>Daytrading is impossible, nobody makes money that way
>TA is just a meme
I just made 55% trading DGB on a downtrend without shorting.
Stay poor hodlers.
>Daytrading is impossible, nobody makes money that way
>TA is just a meme
I just made 55% trading DGB on a downtrend without shorting.
Stay poor hodlers.
congrats op
We dont want user to daytrade.
We want user to hodl.
Delet this.
Yet again hodlers BTFO
I've made thousands of dollars daytrading this weekend while greedy hodlers were getting cucked.
Daytrading isn't recommended because idiots will try it, fail and then come here to complain.
>Daytrading is impossible, nobody makes money that way
You've got to understand that people just say this to make themselves feel better.
It doesn't just apply to daytrading it applies to anything that most people fail at.
Holding long is the best strategy with how volatile coins get, just look at ETH perfect example if you where to attempt a (((daytrade))) approach you would of sold at $100, wait for the dip that never came and find yourself buying back in at a much higher price than what you bargained for.
Gz on your pathetic 0.1 BTC.
Your rolled the dice for one day, to gain 0.1 BTC and now you are professional trader.
STFU you stupid little faggot, come back when you are playing with adult money and over an actual period of time.
You completely dense little faggot.
Daytrading only works with small amount of money because then there will always be available shares to buy. Get back to me when you can sell off a 100 k worth of DGB in an instant.
Also, even if you did make money, you are still killing a coin by day trading it and discourage people from actually looking for a good longterm project.
So i guess, if you have 10 k to blow, and shit coin to abuse, go ahead.
Ive made more money selling platinum in warframe. About 6k USD in a month. Stupid fag.
Ppl hold because they have actual jobs and don't sit around in moms basement all day on their gaming machine.
>made 100 dollars in 2 weeks of daytrading
People aren't irrational. When they get so mad at someone else experiencing success, it's because it challenges their perception of the world. See
You are too lazy for a real job. You are only making this thread to brag and feel better about yourself. You can't accept that life is hard and hard work is the only way to sustain yourself.
Ask your mom to buy an extra tendie the next time you scream at her.
lul, me not being a pro trader was kinda the point of the post
thats why i only trade with 0,5btc per coin max
>0,12btc = 100$
8 days, 3hours of work put in total
i have a full time job as well and no its not shitcoin trading
>martingale is not profitable
Lol I've been applying martingale at the casino for a week now and I'm up $1000.
How come you sold at -4% loss that one time?
Saw some bearish signals i think, and sold to avoid bigger loss, don't want to get stuck holding for a long time... bought back in when it broke resistance and got 11% back.
>buy at 1000
>breaks support and goes down to 600
>make that feel guy thread screaming about how you bought high and sold low
Remember me when you get wiped out.
enjoy Uncle Sam ass raping you at your marginal tax bracket
>312USD in 8 days
>312/8 = 39 dollars a day
>Day trading is worth it