Tell me something interesting about Queen Elizabeth Veeky Forums?
Tell me something interesting about Queen Elizabeth Veeky Forums?
Blackadder innit?
O, Scotland hesna got a King
And hesna got a Queen
For ye canny hae the saicint Liz
Whan the first yin's never been
Nae Liz the Twa, nae Lillibet the Wan
Nae Liz will ever dae
We'll mak oor land republican
In a Scottish breakaway
The hissyfit scots through about that was something else. If a Dave every comes king we'll make him Dave 3, calm down.
She was transgender.
Her interactions with the Irish nobility are quite interesting. On the one hand she made a bit of an effort to present herself as a Queen of Ireland but it was really only lip-service at the end of the day. Her meeting with Gráinne O'Malley was pretty neat - Gráinne didn't speak English and Elizabeth didn't speak much Irish so they talked in Latin.
By the end of her life she was conversational in Irish and according to her tutor John Florian she was fluent in Scots as well, which is pretty cool.
Care to give more info about this please?
not him but what particular info interests you in the post?
uses cannabis
throw her in jail
Any topic you're interested to give about Queen Elizabeth
Elizabeth as a small woman with blackened teeth from eating so many sweet meats and candies. The predominant importation of sugar at that time was from what we would now call Morocco, as a result of Elizabeth’s Anglo-Islamic alliance with the Saadian Dynasties.
While Moroccan sugar is destroying Elizabeth’s teeth, and English armaments are helping the Moroccans kill other Christians.
Well as that user sort of talked about, she received an excellent humanist education. She was fluent in latin and ancient greek, and she enjoyed translating texts from other languages. She also composed poetry and other types of literary works and if the scholars are to be believed, a lot of them are of high quality.
Elizabeth as a ruler was herself highly ambiguous. This, I think, had its provenance in her upbringing. Her mother Anne Boleyn got beheaded under Henry VIII's orders and she nearly shared the same fate on several occasions in the 1540s, as when her half-sister Mary Tudor suspected she had supported her rival to the throne, Lady Jane Gray, and when she didn't return to Catholicism as the Mary did.
Her vagina was messed up and thus making the beast with two backs was painful.
Also she might have banged the Irish Earl Tomás Dubh de Buitléir. In her letters she calls him her "black husband", because of his Gaelic epithet.
She had a ring with a secret portrait of her mother, when she wore up until she died.
Heart like warm chocolate.
Legs open like a locket.
Eyes like the starry night.
Breasts like the mountains white.
Velvet tight vagina,
Elizabeth Regina ((()))
When her favourite Robert Dudley died, she was distraught and locked herself in her private chambers for days. Her servants and courtiers eventually broke the door down for fear she was trying to starve herself to death.
Speak English.
tfw your furious three day fap session is interrupted right before you reach that 72 hour climax. Heads did roll.
vagina and regina dont rhyme.
its reh-geena.
It's also, va-geena