Can we have a thread on how other cultures viewed Westerners?
Any and all pictures, accounts, and anecdotes welcome.
Can we have a thread on how other cultures viewed Westerners?
Any and all pictures, accounts, and anecdotes welcome.
>hairy body
>pointy nose
>smoking tobacco
It's like a game of telephone
Alberto Barbosa in Benin
Japan really liked drawing pictures of Commodore Perry
thats not Alberto Barbosa
>sorry compulsory meme
what do they say?
pic is American ship from the Perry Expedition.
more Americans
>Chinese sketch of an English Sailor.
literally demonization
This looks like a marines ship from One Piece. I wonder if Oda took inspiration from period drawings.
It probably went like this: English sailors land, meet some peasants then leave. Artist arrives later, asks peasants how the English looked like. They tell them they had big noses, were covered in hair and blew smoke from their mouth. Using these bits of information he draws this thing.
>Fuck nigga those gaijin have weird eyes, like, do I make them bigger on the face, or droopy or what the fuck.
How arabs viewed whites
>their hair is lank and reddish because of the damp mists
you what mate
>Shut up Perry
lmao. I'll start saying that to every fatposting american I come across on /int/
... I'mma be real, I'm American Nationalist as fuck...
but you should totally do that. You old-world son of a bitch.
Sounds a lot like how the Greeks viewed Northerners too.
>skin is coarse
is it just a tradition for white people to not moisturize their skin
Their accounts get a boit weird at times.
>I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor kaftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all times. Each woman wears on either breast a box of iron, silver, copper, or gold; the value of the box indicates the wealth of the husband. Each box has a ring from which depends a knife. The women wear neck-rings of gold and silver. Their most prized ornaments are green glass beads. They string them as necklaces for their women.
>Ibn Fadlan, on the Rus merchants at Itil, 922.
Germanics having tatoos is cool though.
I only do it after shaving, we live in countries with a lot of mouisture in the air so there is no need.
You might be interested in the change in homicide rate in Europe. The homicide rate used to be 100 times higher in the middle ages, and about three times as high as in Detroit. People used to chop of the limbs of the executed and keep them as souvenirs, in England they played football with their heads occasionally.
Glad the Chinese could see through the eternal *nglo even back then
Portuguese traders.
>dude wtf is this bird
Look at those happy merchants.
>the farther they are to the north the more stupid, gross and brutish they are
this still applies to this very day!
Anglos are demons
>the homicide rate used to be 100 times higher in the middle ages, and about three times as high as in Detroit.
these are so fascinating.
must keep thread alive
The lack of sun means their hair doesn't get burnt black duh
hammer time
cargo cults allowed?
didn't click, reminder to hide/report clickbait spam.
Russian couple
Probable Greek soldier, woollen wall hanging, 3rd- 2nd century BCE, Sampul, Urumqi Xinjiang Museum
Why did Perry tell the Japs that America didn't have enough food?
That's fine, just know that I'll respond "You stupid catfish!"
>posting on /int/
You have to go back
>Shut up Perry.
Frenchman with a geisha
Sumo and American marines.
Sumo and foreigner.
>"these gaijin are gay as fuck"
I have never understood the Chinese conceit that white people = big noses. I lived in Hong Kong for five years and it's not like Chinese noses are particularly small. Shaped differently, sure, but really not that much smaller. Yet every time they drew Europeans they gave them these huge bulbous noses (still do, kinda). It's not even offensive to me, it's just stupid.
The weird eye shapes and excessive body hair I can understand, but not that.
>Mirin dat core strength
>Americans meeting with foreigners
>Americans aren't the fat ones
How times have changed
I dont know, it always looks to me like western noses are wider, maybe slightly longer to
Washington, apparently.
White noses are much bigger than Asian noses if you look at profiles.
Perry's ship and crew, with a black sailor looking like a literal monkey. Which reminds that one of the things the Americans offered as gift to the Japanese was a minstrel show.
Perry bowing.
Sumos really loved kicking gaijin ass.
Yeah, if you only look at profiles. Asian noses are flatter. Not smaller. I see plenty of Asian dudes and even some women who aren't exactly slacking in the nose department.
The ones that emphasize the ... sharpness, I guess () I can see more than the ones that are just giant and bulbous and elongated.
The five nations allowed to trade with Japan at the time.
>Their furthest north is Francia
>No one knows what's north of the twelve isles (presumably Denmark)
O i am laffin
Benjamin Franklin.
Woops, that should be in my Dastu-a Ron folder, not my Black Ships folder, sorry.
James Watt.
Western tourists.
The twelve islands are called the Islands of Barataniya, which shouldnt be hard to figure out as meaning Britannia
"Barataniya" and "Britain" don't sound as similar as you might think it does
semper fi
Probably a Northerner haha.
I read it in this voice.
hahaha benis
>Isabela as a japanese noble.
Funnt, but cool.
>Perry's ship and crew, with a black sailor looking like a literal monkey.
Japan has a... weird relationship with black folk.
The one black samurai of Japan.
>Nobunaga heard the noise from the temple where he was staying and expressed a desire to see him. Suspecting the black color of his skin to be black ink, Nobunaga had him strip from the waist up and made him scrub his skin.
>Satisfied that he was in fact black, Nobunaga seems to have taken a shine to him, and at some point, although when is not clear, he was either given (Japanese accounts indicate him presented to Nobunaga, although European accounts do not mention this) or allowed to enter Nobunaga's service.
>Yasuke fought alongside the Nobutada's forces for a long time but he eventually surrendered his sword to Akechi's men. They asked Akechi himself what to do with him. Akechi said that the black man was a beast and did not know anything, and furthermore, he was not Japanese, so they should not kill him but take him to the nanban-dera or nanban-ji (南蛮寺, literally the temple of the southern barbarians, how the Japanese referred to the Jesuit church).[7][11] It is said that the reason why Akechi spoke in such a manner was a form of taking pity on him, i.e. giving a clear reason why not to kill him. Black people were not discriminated against in Japan at this time; they were even admired, for the Buddha was often portrayed in black in Japanese temples.
Why I never see him on my historical animu?
>google this guy
>most of the results are "We Wuz" tier stuff.
Shame, sounds like an interesting story.
>It is said that the reason why Akechi spoke in such a manner was a form of taking pity on him, i.e. giving a clear reason why not to kill him. Black people were not discriminated against in Japan at this time; they were even admired, for the Buddha was often portrayed in black in Japanese temples.
Maybe it's just phrased awkwardly, but that sounds like bullshit: I doubt there had been many, if any, black people in Japan before him. And I don't speak Japanese so I can't check the source cited by wikipedia.
I think that's the main idea.
Sure, they considered him kinda ape-ish, but he left a good impression on Nobunaga, and everyone believed he was a pretty cool guy, and a wildcard, since Japan didn't meet black people before that.