Missed out on $2 ETH?
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Missed out on $2 ETH?
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Already on board Double R. When this shit coming to a market near me?
killer been waiting for a way to blow my crypto gains
What, did my questions in the other thread make it too hard for you to shill there? Why is Monaco better than its competitors?
where can we buy this mooncoin?
Well idk why you picked this scamcoin in particular to shill but I hope you don't fool too many retards on here
I use the Shift card which connects to your coinbase BTC hodlings
this is gonna be great for the screencap I'm gonna post around Christmas
How do we get a regular Monaco card. I didn't shell out enough crypto or get in early enough for a black card.
Remember what I said too. How this shit is gonna tank and the only way to redeem your rep is to own up to it when it does.
I'll post all the suicide wojaks you want in this thread if you can name one major attribute of Monaco that makes it better. One. Something that makes it ok that they stole their code, have shitted up major websites with their paid advertising, have a ridiculous ico structure, and don't have a product yet
Include me in the screencap
Read this and other posts, you guys are too far gone if you put money into things like this reddit.com
Hey, I'm just a happy camper, I'm gonna be here to own up to everything. Do.Not.Worry.About.It.
I just like this whole Déjà vu feeling I get from this thread, reminds me of the first ICN thread I created back in October and it got only 3 replies.
Nice, same treatment Antshares got.
I like it!
You need to learn to shill better, do you think that being pompous and dismissive makes people want to agree with you? It just makes you look like an annoying little pajeet. Good shills are like the xby guys, they pretend from the beginning that the fundamentals are there
I don't shill, I screencap.
So the ICO raised a lot of money? So did every other ICO, that's the problem.
If this was going to be as HUGE as you say it is, then why the fuck would Visa themselves not just make their own card? Monaco use the Visa logo on their website as they were 'in talks with Visa distributors', whatever that means.
i'm in user, screencap this, holding until end of this year lets see where we get
Why would visa need to? Visa doesn't "make" their own cards. Banks use visas network to process payments.
I don't think the visa monaco thing is a done deal...
tbqh senpai they need to change the logo. Say what you want, but it makes it look like a complete gimmick.