the human race; that did not force people to believe Jesus is who he says he is.
That is the 1 sin still outstanding, and it is Unbelief, and it is unpardonable.
lol christians indulging in fantasy revenge daydreams because they are so bitter
>what if I was right all along and my religion is NOT a stupid lie!? THEN they'll be sorry they made fun of me!!
this really, I think their scripture even condemns this kind of behavior
>"One day my Sky Daddy's Son will come back and then you'll see!"
I'd say "huh, I guess I was wrong. My bad"
Why are atheists so delusional?
Holy shit, you call us fedoras, but tell me if that isn't an animeish sounding fucking phrase...
>muh satan muh demons muh prophecy
Oh fuck. I think he is the prophet.
This is funny about you believers: ecery time you speak about the skydaddy it sounds like you have met him and he's given you all the knowledge...
Probably because you have zero understanding of the bible.
You think biochips are confined to anime?
Yes, that's the nature of the New Covenant. I don't have to tell any born again Christian who Jesus is, because they already know.
Odin is doomed to die as is Thor and all the Asgardians
What I want to know is when Quetzalcoatl is coming back.
not all of the gods will die
just a bunch of em
Depends on whether they were good or bad people in general. Jesus' second coming is depicted as a pretty dramatic "hell yeah" vs "aw shit" filter in terms of righteousness rather than religion or lack thereof.
Yeah just all the ones supporting human culture and health.
Just Skadi and the wolves
>hes waiting for a magic man to come out of the sky and make everything perfect
Do religious people ever step back and think about what theyre saying and go "God damn, Im COMPLETELY fucking insane."?
Well I mean a demon escaping hell could cause mass suicides but I hope not.
a long time ago since i read this stuff, but the only ones i remember explicitly dying are odin, thor, tyr, heimdall, frey, fenrir, jormungandr, loki and hel (not sure about her). not all of these are "gods" but you see what im saying. i dont recall freyja or frigga dying
bit hard to check this on google cause some weebshit keeps popping up. anime was a mistake
Do atheists ever stop to consider why the fuck they should even care? Any answers beyond "for the lulz" are, in a totally materialistic universe, just delusions dreamt up as part of some shitty personal replacement religion.
>hur dur I can't construct my own argument because I'm a walking confirmation bias and just copy paste links from questionable sources that agree with me
The Prodigal Son parable was something meant before the end of times
Jesus specifically said that anyone that rejected him before His Second Coming and tried to gain his favour at that point would be rejected too.
I'm not smug. I would love that you guys learn of the love of God.
Yes actually, most Atheists don't "care" so to speak, but when the topic comes up it's a moment of realization.
If it were just personal opinions, then it would be harmless fun to believe whatever you want.
But we live in a society, so at some point the beliefs of other people are going to influence their actions and behaviors, so knowing you live and work with delusional religious people is unsettling.
So basically it boils down to personal comfort, then. Acceptable answer; it does fall under the umbrella of hedonism.
>So basically it boils down to personal comfort
Just like Christian belief that there is a plan and heaven which only they can go to, a giant facade so they can feel good for themselves.
If being labeled as a "hedonist" is their way to complain that I don't believe their superstition then so be it.
some do, some don't
Even if you do, you're probably at least 10 years old, you've already lived awhile and your mind can't comprehend not acting liek everyone else does, most Christians would do this do, regardless of their beliefs (not saying God doesn't exist, just that most people don't ponder things that deeply and can't comprehend an alternative). Those that do have a variety of responses, some think that nothing matters, some just live their lives, the only way to live in our society is to live within its bounds (generally, there are outliers, obviously). Personally, I recognize the futility of life, I'm not going to live, or be concious forever, and nothing I do will ever matter in the context of the universe but that doesn't make me despair or make me decide to act like nothing matters. My family makes me happy and so does life (it actually doesn't, I hate my life, but that has nothing to do with the lack of inherent meaning in it, just random personal issues that existed when I was a Christian and now when I am not...).
>youtube videos
Kill yourself.
Not really. Christians have a reason to believe what they do matters. Atheists have to deal with the fact that "the good of mankind" or "adherence to truth" have no inherent nobility to them. Literally all of it is made up. Finding purpose in that stuff is sticking your head in the sand.
99% of theists don't follow their holy books, most people are revisionists that change their interpretation of the religion to fit their comfort level. Even if you are a devout believer you can't deny that most Christians don't sit their and ponder their existence or morals either.
It's a very strange complaint anyway. Epicurus falls under the label hedonist, and he was a vastly more restrained morally than many (in fact, I'd wager the majority of) Christians throughout history.
Maybe you should realize that self made purpose doesnt have to come from the threat of hellfire. You give yourself purpose because you believe in the unproven, yet think everyone is delusional if they dont do it the same way you do.
>Finding purpose in that stuff is sticking your head in the sand.
Only people who have actually read the philosophers of the 21st century entry level canon should be allowed to post here. That includes Nietzsche and Camus.
But Christians don't know that what they do matters. They're still engaging in a self-made purpose, because they'll never be able to actually experience the divine in this lifetime. This isn't an atheist criticism, this is from fucking Kierkegaard, moron.
I don't see what the problem is.
If the Romans can nail Jebus to a cross then I'm sure our nuclear weapons arsenal can take care of an attempted intergalactic invasion by the massive faggot.
What's he going to to do? Make bread turn into fish at us? lmao
>Christians have a reason to believe what they do matters.
If Christians are allowed to invent "reasons" that they matter, why are Atheists not allowed to?
Or do only "reasons" that someone else wrote for you count?
ITT atheists don't understand differencs in internal consistancies among paradigms.
ITT Christians suck dick at defending their position.
Want to try again in non pseudointellectual language?
Atheists, are allowed to think and invent what ever they want...
I did when I was an Atheist
So are Christians, and they do. What's your point?
>If Christians are allowed to invent "reasons" that they matter, why are Atheists not allowed to?
just answering the question
No, it doesn't work that way. Sorry. This is not a level playing field.
God provides humans with love, acceptance, meaning and purpose.
Without God, and foolishly declaring he does not even exist, there is nothing in a person to satisfy those desires for love, acceptance, meaning and purpose. Every substitute will fail to satisfy.
Because God designed us that way.
So while an atheist has to invent a reason why his life has meaning and purpose, those reasons fall flat in the face of his own worldview that nothing matters, and that there is no afterlife.
Whereas what we receive from God does not fall flat, does not fail, and does not expire upon our deaths.
What makes you think they can’t
Maybe so but there is nothing as yet to stop Atheists thinking whatever they want
I did when I was an Atheist
But you don't know any of that. You're bound in your own senses which can never perceive truth. So you're just as much inventing a reason as any atheist, and it's just as likely to fall flat. Evidence of the fact it'll fall flat can be seen in the current rates of apostasy and the tendency towards experiencing crisis of faith.
Christians don't listen to God though...they listen to the version of God they think is acceptable
You're statement only applies to Christians who knows the bible (very few) and Christians who follow the bible to the word (or to the accpeted interpretation, which is itself, dubious) and that accounts for....almost noone.
Aye, but thinking so doesn't make it so.
If you're a deist, I would recommend searching into the claims that Jesus made to be God.
But God is not so bound, and has made it known to any who seek wisdom.
No body can know anything for sure
If we are really going that deep
I've looked at the evidence and I now consider myself a backslidden Atheist
I don't use "Christian" lightly. I mean born again new creations in Christ Jesus when I say "Christian".
and yes, Christians listen to the one true God. We had to in order to become Christians, and now he lives in us.
I study the evidence and go where it leads me
Atheism for me is something I can no longer believe in
That's a cop-out. You don't know that God has done any such thing. You're taking it as an article of faith, which means you're just making it up as much as any atheist. Again, apostasy runs rampant in the developed world.
>I've looked at the evidence
But you have by no means seen the evidence, you have only seen your sense's interpretation of the evidence and you're working from perspective.
>and yes, Christians listen to the one true God. We had to in order to become Christians, and now he lives in us.
You don't know that.
In that case there is no way of knowing anything
I find that a cop out
I try to make my best judgement and come to a sensible conclusion
>I find that a cop out
It's not, it's an epistemological limitation of humanity that's well explored at this point. Do you, or do you not accept the possibility that you could be wrong? If you don't, you're a fucking moron.
Of course I could be wrong so could you
We look at the evidence c#and come to a conclusion
It might be subjective, but to not bother at all because we can never really move away from our own subjective experience is in my opinion...
A cop out
ITT phone posting fucking sucks so here's your delayed essay:
We're not talking about how someone arrives at their paradigm (Christianity vs Atheism or whatever). Nor are we talking about the relative merits of said paradigms. We are talking about individuals within staying consistent with what the relevant system says about reality.
In baby tier terms:
>Christianity: Big smart guy builds universe, gives people rules to live by for their own good.
>Atheism: There is no big guy. We're in here alone. There are no official rules.
Within one system, there's a built-in reason to care about shit beyond your own comfort zone (whether or not you think the reason is bullshit doesn't matter, we're talking about consistancy within the system). In the other outlook, there isn't any reason beyond your own personal desires.
Now I'm not arguing Christians can't be just as delusional about assigning their personal drive for doing good to something more noble than "it makes me feel good" or "I like this" or "people now respect me more for not being a jackass." What I am saying is that atheists by default have no better answers.
Also, for those of you saying that "well if Christians get to be self-delusional, why shouldn't I?": That's all well and good, just don't act surprised when people laugh at your claims about taking the more reasonable position. Beyond nihilistic hedonism, of course.
>A cop out
And how do you sustain this position? Have you found any reason to believe in true knowledge, found an opinion that can't be wrong?
Frankly, I don't give a shit what you believe (though to be perfectly honest, I am getting seriously fucking tired of you bloviating, pharisaical assholes shitting up Veeky Forums) I just want you to accept that your position is as made up and founded on your own sentiment as any other. At least the crazy fundie hides his under outright crazy rather than lies.
Oh wow, look the little idiot hasn't actually read any philosophy. What a fucking shock. The whole point of secular philosophy is coming up with internally consistent reasons to believe those things, you preachy piece of shit. Go fucking broaden your intellectual horizons and stop failing at everything, you intellectual parasite.
Id be happy because it would be evidence of a reality beyond our normal one, imagine what scientific possiblities are possible if we discovered heaven science.
As I said, of course I could be wrong.
I have made a Judgement based upon evidence that I have been able to comprehend
For example
Christian - In the beginning God created
Atheist - In the beginning, Nothing exploded now we have everything
God makes more sense