What expression was Goebbels trying to convey here?


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I'm too hot for you.

What happened to his willy :)))

I'm more concerned about his left arm!

that really him?

It was just a prank, bro

Don't start another conspiracy.

>I should have just taken the gold teeth and moved to Argentina



Why did Goebbels and his wife have their corpses burned after they died but their children didn't?

Untermensh give coins charon
Uberman gives little girls

Because Goebbels and his wife's body would be paraded around the streets like Mussolini.

Fuckin' hilarious how people always eat up propaganda. Not even real bodies.

The "I murdered a random staff member and left his body in my uniform before fleeing to South America" expression.

>Fuckin' hilarious how people always eat up propaganda. Not even real bodies.

Are you a braindead, moron?

Why would the US show off fake bodies? Why would all of those surrounding him say it was his body?


Yeah, the bodies of the children look exactly the same to family videos and photographs but the Goebbels body and his wife's body are fake and they left their children when running away.


someone curb stomped it

stay bluepilled /pol/cuck. sometimes the truth is too hard to handle

>Why would the US show off fake bodies?
To instill fear in the other Nazis who attempted to escape.
Yes, of course Goebbels would never turn on his loved ones or colleagues.

Doesn't make any sense, retard.

If the US used fake bodies, why wouldn't they just take them through the process of a trial and hang them?

And if it was Goebbels who planted fake bodies, why would he edit the Fuhrer's (Hitler's) last testament and will stating he would disregard orders to leave Berlin and he would stay by Hitler's side?

You know nothing about WWII. Fuck off, brainlet.

At least Helmut was spared the fate of growing up to be a turbomanlet like his father.
Come to think of it, death is preferable than being a manlet.