*blocks you path*
*blocks you path*
"Pssh, get out of my sunlight, kid"
*masturbates behind you*
What is it about him, in particular, that makes him stand out among the so many other philosophers, that have come, and gone, in the 2000 years since he walked the earth?
Throws many types of lentils
He was the most autistic.
Philosophy is to be lived and he is the only one that had something you could live with. It's not like cynicism ever died as a practice, they just became crustpunks.
someone explain the cup analogy?
if you don't get it, you're low iq
*Give to him a Yotsuba manga*
*can't read future runes*
There's this one story of Diogenes I've read, but I haven't been able to find since.
>Diogenes of Sinope was berating some local customers of a brothel, publicly condemning and ridiculing their immorality and decadence as they walked in. Some of the visitors, probably hoping to shut him up, tossed him a few coins in charity. When Diogenes had finally collected enough, he took the coins and entered the brothel himself.
what a meme
>t. plato
your head is empty..
Plato's head was empty.. and he was supposedly "smart"
where does the emptiness originate? (where does it end?)
It's a bullshit analogy from what I can interpret.
>'there is only one 'idea' of a cup'
To me this means there is a singular understanding of a cup, this understanding being of the functionality of a cup, which in turn leads to the necessities of its design i.e. with a hollowed bowl. this is what i interpret to be 'cupness' from Plato's words as quoted by the picture.
>'i can see the cup on the table'
Diogenes can see the cup as it is a physical entity which can be observed with sight.
>'but a can't see the 'cupness''
Diogenes says this, seeming to me he is suggesting because there is a lack of a physical entity of 'cupness', he is refuting its reality. this to me suggests he has misunderstood Plato and is comparing the presence of the physical cup to the design concept which unifies all cups - this being the necessity to hold liquid in a hollow container, as I stated previously. this is what Plato refers to when he states 'you have eyes to see the cup', but 'don't have the intellect with which to comprehend cupness.'
>'you don't have the intellect with which to comprehend cupness'
When Plato says this he seems to be saying it in a condescending tone, but he is ultimately refering to 'cupness' as something which is of the mind - a concept - 'cupness' being the defining functionality of all things which could be referred to as a cup.
>'where is the emptiness which precedes this empty cup?'
Ok, I think what Diogenes is trying to do here is to suggest that there must be a 'concept' of 'emptiness' to first enable empty space to exist. To me this is a misled comparison, as 'emptiness', as defined as a lack of solid matter has no design prerequisite. It exists regardless. Replace air with vacuum or another gas, and there is no difference.
Tl;Dr: Diogenes has no idea what he's on about and is just an insane person saying meaningless ill-thought out things which make no sense with the intended effect of making himself sound smart.
>implying most of these sayings weren't simply just attributed to Diogenes after the fact
Fucking based
I hate that image of him. No way would he ever look like that. That is a man who has a surplus of calories and works out. In 2000 years I wonder what kind Hitler will look like? 6'4, muscles, blonde, great jaw.
>Diogenes shits in street
>"wow so based, he BTFO of society"
>hobos or indians shit in the street
>"unsanitary, why dont they use plumbing haha"
what path?