Stop being a kulak.
Stop being a kulak
>>Stalin giving someone the choice to not be an enemy
Reported to the tootbrush commissar, your means of dental hygiene will be seized soon.
I'd like to see someone debunk this stalinist propaganda meme. This is Holocaust denier tier stuff.
Stalin definitely made the ukranian famine worse by ignoring it for the longest time possible.
Ignoring how?
found the kulaks
t. smelly manlet
nope its true
sorry lads, greedy ukrainians burned their own crop and then try to call it genocide when the starve
Ignoring what?
Actually happened user.
Stop sending people to kill me
Stop being a revisionist.
It wasn't "I'll collectivize the farms." it was "I'll send in Red Army officers and units into every village and steal every gram of grain from you, and seal off the country." which was effectively turning it into a concentration camp.
The drought that happened in 1933 really fucked it up more, but where this autistic meme is wrong is that in the first year (1932), there was no drought, Stalin just wanted to take all of Ukraine's food for Russia, because they were too lazy to grow it themselves. (Stalin also really hated Ukrainians, because of their individualistic tendencies. When the USSR was raking back its territory after Stalingrad, Stalon deployed many Ukrainian regiments while saying that "The more we kill now, the less we will have to send to the Gulags.")
The burning of the grain largely did not happen in the west or central Ukraine, it was happening in the east, heavily influenced by Russia to create more tension in the situation, and was done by communists to show how "rebellious" and "terrible" Kulaks and private property is.
Maybe go to school next time.
You're welcome brodie.
Why do Slavs constantly burn their own shit just to spite others? Happens every war with Russia too.
>All Slavs burn shit to spite others when at war with Russia.
Maybe when at war with Russia, Russia likes to spew bullshit for the whole world to believe.
Stop reading books
Also, many people did it because they genuinely loved Ukraine and they would have rather died than helped the filthy Russians that were trying to take other people's shit as they always did, and I guess they haven't changed.
>South Osetia
And listen to stat-owned international television.
t. იოსებ სტალინი
I love you Georgian male.
>collectivise all your shit
>force lysenko meme on your crops
>buy your now shitty grain for way less than it costs you to produce
>threaten sanctions when you eventually get sick of it
>be surprised uneducated peasants chimp out or want to sell some on the black market to subsist themselves
Yeah nice plan faggot
Oh wait it doesnt stop there
>gulag your farmers and let the rest starve
>now even more people in your country starve
Ebin, just absolutely ebin
Transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR by the Ukrainian Khrushchev.
>South Osetia
Combined into the Georgian SSR by the Georgian Stalin
also this:
>Responsible parties
Joseph Stalin (Georgian)
Vyacheslav Molotov (Russian)
Lazar Kaganovich (Ukrainian)
Pavel Postyshev (Russian)
Stanislav Kosior (Polish)
Vlas Chubar (Ukrainian)
>farms weren't collectivized
>there was no drought
>Stalin just hated ukranians lmao (ignoring the fact that starvation was widespread in the soviet union)
>people were just lazy lmao they need job creators to do things
>Ukrainians were individualistic stirnerites who did nothing wrong
this is some serious historical revisionism
droughts and famines happened all the time in Ukraine and never again once the farms had been collectivized, this is a fact
>and never again once the farms had been collectivized, this is a fact
46-47, it was mainly due to WW2 though.
Seems like a nice guy