Remember when whites were niggers?
Remember when whites were niggers?
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Prepare to be culturally enriched
Justice 4 Travorix Martoniccaelugix
Germanic tribes kept the Western Roman spirit alive for centuries. They established more or less succesful kingdoms in France, Iberia, Italy and North Africa and slowly let themselves be absorbed into Latinity; they forsook the Arian heresy and continued the Romans' legal endeavours. Charlemgane, king of the Franks, was the biggest sponsor of the Latin language during the Early Middle Ages, for instance.
Those are Dacians/Scythians, retard.
forgot pic lol
They've got the falx but then also they carnyxes, whose to say
does that means in a few hundred years after blacks destroyed the west, they will establish the most powerful countries on earth?
Heh. I never realized that the vikings were basically the niggers of the time. Looted shit, wanton pointless violence, poorly educated, loved rape, etc. But then, why are white nationalists all about vikings?
Western Roman Empire collapses in 476, give or take some decades.
A western European nation becomes a dominant global force again around 1492.
How does your post make any sense again?
I'd hate to be as hateful as you, OP.
I'm just joking. I don't hate any one.
>global force
Global forces didn't become a thing until Europeans turned to world conquest
before that it's just regional powers
>puny little roman mannlein getting wrecked apart by the BGC
Roman is wearing a reinforced galea, pteruges and a manica, and they're using dragon standards. It's most certainly the Dacian war.
I remember. Those were the good old days. I envy African savages. Their lives are probably more fulfilling and less alienating. Civilization was a mistake.
>putting Celts on the same level as G*rmanics
Get toqued my man.
>During the Roman Empire, the Romans used the word "barbarian" for many people, such as the Germanics, Celts, Gauls, Iberians, Thracians, Parthians and Sarmatians.
You can stop using the computer and go live in mudhuts in Africa right now, you know.
India and China.
Those were the only civilizations that mattered in antiquity.
Islam destroyed classical civilization in MENA, while the great migration (barbarians running around naked) happened in Europe. The only civilized empires remaining were the Byzantine and Sassanids.
It would take centuries for Europe to recover.
Tribal times call for tribal measures.
>Islam destroyed classical civilization in MENA
I wouldn't say that. Early Islam wasn't that detrimental to them. It was after the Mongol invasions only that they went full durka.
>Islam destroyed classical civilization in MENA
No, the Abbasid Caliphate 8th-13th century (ie Islamic Golden Age) was pretty civilized. Certainly didn't destroy. In most places they conquered, they simply conquered and let things go on while collecting jizya.
Muslims are directly responsible for plunging Europe into the "dark ages".
They took control of the medittereanian, hampering trade and economy of Europe. Instead of sailing for a few days, you had to walk for a month.
Muslims were like locusts, they even ruined the landscape of North-Africa which used to be fertile and exotic.
>""Islamic Golden Age""
holy shit you actually believe in that myth?
So, they were the sea people?
Are you retarded?
>Muslims are directly responsible for plunging Europe into the "dark ages".
the "dark ages" are a meme.
It may be exaggerated by some, but its not a myth. The time of the Abbasid Caliphate was indeed marked by a network of intellectuals facilitated by Arabic as lingua franca.
But after that dynasty, entropy happened over the entire Middle East
He's right though.
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Islam (3 hours)
>Muhammad the World's Most Evil Man?
>Evidence Muhammad was Demon Possessed
>Original Sources Koran Stole its Stories From
>Allah = Satan
>Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret
Stop being a Mudslime apologist and face reality.
They still are. You know how blacks get triggered over race? White people do too, often to a potentially genocidal degree.
The San people of the Khoisan race are living as badly as Native Americans do right now, if not worse. There are only around 90,000 pure ones left, their languages are dying out, Bantus and the Dutch/British decimated their populations and considered them subhuman for centuries, etc.
Are you sure about that?
North Africa was a desert before any civilization existed.
>they even ruined the landscape of North-Africa which used to be fertile and exotic.
>Muslims are responsible for natural desertification
San are the most subhuman humans on earth they have been in that paleolithic state before niggers even existed in Africa and are so dumb that they lost their territory to niggers in Central Africa.
>Why are white niggers all about white niggers
I wonder
>icing with niggers
It's a shame that traditional civilizations have been destroyed by Europeans. Conservative and traditionalist minded individuals should not support imperialism, as it only serves to enrich the cosmopolitan elites. But I guess when the civilization ball starts rolling it's do or die. Master civilization oneself or become extinct, but lose your soul int eh process.
and afterwards too
>carthage, lush
>rome, lush
>visigoths, lush
>sandniggers come and destroy infrastructure and don't know how to farm because they're nomads, turn the breadbasket of the empire into a fucking desert
>over 2000 years later and Romans are STILL mad
Are you fucking retarded? The Sahara was caused by the African plate colliding with the Arabian plate creating a mounyain range blocking moisture from the indian ocean resulting in a desert overtime.
Bu they are
You're an idiot.
You're spouting myths and things that never happened (except in your head).
>plate tectonics
>/pol/ saying da Arab man be keeping us down
Yes but that was counteracted by aqueducts and carefully managed water supply. Which the arabs ignored/destroyed.
no but listen Celts hit the Iron Age like a thousand years before sub-Saharan Africans did.
>Germanic tribes kept the Western Roman spirit alive for centuries.
Relevant youtube:
He also has some articles about the traditional economy, the change in the homicide rate etc.
>It may be exaggerated by some, but its not a myth. The time of the Abbasid Caliphate was indeed marked by a network of intellectuals facilitated by Arabic as lingua franca.
A network of fags re-reading the Koran and coming up rationalizations for what they want to believe has to be among the least usefull forms of academia.
Not all desertification is natural, the central US is being desertified because of the removal of herds grassing and stampeding.
No worse than "Artistotle said it! Can't contraddice!" and argue so hard about God's existence you come across as an atheist parody.
>"What's an Avicennas?"
>western european
we are south european, do not put us at the level of the fucking frogs, the disgusting anglos or the autistic krauts
The levels of shamelessness people go to. That picture is compete bs. That man is an actual doctor, more accomplished than pretty much everyone in this trap worshiping forum.
I don't mind banter, but slander is disgusting.
The Abbasid Caliphate's success as well as teh Umayyads before them were due to the high degree of Persian autocracy they borrowed as well as heavy investment in using Persians as bureaucrats and administrators.
Some other prime examples include literally the entire Australia, the Middle East, and potentially the Sahara.
not bs if it's true but you just don't like it being public knowledge cause it makes your religion look retarded.
>Germanic tribes kept the Western Roman spirit alive for centuries.
kys barbarianigger
>t. people that don't know anything about history
>implying that wasn't an exact quote
"It's okay to fuck goats but only if you slaughter it before selling it!"
Why is Islam the only abrahamic religion tolerant of bestiality? I've never gotten any answer from muslims that wasn't butthurt or WAAHHH MY WORD AND MY HADITHS OVERRIDE YOOOUUURRRRS.
it's easier to convince savage nomad herders of giving up drink and smoke than goat fucking.
Romans fucked up North Africa by importing camels, the Arabs did the same and further fucked it by importing goats.
Anyway, islam is a bedouin religion so it is not surprising that muslims turn their land into desert.
>Why is Islam the only abrahamic religion tolerant of bestiality?
It isn't. Under Sharia, bestiality is punishable by either stoning (if a person is married) or 100 lashes (if a person is not married). The only countries in which bestiality is a capital offence (Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE and Qatar) are Muslim countries
>The only countries in which bestiality is a capital offence (Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE and Qatar) are Muslim countries
None of those countries have statues against bestiality.
Also, bestiality is punishable by death in areas controlled by ISIS
>the sahara is the north african coast
Romans were white
The Britons called them the "black" people when they invaded the Isles under Caesar.
>and are so dumb that they lost their territory to niggers in Central Africa.
You're confusing them with Pygmies. Their race evolved in East Africa, and there are remnants of their people there to this day (Hadza). Also, Afrikaaner trash or self hating Bantu get out.
The youngest estimate is 800BC, the oldest is a whopping 2000BC. I doubt it was that far ago, but I could easily be wrong.
That's why its called a golden age...
You literally did not read what he said.
No, I put them upper
oh I see the crazy Christian link spammer from all the religious threads also spends his time vehemently hating muslims.
Good to see the caring, tolerance, kindness, and generosity that jesus taught is alive and well in you. I'm sure he'd be proud of what you do in his name. as they say, when someone strikes your cheek, turn the other cheek, and start a holy war. Everyone knows that ol' verse.
>implying he's not an atheist trolling the shit of you
2000 BC is the Bronze Age, and the article specifically mentions the radiocarbon dating method is probably unreliable in this case because of charcoal contamination.
>Three major issues were identified. The first was whether the material dated by radiocarbon was in secure archaeological association with iron-working residues. (Many of the dates from Niger, for example, were on organic matter in potsherds that were lying on the ground surface together with iron objects). The second issue is the possible effect of "old carbon" - wood or charcoal much older than the time at which iron was smelted. This is a particular problem in Niger, where the charred stumps of ancient trees are a potential source of charcoal, and have sometimes been mis-identified as smelting furnaces.
>Controversy flared again with the publication of excavations by Étienne Zangato and colleagues of their excavations in the Central African Republic.[13][14] At the site of Oboui they excavated an undated iron forge, for which they obtained eight consistent radiocarbon dates of 2000 BC. This would make Oboui the oldest iron working site in the world, and more than a thousand years older than any other dated evidence of iron in Central Africa. Opinion among African archaeologists is sharply divided.
>Some accept this interpretation, but it has also been suggested that Oboui is a highly disturbed site, with older charcoal having been brought up to the level of the forge by the digging of pits into older levels [15] Questions have also been raised about the unusually good state of preservation of metallic iron from the site.[16]
Besides, there's a big difference in production levels here.
>The large masses of slag (10,000 to 60,000 tons) noted in some locations in Togo, Burkina Faso and Mali reflect the great expansion of iron production in West Africa after 1000 CE that is associated with the spread of natural-draft furnace technology.
1000 CE
I did, he didn't say much except "muh accomplished doctor, such slander wow". You're just a faggot.