Are credit cards a good idea or not? I like the cash back but they feel like a privacy breech.
Are credit cards a good idea or not? I like the cash back but they feel like a privacy breech
Discover is the only redpill credit card. Visa is Jewish. I don't know about mastercards though.
it's all jewish you fucking idiot, they INVENTED COMPOUND INTEREST way to fall for usury, are you even aware that Jesus chased them out of a temple with a whip for moneylending?
Credit cards were introduced in the 70s to hide the fact that real wages had gone into decline. Just a jewish game.
>buy thing with credit card
>get cash back
Seems kind of nice senpai.
It's a great tool. If you're not a dumbass and know how to manage money then you're good. Don't be one of those degenerate millineals that can't be trusted with money.
1. get no annual fee cashback card
2. pay balance in full every month
3. ???
4. profit
Goy, "free" money is always good for you
It's a good idea to have in case you need a loan quick. If you want to play the cash back game or not is up to you. Just using mine here and there (sometimes I have like 2 transactions on my monthly statement) got me like $1.5k free Amazonbux, so that's a pretty good deal I guess.
A lot of times I just use cash anyway. And I like to stock gift cards as well, since that's another way to keep some emergency funds on hand that isn't as much of a privacy violation if you do it right.
No, it's jewish crap.
just get bitcoin.
Chase is very good, but the discover cash back card is probably the best on the market. Just don't be a nigger and pay your shit on time. I've racked up around $1000 in free money by just using credit for most purchases
discover it cash and chase freedom unlimited here
I have a Discover IT for daily shit and the Chase Amazon for anything I can get on Amazon. With Prime it's 5% cash back and free shipping so I get damn near everything off of there.
Make a payment every 2 weeks when paid, never have interest or fees, get plenty of cash back. Literally no downside.
can you spend the cash back outside of amazon
Also have the Chase Amazon card. If you use it like a charge card and pay it off in full every month it is literally free money.
Yes, it's just the normal Chase Rewards system with the extra percent back on Amazon so very nice.
oy vey goyim why would we provide a loss-leading incentive like that except to destroy the competition and finally achieve True Communism?
>forgets about Chase Sapphire Preferred
You're both retarded, you can use the cash back on anything including a statement credit.
Doesn't matter. That's just further incentive to build cartels. I mean I don't blame you for noticing a good deal, but the true purpose is to stomp out the little players.
And I don't give a shit as long as I'm personally benefiting from it.
Exactly. Just like giving a nigger free gibs.
It's very good for convenience, but not paying your debts before interest starts being applied is retarded
>something which enables people to live beyond their means and rack up massive debts
Never fall for the credit Jew. Only buy things you have the money to afford and you'll never have to worry about money.
You can do that with a credit card and get cash back plus additional consumer protections.
Gtfo faggot.
Go do your market research somewhere else. We're not your personal pool of edgy millennials.
>buy something with credit card
>get your bonus points/reward/cash back
>immediately pay it off to avoid interest
Except most people just see it as 'free money', and end up putting themselves so far into debt that they'll never escape it. The interest alone ruins people's lives.
If you're not retarded about money, a credit card can be a pretty good tool when you're a poorfag and sometimes you need something to take up the slack or absorb the unexpected. Want to have your water shut off or suck it up and pay pocket change interest on your water bill?
Sadly a lot of poorfags don't seem to use the experience to learn how to manage themselves and instead just dig themselves in to a hole.
Why not just tattoo "GOY" on your forehead?
There are other ways to build credit without submitting to the impulsive Jew.
>they feel like a privacy breech
>he says as he posts all his innermost thoughts and questions on an NSA honeypot website
Also, /pol/ needs to go back
Discover hodler here and they just sent me today cash back that they matched from this past year of $262. So, $524 I'm cash back this year just on that card for buying shit I would normally have bought anyways. Feels good. Going to buy $262 in XRP on the dip.
ah it's nice to see /pol/ is still here/s
This. Get a Shift or Bitpay Visa card. If you're an ETHfag, get Tokencard too