Why do Americans call their independence war a Revolution?
Why do Americans call their independence war a Revolution?
picture intentionally shitty btw
You might want to look up what the term "Revolution" meant at the time in the English-speaking world. Try looking up the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 and what went on there.
They are literally different things.
Military action = war of independence
american revolution= the politics of it
Pretty radical politics for its time
Wars of independence usually are revolutions.
Seems to me "war for independence" implies the existing power structures and institutions stayed in place but just became separated. Which is definitely not what happened - the government was overthrown and a new one established.
It's called the Revolutionary War because the time period it's in was the American Revolution.
Nope. Had Britain won, blacks would've been freed much earlier.
Because the word "revolution" had, and has, a more general scope of meaning than the conventional leftist/Marxist parlance with which it is now commonly associated, especially as the latter did not exist at the time of the event in question.
Nothing too radical about that. Especially when all of Europe tried to put down democratic revolutions for half a century.
Short answer is propaganda.
No. It's called the American Revolutionary War Period and is abbreviated to any combination of the three in the US itself.
I suppose another good reason is that most British loyalists left (were chased) to Canada but honestly this period is as close to myth as Americans get.
simply as that's precisely what it was, you were on the out, and we were on the up, a new form of government, no Kings, only free men, providing for themselves a self determinate form of government, divorced of the shackles of the old world!
except niggers
fuck niggers
Most people call their wars for independence revolutions. Why should Americans be different?
we set the mold on proper revolutions
idk depends if they declared independence and united kingdom or the usa attacked each other, or if a internal rebellion erupted and created the usa
it was a little of both
Go to bed Hannah Arendt
I doubt it
It established a republican form of government. Sorta like French revolution but unlike them, they succeeded.