Mom had to pay a plumber $450 for 3 hours of work

>Mom had to pay a plumber $450 for 3 hours of work

Explain to me how the trades are a meme please. I made a terrible mistake in my career choice...

Your mom probably paid him in some other way as well.

Degrees are the meme lad. Everyone knows trades are good work. College is more of a status symbol these days than anything.

you would rather make $450 for 3 hours of hard ,grueling, disgusting work than make $1000 an hour for sitting at home watching bars go up on one monitor and watching netflix/porn on the other?

tfw your mother raised a son that can't do simple plumber work so she has to get scammed out of $450

Bet he had a big cock.

You need to be licensed tho he had to move some piping

4th year apprentice plumber here.
Best trade to get into. Easiest to start your own business with because you don't need to hire anybody.
The hardest part is getting through the apprenticeship, the money is so shit and you will get treated like shit and consider quitting many times. Every day I wake up at 5:30 to go to work, the only motivation is the qualification at the end.

And no not all plumbing is DIRTY POO POO.
If you want clean plumbing, which also pays extremely well because you have to be a plumber to do it, get into GAS plumbing. Clean and payed amazing.

Ask me anything :)

Oh I bet he did some piping alright

Tell me about the apprenticeship. I've heard it sucks dick because you do all the "heavy lifting" and get maybe $15/hr while the big boss rakes in the cash

Not for your own property you faggot.

>tfw I could have just done it myself

It's possibly the worst experience ever, especially if you have a shit boss. My boss is OK, he has his days and can be a complete dick sometimes, but compared to other bosses i've heard of they are fucked up. Not paying a single cent overtime but forcing you to stay till the end of the job which is another 4 hours ect.

But yes, you will do all the heavy lifting, the dirty shit, crawl under houses, in the ceilings ect. But now i have a 1st year with me and i get him to do it all.

Consider the apprenticeship as an initiation.
As it goes on you get more respect, and ou also get more skilled so jobs get easier, but then you get more responsibility. But once you are qualified you can start your own business easy. By the end of your apprenticeship you will have bought all the tools you need. So all you need to do is sell your car and buy a van, then work for $100 hour +

then hire an apprentice, pay him $10 an hour and charge him out at $80 an hour while you just go around and get work.

Hey bro, that doesn't fit in with today's feminist PC culture. You need to check your privilege. OP's mom is stunning and brave. She is just as capable of piping as any man

>Bitch should do her own plumbing. Don't need no man

Sounds terrible. How much did you make as an apprentice?

1st year $9 hour
2nd $13
3rd $18
currently on $20 now.

Making my boss $500 a day easy now, I do the invoicing and collect money from the customers now, so I see how much i am making him.

1 year to go till I am free haha but it's worth it.

But it wont be easy so be prepared for some really shit times, 50% of apprentices don't complete their apprenticeship.

Damn that's fucked up

What's fucked up?

Getting paid so little

>mfw aus HVAC apprentice
>2nd year on $15/hour
>boss charges clients $400 for a job he pays me less than $24 to do

How is this fair

How do we stop it?

It's an apprenticeship. Go to college and pay -10 000/year and then go on to earn dogshit with your sociology degree

>the only degrees are ones in sociology

What did you mean by this?

Not everybody has the iq to become a PhD in economist.

We dont stop it, we become it

She could fuck him and invest $450 in shitcoins


Plumbers are underpaid. They literally have to deal with other peoples shit. You should have been aborted.

I bet he went in through the tradesman's entrance.

>he thinks every plumbing task directly deals with feces


I'm glad you posted.

As someone who's going through a home renovation, how do you ass hats justify an hourly wage comparable to that of a mechanical engineer with a PHd in rocket science?

This isn't just plumbing, its all the general contractors. Even though I told them I would pay for all the supplies they required, they're still quoting me $50-$70/hour-- why? And I know for a fact, these motherfuckers will cut corners-- Which they did, and then I had to drag their asses back and have them do it right.

I myself am knowledgeable in most areas of the what they're doing. It's how i can call them out on their shitty work and lies. (This includes auto mechanics as well).

Fuck you guys.

Don't give me that "oh you're paying for knowledge and the labor". No fuck heads, I can assure you that your knowledge is worth that of a high school drop out (hence why you went into trades) and your fucking labor is no different than a wet back's.

Is this the reason why you're saying "the work is shit, and you get treated like garbage"? Here's a hint for you, lay out exactly what you need to do to complete a job, and then quote a reasonable hourly rate. That plumber that got paid $450 for 3 hours of work is a piece of shit-- not only a piece of shit...but a god damned cancerous piece of shit.

That 3 hours of work is worth no more than $100. And that's me being fucking nice.

Fuck all you trades people-- all of you. Your bodies deserve to be broken at 40.

Are you British

It's fucking retarded

These people make like $150/hr average in some cases.

>No fuck heads, I can assure you that your knowledge is worth that of a high school drop out (hence why you went into trades) and your fucking labor is no different than a wet back's.

lmao you do it then you salty cunt

nope, we're not playing that "then you do it then" game.

If you ever managed a project, obviously you need help. I'm telling these fuckers what to do. I have offered them $20-$30 rates, but they're still walking away from a job.

>but they're still walking away from a job.

because they can find plenty of work at higher rates any where they want

dont call them retards when you dont understand basic economics

Seriously can someone explain this shit? Why do these fuckers make so much money? Why is their average salary shown as so low despite making $100/hr?

They ALWAYS cut corners too.
>pay for materials
>they either buy less materials or shittier ones

Wrong. Its not that they can find plenty of work, its that they can find prey to make up for the losses they could be making up for in the first place by doing actual quality work.

If they had a work ethic, trades people wouldn't be identified as retarded boot-draggers.

>people on Veeky Forums dont understand economics

we charge so much because there is HIGH demand for our services and LOW supply

are you going to do the work yourself? can you find someone else who will do it cheaper? no?

why cant you grasp this

stay butthurt my man, i can assure you we are busy as fuck

>If they had a work ethic, trades people wouldn't be identified as retarded boot-draggers.

But pretty much anyone can do your job and you always lie.

Are you really telling me there is so much more demand for a mechanic who will lie and scam me than a fuckin& doctor? Because on an hourly basis you make more.

The good tradesmen aren't working for backwater fuckbois like you. You know there are other industries outside of domestic right? And the people working in them don't bother with fucking homes.
Domestic is the bottom rung of the trades ladder. No one cares about your pockey little baby factory faggot. Not when there are massive commercial and industrial jobs to do.

*power gap*
*power gap*
Domestic/Residential (your shitty job)

Disagree 100%. When I am the one who did all the planning, technical drawings, choosing where everything should go, and all the calculations needed (if structural), then you need to shut the fuck up and do the job. You're not a mechanical engineer with an advanced background in calculus.

If you're the one doing the site planning, design, and calculating everything else, then MAYBE you can justify $60-$70 for labor for a client.

But in my case, you're not worth more than $30/hr when I'm doing 30% of the work for you. This is what I'm trying to get across to most of the General contractors that come in for assessment of work. They see I got everything planned out, and they think they can charge me a large hourly rate and then GTFO with easy money. Fuck no.

2ndly, the reason why you fuckers are overpriced, is because you have no clue how to self manage yourselves. That's why you have to WORK for someone else. It's usually these companies who get these fat degos who charge $100/hr and then give less than 20% of that to the worker, when they do absolute shit for the other 80%.

If you ask me, its a god damned racket, and I have ZERO respect or sympathy for the profession.


>mfw american but spent 20yrs in school learning about shit no one cares about

Jews user.

Just shut up and pay the bill you soft-handed, limped dick desk jockey fuck.
Want everyone to do the work for him but doesn't want to pay because he's so fucking special.
That's why engineers are mixing my drinks, because they're a dime a dozen.

the pipes needed some servicing, there was probably a serious plumbing related issue in your house too

Are you talking about the same tradesman who need 50 people to hold a ladder at $30/hr while one replaces a light bulb? (work hazard pay, I guess).

Then work their over priced project into a contract footed to the tax payers one way shape or form?

Sorry, I don't work for less than $130/hr. All thanks to pussies like you who cry murder if their safe space temperature is over setpoint by 0.1°C

The world's a prison and it looks like you're the bitch getting fucked.

>But pretty much anyone can do your job and you always lie.

so why dont they do it

>is because you have no clue how to self manage yourselves

why are you coping so fucking hard

i think your just totally assmad these guys are making more than you cuck engineers

stay totally cucked my man

half of that is taxed

half of the untaxed is given to his boss

not to mention the materials

out of the 450$ you paid to the plumber, he probably only got 120$

Nope, I'm also on-site working as well. If you can read and comprehend, which I'm sure you can't since you may be in the trades yourself, you would have deduced that I have to watch these people and make sure they do the work the right way, and that the only reason I hired them was for additional help with completion. They're not doing the whole thing.

Just remember, you're not the one designing or innovating here. The only reason why trades people HAVE WORK in the first place is because someone already did the planning (desk jockey). All you're doing is putting shit together by someone telling you exactly how something should go together, whether it be a drawings or rules and regs set forth by laws.

That's why when you guys run into a problem that doesn't fit the instructions or rules and regs unforseen in the project, the work just STOPS and you have to get someone else to tell you how to make those adjustments (essentially solve YOUR problem to complete the task). That's the difference between trades people and people who actually fucking think.

>taxing cash
>his boss

Yes I know what a project manager is. You sit on your ass all day and complain about having to push a bit of paper around now and then.
You're the real glue that holds a society together.

Said nobody fucking ever.

You're a dime-a-dozen downstream service. So many of you exist because you're allergic to real work. You were raised a special snowflake with a unjustified superiority complex. Shut the fuck up and pay the invoice cuck.

Wow, somebody on Veeky Forums that understands the meaning and appropriate usage of the word 'literally'. You must be a visitor.

my friend, these people are not seeing all of that $130/hour. All said and done, you will see 30% of that after your union fees, manager fees, health care, becuase your body will break after 35.

Have fun sitting on your couch for the other half of your life being a miserable unhealthy broken person while you can watch the engineers play golf on the weekends well into their 50's. Soon they will hire your sons and break them as well to do all the shitty work for a disguised figure of 130/hr.

I'm not a project manager. I'm doing house work for myself. I happen to be knowledgeable to be able to research and do all that myself.

Remember that reading and comprehension part? It applies to this conversation.

so you're a neet

>I'm also on-site working as well.

Oh my god. You're LARPING about being on a real project site. Like a real, big boy project site.

>house work for myself

Oh my god. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you worked in a real industry. This is just embarrassing now.
For you of course.

Additionally, I forgot to add to my previous reply, I had a few friends of mine who saw an opportunity to be managers.

All of them hated the job and wished to be back out in the field doing manual labor.

Perhaps if you think the "thinking" part is so easy, you try being a "paper pusher."

Building a house from scratch is not real project managing?

They didn't stop because it was hard you cuck, they stopped because it's a stagnant, boring, mind numbing basic job.
It's a clock watchers job for faggots who want to get to work and sit on their ass waiting for the day to end. There's no challenge, its not stimulating, it's not satisfying. Desk jobs in trade industries are for failed tradesmen and defeated husks of what a man should be.

A life of cope as demonstrated by yourself right here. I've worked in commercial HVAC for 10 years and I know you well.

No dickhead, the Russians and Aussies have built robots that can do it.

Houses are were the minimum wages trades who smoke rock on the weekend work because it's so fucking simple. same fucking shit off the plan every day. I said before

power gap

>bought house in december that i'm currently renovating
>dad is an electrician
>he did all the electrical work for free
>he knows all the contractors (HVAC, plumbing, carpentery, flooring, etc) from work
>they do the work for pennies
>one day the HVAC guy is over because we let him park his van in our driveway
>mention that the furnace isn't turning on
>he diagnoses it and fixes it for free
feels good, man.

>Tfw construction manager $60K entry level salary
>Tfw put it into crypto

>You're not a mechanical engineer with an advanced background in calculus.
>advanced background in calculus.

Trades around here charge $100 or more per hour.

The money is for gas, vehicle maintenance, tools, office overhead, then the tradesmen gets paid, which is normally 15-20+ an hour