It seems silly that a politician HAS to be a good and charismatic speaker to succeed and his actual...

It seems silly that a politician HAS to be a good and charismatic speaker to succeed and his actual political/economical skill is secondary.

Are there any historical examples of people being god-tier politicians, but autists when dealing with actual people? I don't think so. Meanwhile there are shitton of charismatic politicians who fucked up royally

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In America especially, politics has become a showbuisness that attracts retards.

>Are there any historical examples of people being god-tier politicians, but autists when dealing with actual people?

Several early U.S. presidents.

Dan Quayle.

Otto von Goddam Bismarck for starters

good times make weak men
>inb4 /pol/

I'd say the vast majority of politicians in history not expected to lead armies of be elected democratically fit your criteria.

You're being dumb there's an entire political bureaucracy of bean counters toiling day in and day out

>Are there any historical examples of people being god-tier politicians, but autists when dealing with actual people?

Thomas Jefferson. He literally couldn't hold a speech.
>"When his arguments could not convince Wilhelm, Bismarck became excited and agitated until uncharacteristically blurting out his motive to see the bill fail: to have the socialists agitate until a violent clash occurred that could be used as a pretext to crush them."

Literally spilled his spaghetti.

Most politicians are shit orators in all reality. They fumble, make mistakes, make malapropisms constantly. Oratory in general is a dead skill in the Western world.


>good times make weak men

is a stupid meme with no basis in reality. The reason introverted weirdos like Jefferson and Madison were able to become president had nothing to do with "hard times." In fact they had cushy lives. It was because they only had to impress a handful of people in person.

Government exist because people allow them too. If a people live "good times", but don't actually feel like they live in good times, then whatever numerical measurements you use are irrelevant, the people are doing badly, and will seek to oust you. If they appear to be doing "badly," by your standards, but feel as if they are doing well, then whatever measurements you use are irrelevant, to the only people that matter for a government, the situation is fine.

well, that and they had the credentials of being public intellectuals who were behind the creation of the government itself, which was probably a plus in the eyes of the voters and electors at the time.

>Are there any historical examples of people being god-tier politicians, but autists when dealing with actual people?

This is a joke right

Didn't he do a speech where he kept saying "And that's all I have to say on the matter"?

>implying cicero, etc. never fucked up their words

Stalin was a horrendous orator, not that it mattered to his terrified population


Merkel. She comes across as an unlikable cunt, but there's a reason that Germans keep electing her over and over.

She's purged any dissenters within her own party and has the media shout down anyone who would dare oppose her, the police arrest anyone who has a little too much to think, and the legislature rig the system so that no one can bring about a grassroots campaign against her?

Self imposed guilt


#refugeeswelcome was a major league mistake.