Any hodlers? What do you think price will be by friday?
Daily Sia (SC) thread
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hodler here
no idea and dont really care
wake me up when it hits 10 cent
another holder here. grew my hodling notably yesterday thanks to the dip. I'm afraid it'll go sideways till friday.
Sold at 800 after that disappointing obelisk miner announcement. Maybe buy back at
Just bought some more at 705. Sia is a coin with actual potential. I'm done with Veeky Forums shill day trading.
I'd also suggest LSK, DCR, and UBQ at this point.
Holding Sia long term because of its potential.
Have BTC, ETH, Litecoin, SC, and ANS. I want long term winners, but am also shooting for the moon with ans.
I could also sold at around 830, but I promised myself that I will wait till Friday no matter what.
Also, I think the main announcement on Friday will be partnership with some company, probably the one that will manufacture Asics.
Sold because the lead dev is retarded and is going to tank the coin for hardware profits
Hodling long term, but I don't expect much from this coin due to the huge number of them in circulation.
Maybe 15 cents per coin?
Probably, by Friday it could reach maybe 3 cents, depends on the final announcement and hype ..
been holding since 550 sat, gonna hold for months or years.
Made a pretty penny constantly flipping the dip. It's a good coin, so I'll reinvest in a few days. Think it'll floor at mid 600s.
This is probably the worst coin available, from a utility perspective. Even Doge has a better use case.
>muh cheap storage
Hey retards, storage prices decrease steadily over time. We're on the brink of negligible storage costs through traditional data center hosting. You won't beat AWS.
Sold at 779 since the news was already out.
>250k coins
if this shit reaches even .10 cents ill be rich
>being this obvious
Just in case you aren't just pretending to be retarded and edgy...
Yes, storage prices decrease steadily over time.
Also, typical storage desire per user increases over time. As games become clearer, applications become more intricate, and security increases overall, file size will too.
There will not be a normie cloudstorage that offers rates at anything cheaper than 5$/month for a few hundred Gigs, atleast not in the next decade.
But youre a fucking troll and comparing siacoin to fucking dogecoin, so you dont give a fuck about logic
i went all in at 1m sia
pray for me
the amount of data needing to be stored doubles every year
>long term
Miners get 30k sia per block. There is no long term potential.
Supply and demand, my friend.
When the demand increases, the price will too.
Etherium, Litecoin, or SC for longterm gains?
ETH LTC and SC are short pumps that move a little slower/safer than shitcoins. the reward for shitcoins is greater than the increased risk though.
They said they're upping it to 100k per block
Fucking faggot CEO. I had 77k and put a sell order at 700 (bought at 580)
Fuck this coin it's a piece of shit