>But don't hate her when she gets up to leave
But don't hate her when she gets up to leave
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Good reference but guaranteed to be a shit meme thread
>neutral meme hotel
>a good reference
God what nice fucking borders. I'm sure it something to do with spending so much time on a Nazi Panzer training forum but pre WW1 Germany just looks amazing on a map.
>Dat Bavaria
>Dem Prussian tendrils
>That THICC Rhineland
Needs Habsburg Austria.
I know. That smooth border up benelux, that slight curve up into Lithuania. Hnnnnh.
It'd be perfect if they annexed Luxemburg and Austria. That would make a nice curve aroud Bohemia.
>The way it tapers out on the Baltic coast with that narrow sliver
>After ww1 we got this mess
This shit should be banned
Fr*nce was literally just butthurt that their shit-tier le hexagon was so forgettable by comparison. Don't even get my started on that utter abomination the frogs call their """""""""""""""natural""""""""""""""" borders.
Glad we managed to put that undemocratic beast down, pity they hadn't formed under Austria, I suppose that's inevitable when you have a greater militarist brute competing against lesser militant brutes.
Don't frogs consider their natural borders the Rhine cuz WE WUZ CAESARSSSS?
they get a lot of funny ideas, like the one where they are the only ones allowed to use the word champagne
Don't you mean Memeland?
Fancy that, a Veeky Forums thread NOT shitting on Germany.
world peace would have been achieved if both france and germany had been divided up
>not keeping Germany intact as a buffer against communism
It's like you want them to win
who needs either of them, we had poland and finland at our disposal in that role
and the both of them together possessed so much greater a competency in modern defensive warfare to boot
Nazi detected
>audibly puts down guitar
>leaves in mix
>poland and finland
you are not using your head chum
I hope to one day see Alsace Lorraine be reunited with Germany.
Europe in 1914 is without a doubt the most aesthetic Europe has been since the Roman Empire.
>Austria-Hungary and Germany curves
>A-H, Germany and Russia curves
>Italy and A-H curves
>United Kingdom controls Ireland
Hohenzollern revival when?
I know that feel
lorringen is not yet lost
Agreed on most part, but those balkan state looks like shit.
it's hard to feel much pride in a recently constructed monarchy
>Not great
Stay mad germs
>this kills the frösche
I hope South-Lorraine will be united with North-Lorraine one day
Daily reminder that Alsace Lorraine is known now as Alsace Moselle while Prussia is known as Poland
Germans btfo by everyone ever
>while Prussia is known as Poland
no, it's called Warmia, Masuria and the Kaliningrad Oblast
wish we could turn back time
As a dutchman I wish we had this but with the Benelux being one nation as well.