Why are kikes like Lenin, Gorbachev and Yeltsin admired so much when they transformed Russia from formidable powers into irrelevant third world shitholes? Russia in the 19th century was a major world military power that made everyone shit their pants. 1920's Russia was a fucking joke, a non-country that people pretty much discounted from the geopolitical equation.
Why are kikes like Lenin...
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This has to be b8.
the russian empire who got beaten by japan and collapsed in ww1
you are the actual kike here, disgusting capitalist jew
Obviously b8 but
what are you even doing user
He was admired initially right?
Also Gorbachev and Yeltsin are almost universally hated in Russia. Their attitude towards Lenin is slightly more ambivalent.
Being a "formidable power" isn't fun when your economy is going down the shitter.
Back before he crashed the country and everyone realized what a massive fuck up he was.
Talking to Russians I've realized Yeltsin is admired in the West (also in a bit of a paternalistic way since he was a drunkard and we find that funny), but they fucking hate him.
Whatever the opinion one might have about USSR, the truth is that in the West we have no fucking idea of what Russia went through in the 90s.
Like the Soviet one.
Russia lives for all or nothing. There is no middle ground there. So it's either a superpower or a third world shithole. You can go from one to another pretty quick.
In the latter years. The Soviet economy rebounded amazingly well after the Civil War (most westerners don't realize just how devastating it was, and coming right on the heels of WWI too) and they industrialized very quickly. Ditto for the period after WII. Their growth rate in the 50s was nothing to sneeze at.
Yes, there were a whole lot of atrocities on the way, and their economy stagnated after their initial period of modernization. I'm not being a Soviet fanboy. Just stating facts.
Lol what the actual fuck.
>Did you miss me?
>Feudalist Russia
>formidable power
>Russians hate Gorbachev
but user without him they wouldn't have freedom and pizza hut
Feudalist Russia was a backward shit hole. The Bolsheviks fought 10 years of constant war that killed millions of people.
Nigga they just came out of a disastrous civil war. Then right after that they became one of the worlds superpowers.
l still don't fucking get this, how the fuck do you just decide to star in some random pizza hut ad as the former head of such a big state, it's pathetic, it's not even that of a good ad
Literally non of the 3 people you mentioned was a Jew. The opinion about them is very mixed but most of them are admired by few and hated by most because they had a big but controversial role in history.
Also fuck off to /pol/
But commies started the civil war you dunce.
>Russia in the 19th century was a major world military power that made everyone shit their pants.
Russia from approximately 1815-1855 was a major world power that caused the rest of Europe to gaze east with a significant measure of grim trepidation. The Crimean War decisively proved those fears to be phantasms and nothing more. The Russian Empire never recovered from that embarrassment and spent the rest of its (short) lifespan steadily declining from its zenith of marching on Paris.
>1920's Russia was a fucking joke, a non-country that people pretty much discounted from the geopolitical equation.
Russia in the 1920s was embroiled in a massive civil war and the coeval disintegration of its colonial empire. Millions of soldiers were tearing across the countryside burning, looting, and massacring the populace. It was probably the region's lowest point in over three centuries. The degree to which the Soviet Union was able to recover from that is nothing short of astounding, regardless of what your feelings on communism or the Bolsheviks might be.
gr8 b8 m8 you made me reply
>three global powers have to gang up on Russia to beat them
You're a retard.
based Gorbachev
>Imperial forces fold like a paper tiger when faced with an organized military that knows what it's doing (read: not the turks)
>Allies just spend the next few years fucking about in Crimea
The French or the British alone could have shown them up, romanoboo. Read about the clusterfuck of the Russian "navy" headed to Tsushima and realize competence and the Russian empire went together like oil and water.
i fucking hate gorbachev
Yeah like remember that time in 1878 when the Russians were on the verge of their military holy grail of finally retaking Constantinople, and the mere sight of British ships in the Bosphorus caused them to roll everything back and scramble to Berlin to draw up a peace treaty? Y'know, the treaty where they actually ceded Cyprus to the British for no other reason than the Royal Navy had shown up on Russia's doorstep?
And then they became top 2 super power shortly after? Top 2, all time, militarily speaking.