Lulz.....this has to be a /bizraeli
OK, which one of you is this?
That's me.
I'm pretty sure no one is rich here.
Someone actually took the Lamboland meme literally.
Oh shit nigga you found my ride
It's not a meme. All it takes is a coin to moon that Veeky Forums is heavily invested in. Not a pajeet scamcoin. Once that happens, the threads will be made showing off the cars with time stamps. Screen cap this.
lots of things already mooned and anons made money
the truth is, that anons here are too autisic to actually buy lambons and spend their money on rare anime figurines and shit, thats why you rarely see actual "rich looking" user with a timestamp here
U mirin?
good ol'
when I lived on Miami beach, it wasa regular thing to see like three of four Ferraris racing down the street....
nice, my nigguh!
holy fuck that hand/nail is disgusting
Kek! If I wanted I could buy one right now but I rather buy one when I can afford 10
You shoulda bought a tesla.
If this was from crypto you're everything I aim to be
thats why i said rarely, user
you are just proving my point that anons here DO make money
Gratz for the lambo tho
personally, I would love to have an older Lotus Esprit or a Pantera - something with some old school style. Maybe even a Ferrari 308GT as long as it's not red.....
What car is this?
I don't mean we won't get rich, I just mean not many people are going to be dumb enough to waste money on a deflationary asset like a Lambo. There are plenty of better things to spend money in.
alfa romeo carabo
Tell your dad he has a nice car, trust fund babby.
I was lurkin the thread where the guy posted that. He didnt make his money from crypto. Had rich parents and was doing some IT startup shit.
Actually he was asking Veeky Forums how to get started as fast as possible and put 50k into the game...
pepe mobile 3000
Thanks, fucking sexy.
Is this the pic from the thread with the guy who posted a pic in the OP with $350k cash?
i also have handnails like that :(
why do yours look any different?
fake and gay.
fake because this pic was taken in a workshop
gay because it include a gay
>has hands like that
>doesn't have a lambo tho
why are you still alive?
Naw. If this was Veeky Forums it would read "mooncoin" or "nobags"
Chewin ass and kicken gum
-dick kickem
He looks like duke
go on
epic win
He's quite the big guy...
4 u
"Lamboland" is a metaphorical place where you have a lot of fuck-you money
don't be a retard and actually buy a lambo unless you have 50+ million, wasting money on cars is for niggers and retards
That looks like Mark Walberg
true. also op is posting reddit tier trash. sage.