Now also ltc founder warning about ico bubble...
Bancor: I guess the shitcoin will never trade?
by the way the team is speaking, it seems almost certain the token will be unlocked within the week
Baka. Dev in slack just said it's unlocking tomorrow, official announcement coming in a few hours
Ok. Finally...
how much are you holding?
sitting on about 4k myself. wondering what color my lambo will be
tfw these fucking morons don't realize it's going to dump the instant it hits the exchange
ah yes the ol' buy high sell low strategy all ICO investors love to implement.
are you actually this retarded?
I have the same. I will get a ferrari. And it will be red.
>dumb enough not to buy the bancor ICO
wew boy, this is going to really hurt in the future
Nice. I'm thinking maybe a P1.
> Now also ltc founder warning about ico bubble...
>15 icos later, STILL doesn't realize they dump when they hit the exchanges
try not to show your new fag so easily.
>being this much of a brainlet in 2017
lel ok buddy, remember to save enough for some kneepads and tissues
Good luck getting your hands on one, beautful car though. I'll have to buy a mainline model ferrari to build a relationship with the company or whatever before I can get the limited issues like the LaFerrari.
If you are one of the dumpers ICO = guaranteed profit. That said I have little faith in Bancor and will only buy after the long stagnation that always happens.
can you name 3 ICOs that traded below ICO price after hitting an exchange.
thanks bud
even that shit CFI made ICOers 3-4x
Nice 5 kb image. I'm flying over the Atlantic in business class from Rome thanks to my crypto gains, what are you doing today?
What do you think about this:
So about $32m worth of ETH (at $360) needs to flow in (net of any withdrawals) for the price of BNT to rise from the ICO price of 0.01 ETH to 0.02 ETH.
That's a lot of ETH!
Interestingly, because the supply of BNT is infinite, if you want to believe a 100x price increase, you would have to assume that ~92m ETH would flow into the BNT contract.
I know Plankton did and suspect it isn't the only one, they don't trade below ICO price straight away but after stagnating awhile and weak hands start to consider them bags.
That's from this article, i just suck at internetz:
ahahahahahahahah ok.
if that's your point of comparison, I don't really know what to say.
decent article, but it neglects the network effect. I.e. the increase in BNT's value when people create and use currencies with BNT as reserve.
That, to me, will likely be the more important contributor to BNT's value, especially in the long term.
don't forget that this would dramatically increase the eth price as well.
They're not newfags, they're shills.
again, please show me 3 ICOs that shit the bed when they hit exchanges.
BNT probably won't be an overnight 10x like BAT. Unlike BAT, however, it has legitimate use cases from day 1. I expect to see it as a top 3 coin within a year.
> (You)
>Nice 5 kb image. I'm flying over the Atlantic in business class from Rome thanks to my crypto gains, what are you doing today?
Just chilling with my white homies.
The most thorough rebuttal in the history of the world is here. Honestly, im not so worried. The drama in this sphere isnt going to dampen the institutional money that will come pouring in. You better get in tomorrow morning while you can.
Why don't /pol/fags target status?
I'm white AND rich, you will be too if you don't drop your bnt like a pussy
I fly for free. You pay for business class but that's just a given for me. lol Need some more amenity bags?
How does it feel to not be able to fly internationally for literally $0?
It's unlocking on monday.
Nope, tomorrow.
Nope, tomorrow once again.
haha it's all about netjets desu.
cute tho.
that fucking kike whore wrecked the entire ethereum blockchain and its price, fuck her
why did her grand parents survive WWII, fucking kikes destroying everything again
Pfahahaha the price is actually already DROPPING 10% and it didn't even hit the market yet
That seems nice, but when I feel like going to a music festival in Tokyo or on a random scuba excursion in Cairns, Australia (or even just to Napoli for a quick bite to eat), I think free commercial flights are okay.
It's just funny to me because this guy is bragging about wasting his money on a flight (which he probably isn't doing anyway).
What, so you leech off family who works for the company? Nice job achieving financial independence
You said you went to Rome? That's cool man I remember when I was 14 too.
Did you have to pay to check a bag or something too? lol
Or are you one of those idiot airline credit card holders?
I just went to Naples and it was literal hell on earth, never going south of Rome again. Fuck off larper
You must not speak Italian. :/ You probably only saw the lame touristy stuff then.
I'll have to leave you now, planning a scuba trip in the Canary Islands. Chau! Don't spend all your money in one place now.
I saw a woman shitting in the street and some dude getting dogpiled on the sidewalk while the shitskin natives watched. The alexander mosaic is the only thing worth seeing in that god forsaken place and it depresses me that it's there, one of the million niggers that live there is gonna take a hammer to it someday. Again, you would know this if you didn't leadn everything you know about Naples from Dean Martin. Fuck off larper
>hurt in the future
it's all about the initial pump and subsequent 2 pumps for me
don't care about the amount, only % and growing my BTC stack