ANS breakout, welcome to the moonmission
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Cliff high mentioned them in latest report. This gonna be big.
I don't know this dood
Fuck my payroll didn't process and I'm going to miss the moon
Good morning all of my Ant legion. See you on mars. Remember Ants lift 50 times their body weight!
amerika is waking up !!!11
Third Worlder here with no access to exchanges..
Can I beg for some ANS pennies?
fuck off fucking beggars
Post pic of yourself without a shirt on with timestamp and I'll toss 2 ants your way
When is the conference exactly?
Buy the dip, it will moon after the Microsoft conference
Wow cool. Just googled him and am watching his latest vid on cryptos. What did he say in particular about ans?
im gonna be rich
thanks biz
Any other news in that report? I don't got 90 fuckin shekels
I have 300+ and and I'll suck my own dick and post pics for 2 ans you rich nigger
I'm selling half of mine at .0043. I need to make some money for sure, this is too volatile. I bought most of mine at $6
Okay you weak faggot remember the sun rises in the east
fucking great wall of china al 377k
guys when exactly is the conference tomorrow ?
what'sur strategies.
I got about 60 ants and will sell them soon after the conference.
this is my whole portfolio right now.
een thou this won't be my ticket to lambo land it mie my ticket to a more decent portfolio.
>At the conference they rebrand from Antshares to Antbeans
What's your immediate move, Veeky Forums?
all in
The conference is 2AM tonight. The price will dip immediately after the conference, so delay your selling.
shill on Veeky Forums
Why would they rebrand, antshares is stupid enough to work in asia. They love gimmicky shit
good move,
but how long would you wait (sorry I'm super new)
are we talking 3AM or 8AM ?
9 hours from now
How long till ANS hits 0.00386?
Where's my 2 ANS? :9
timer countdown till the confrence
works in all time zones
How about we pump this up to the Moon, and dump after the conference?
that 50Btc wall got destroy. oh yeeah
This. They should rebrand to something even more gimmicky and retarded
>a fucking ANT
Why are asians so fucking weird?
Why won't these fucking chinks just let this shit moon already? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>ant hivemind
>asian hivemind
it checks out
here we go bois
How is this meme so fucking stable all of the sudden? Two days ago it was rollercoasterland
If you're posting this on the internet you have access
We are going to be stuck at 370K for a while bois. We need a bigger buyer to come in;
shit is pissing me off
wait till the cali bros wake up, take a hit from the bong, and go all in on this motherfucker. WESTCOAST BEST COAST wassup
why you still hold stinky chink coin, round eye?
see, it go nowhere. we give you $10 each chink coin. good price for just for you, ok?
Holy kek
same, fuck
Alright bros I did it. 200 ANS at 365000
>Bots keep the price around 370K.
Goys OMG im gonna buy in around 365K :::::::D
To the moon
kek BTFO myself
Realistically when should I be selling my ANS to sell for maximum profit and then buy again in the dip for long term hold if the coin is promising? I've not been at this crypto business long so any advice welcome
360k on trex you tard
nobody knows, if it starts to rise watch for when it stops rising or slows down
that's when you sell
even if anyone knew, it'd be dumb to tell you
700-900btc on the buy book. Dis gonna be good.
Why would it dip?
>When you get your first bot
is it habbenings? is it going to pump? how high?
DUMP, whales are being assholes again
600btc in the buy looks like the low. It held that all night. Now we up in the 700-900 area. I think it will climb over 1k btc buys.
15 dollar when chinese wake up
How long till show
when volume increases and the price stays the same that's a good sign
139BTC to 400k
Not dumping bruh. we doing this.
MACD looks promising
>sell house
>sell gf
>take up loan
>invest literally everything in antbeans
Dont get shaken out. IRON HANDS user
Yea right, this 17BTC whale fuck keeps lowering his prices and there is too little buy volume to crush it atm
as you can see I have no stake in this though
PANIIIIIIIIIIC (desu I bought in @ 29k and sold at 38k, I just want to buy the dip teehee)
So it's more guess work I guess, thanks user I'll keep an eye out for them signs
The Chinese gonna pump this hard when they know Jack Ma attending the conference tomorrow. Get in the moon train , fags
resistance tryin lower the price to buy in more before the conference. there will be a great dip before the conference and eventually dogus gonna buy in and hold until the outcome of ant. but ant is a good long term hodl
I have a feeling BTC is going to tank our spaceship
>he actually thinks people will share that kind of advise
Oh lordy I hate newfags
>350K buy wall. Outwhaled
as you can see I have no stake in this though
Whales are just jewing atm
gotta lower the price before conference and buy in hufe amount
What is that app user?
SRS if you try to short this you will get burnt worse than those at London apartments. KEK has warned me, follow thy leader laddies.
Realistically speaking, what can we expect from ANS?
Lambos srsly
1/3 of eth market cap, so 10x
Remember bitbeans?
to get raw asses and empty wallets from the immense anal chink raping, despite this i still hodl to see what the conference has to offer
low risk high reward
at most you lose 40%
I think if the conference goes well (And I think it will), and it rebrands, we can expect at least 2x price rise. Chinese population is big, and a lot of them are experienced in cryptos. I think its undervalued at the moment.