Why did Mussolini declare war on the second coming of Jesus Christ?

Why did Mussolini declare war on the second coming of Jesus Christ?

He did what?

Because he wanted to be like the Roman Empire.

When was Ethiopia ever part of the Roman Empire?

It wasn't but Mussolini did want to recreate the Roman Empire which is why he invaded Greece and North Africa. Had things gone well for Italy he may have invaded Turkey as well.

Never but Romans kept regular contacs with Ethiopia and introduced Christianity over there.

His Imperial Majesty never claimed such a thing, no matter what Bob Marley said


>Missing the point this hard.

I'm ashamed of Veeky Forums

>introduced Christianity over there.

That was a Greek missionary

from Roman Empire

He was butthurt about Ethiopia winning their first war with Italy.

Despite being more militarily successful the second Italo-Ethiopian war was as much of a disaster as the first one. They faced a constantly rebellious population and didn't gain any additional manpower, resources or trade. Their international reputation was ruined as well.

And their brilliant solution to the rebellious population was promising the rebels weapons and equipment if they stood down. You can guess what happened there.


1936-1941 desu

They promised the rebels weapons and equipment? Where is that from?
sounds Italian enough to be possible.

They used mustard gas on those niggers. What are you talking about? There was no need to promise anything when you can just gas the non-complying ones.

>claim you're restoring the Roman Empire
>invade lands that were never part of the original Roman Empire
Are we doing it right guys?

The Ethiopians mutilated POWs and used banned weapons.

t. Giuseppe

They had to ease off on the whole gas thing after the international community went "wtf I hate Italy now" because of it

Plus gas dissipates very quickly, you're not going to be able to use it against sneaky guerilla rebels.

Plus the rebellion was pretty effective. Working in tandem with British intelligence and then British boots on the ground they were able to take most of the country back.


>calling an irrelevant nigger the second coming of jesus although he didn't fulfil the prophesy and didn't do anything the bible said he would do

how stupid do you have to be to believe he's the second coming of Christ


That's exactly what the Jews said when Jesus appeared as messiah

except they were wrong and jesus did fulfil the role of messiah. its foretold that when jesus comes back, he'll take all true believers with him to heaven and hell will be let loose. didn't happen.

Jesus already came back and we're living in hell right now

where's the proof mate. also, correct me if I'm wrong, but when his imperial magesty came, he didn't take all Christians up to heaven with him.

majesty* kill me

The burden of proof is on you, also WW2 was how Jesus arranged his judgment day. All born after it are in hell right now

>Doubting the divine majesty of The King of Kings, Ras Tafari.

Rastafarians are the only true Christians there are. Read your Bible, read your Torah, read your Kebra Nagast.

>has no proof to backup claim that ras tafari was actually the second coming
>"burden of proof is on you mate"
Prove to me that he was the second coming. Did he fulfil the prophesy in the Bible? If so, why are there still Christians on Earth? The Bible says Jesus will come and take all Christians with him to Heaven, yet we are still here. I don't remember reading about mass disappearances around the world of Christians. Your "savior" doesn't fulfil any part of the prophesy whatsoever, and he himself said he wasn't the second coming. You have to be autistic to believe he is.

You was the first who raised doubts that Haile is the second coming of Jesus. Prove your claims


I could repeat myself again but please just reread He quite literally did not even come close to fulfilling any part of the prophesy whatsoever.

If you have proof that he fulfilled the prophesy I'd love to see it.

Who are you to judge God

That's not even close to an argument. Prove he fulfilled the foretold prophesy that God himself told us would one day come true or fuck off and go smoke your brains out.

I don't have to prove anything because i have faith

Still not an argument, kiddo.

>has no argument
I won

>uses "i dont have to prove anything i have faith" as an argument
>thinks he won
I think you've been smoking a bit too much mate. I've made my argument and you've failed to refute it.

Haile Selasie was Jesus, just fucking admit it

>trying to dodge having to give actual evidence that proves he fulfilled the prophesy
you can stop now, you're just digging yourself a deeper hole

In colonial Eritrea often they over shipped too much equipment and gear form Italy so they dumped a TON of it in the sea.

In the few school textbooks of the era everything that was non-Italian was omitted or mitigated. This isn't unusual for colonial era stuff since most learning books/texts if they had any revolved rounding masturbating that power to absurd degrees and these Italian textbooks took it a step higher.

Military officers got into fights and often big injuries or deaths happened.

Huh, I was just playing as him in Civ 5.

>If so, why are there still Christians on Earth?
>he thinks his heresies are true christianity
the answer is right in front of your face