Is bitbean a superhero?
Is bitbean a superhero?
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I know someone that looks like him, only less green
>want to take some profit
>shoots up 15%
Jesus allright, will someone please start a pump on this
and a real human bean
follow, dear beaners
Bitbean is like spongebob for nostalgic crypto autists
I'm in fegs
I should have bought more last night at 137 fugg, I only purchased 21.5k
think I should buy more right now? or wait for dip?
Wait a couple of hours. Its going up now because its being used and marketed at PorcFestival right this moment. People should chill a bit around 0000 gmt0 - the price will be steady.
Have to admit - this mooning is a bit crazy. It will most likely drop a bit.
top kek
all of you stupid kids will get dumped stop acting like shit
i as a whale am tempted to drop 23btc down rn to drop the price another 2 weeks for bitches like you people
fucking earn your gains and SHUT Up
God damn kids get off my lawn!
Put my sell order in at 230 here we gooooo
Beansss will MOON BABYYYY
Tempted to put 3 BTC in.... should I :D ?!!?!
Listen Mr. Whale, I know you are annoyed. Bunch of kids screaming about how some magic beans are gonna take them to lamboland. But you have to understand, the bean is a different animal that doesn't let go. Sure it's gonna dump. But then it will pump again. Etc etc... and beaners will proudly hold their bags through every peak and valley. Because the bean is a movement that cannot be stopped. That lovable little fuck whittles it's way into our subconscious like a fertile seed ready to sprout. And there it stays... forever.
we dont care about pump and dump, we are here to stay
Why doesn't he wear the underwear
Anyone spare some beans for a DGB bag holder?
The manipulation of the order book in this one is even worse than ANS.