3rd Punic war was very RUDE of the Romans
Once again showing how bad their social skills are
Post here if you are a FRIEND of Carthage
3rd Punic war was very RUDE of the Romans
Once again showing how bad their social skills are
Post here if you are a FRIEND of Carthage
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Rome only fought defensive wars
I miss him so much
>3rd punic war
Low quality b8
Romans did nothing wrong. Carthage was asking for it.
Carthage was definitely the bad guy here I mean the Romans were just defending themselves against the Muslim hordes who had been flooding Christian lands. You can google it, North African Muslims took over the land by force and then they started the original slave trade by kidnapping white seafarers and selling them as slaves in the Sahara.
American history classes are such fucking bullshit, they just ignore this key historical fact.
I'd take this as satire but we have enough fucking idiots that populate this board that I just don't know.
You're retarded, take the red pill sheep
>red pill
Either /pol/, bait, or referencing The Matrix.
If the redpill requires me to think islam predates mohammed I'll pass.
I'm actually curious about this. What were the dominant religions in the middle east before Islam?
Carthage wasn't even in the middle east. But anyway, it depends on the period. Immediately before Islam it was Christianity. There were plenty of Jews. The Romans brought their gods, the hellenes brought their gods, then there was the semitic religions, like ba'al worship.
t. butthurt sandnigger
They were Phonecian you retarded R*mancuck
Go fvck some elephants
t. Cassivs Avtistvs
even Romaboos have to acknowledge how much fucking overkill the 3rd punic war was.
How so?
Do you know what kind of people they were dealing with?
They sacrificed children to the god of death
The only thing Romans did wrong was not exterminate Carthage earlier
>They sacrificed children to the god of death
They dedicated still born babies to Ba-al. It's gross, but it wasn't child sacrifice by any means.
roman emperors were shiite muslims, hence their control over nature
God, I get you are a bad troll, but please leave us aloneeeeeeee
Carthage's mercenary armor was so aesthetic
fuicking retarded cuck, the romans were based bros that defended western culture against muslim paganism form the middle east. i wish we could go back in time and give them nukes.
i know it's satire but i still would agree unironically
carthaginians are logically the ancestors of modern day tunisians, so we can assume they look the same
have you ever seen a tunisian ?
it's perfectly rational to hate them and be glad that rome won
not to mention how romans already spoke almost the same language we speak and lived on the same land we live on and in all likelyhood are our ancestors too, i don't see how it's /pol/ related at all that people would prefer them
Carthage is my favorite faction in RTW.
Carthage rules the waves
Rome drowns
Ah, skirmishers.
Useless. Only good for killing elephants.
My dick is bigger than yours
t. Aleksandros Makedonia
horse archers
The Eternal Anglo.. or Frank.. or whatever, they were all the same back then.
>ROmans spoke norse, lived in scandinavia, and fathered scandinavian children
Peltast, Hastati, Principe
muh Maniple formation
How does he keep the gong on his chest? Is it attached to his shirt or is it like a necklace
No. They aren't. Not even close. Modern day Tunisians are an berber/arab mix you fucking schminz. The cartheginians were Phonecian.
those arn't even romans either baka
Who is the first guy top left?
He looks like me. Not even joking.
I know Im taking the bait but Islam wasn't even a thing at the time
>a country of merchants with no army or real martial tradition sacrificing babies in furnaces to their devil god
>the virtuous sons of brave and just Aeneas, followers of mighty Mars who gave the world law and order, conquerors of the Latins, wealthy Etruscans and vicious Samnites
Not even a contest m8
that tradition really hadn't developed yet by the punic wars
carth*go delenda est
>color of skin equals immediate impossibility of relation
>burning an entire city
>salting the ashes and fields so that nothing ever grows again
>not going to far
>He hasn't taken the revert pill
buttmad sea-jew found.
I hate phoenicians
they gave us the alphabet tho
>makes your statement look retarded with a historical account
>hurr durr sea Jews
The eternal venetian is the only sea-jew. You can't just use the term for any sea-faring trading civilization.
friend of KANGZ here
Many different religions. Right before the islamic conquest, Christianity, some Judaism and Zoroastrianism were the dominant ones.
What? I thought it was Greeks and Minoans before them.
Nice pasta.
Those are all from Egypt you stupid fuck.
>Siding with anyone besides SPQR
>not rooting for the underdog
Stop being influenced by Hollywood. Carthage was a super power at the time and a greater threat to Rome than the Gauls, Germans or Parthians.
Based reverse