What is true capitalism?
What is true capitalism?
Well unlike state socialism it doesn't conflate an economic system with a system of government like some image macros do.
If you want a real answer its an abstraction based around some tried and true principles of economics. There are less pure forms of it but there is no pure form
Leopold was a good, charitable man though.
It was all the admins who fucked shit up and he got the blame.
Except capitalism at least has examples of success, unlike Communism
>Leopold the second
At least it's not hitler or Hirohito
a class gap is not an example of success
Never been tried - for a while. What we call capitalism in the 20th is actually statism.
>What is true capitalism?
Doesn't seem like true capitalism.
>implying the state isnt just an extension utilized by companies to gain competitive advantage
Loving every laugh
Yes, there's such a massive class gap in Sweden, Switzerland, Finland etc.
No, but maybe everything else is, pal
Don't bother, commies are literally still mentally stuck in 19th century and think modern capitalism is some Dickensian sweatshop parade.
Pinochet did nothing wrong
t. commie faggot
Capitalism has been tried many times, it sometimes goes awry, it often goes well.
I don't know what sort of butthurt-fueled "deflection" that lefty made that image for.
>random dictators and monarchs are "capitalist"
lmao, commies so desperate for a rebuttal for their ideology always resulting in mass murder
>King Leopold
>"mercenaries "
>not indigenous troops who simply continued to carry out their cultural practices when tasked with policing indigenous workers
Why is it capitalism's fault that Africans who were routinely massacred and eaten by their cannibalistic neighbors continued to be massacred and eaten by their cannibalistic neighbors while Belgian capitalists improved the rubber production capacity of the region?
Seems pretty silly to me.
God. damn. commies are retarded
>chilean army
>not a helicopter
The term "capitalism" and the body of thought that encompasses the ideology we call "capitalism" is really much older than capitalism itself
I mean, you got folks like Smith and Hume pushing values and morals that today we associate with such, but they didn't call it capitalist ideas, they called is moral philosophy, like anyone else called their stuff.
Capitalism, at least the term and how we speak of it, pretty much begins with the left. Not capitalism itself, the actually existing system of production, just, y'know, saying the word and putting values on it. Louis Blanc first uses it as we use it today, but it didn't catch on right then and there. Marx ends up using "capitalist mode of production", a meatier way of saying, well, capitalism. Contrast this with later theorists, for instance Lenin, who almost never use "capitalist mode of production". By the early 20th century, folks in the left were pretty comfortable just saying "capitalism", perhaps as a shorthand.
This is very different from how 19th century mainstream economists spoke of capitalism. There was capital, there was values and morals alongside it, but you didn't call it capitalism. You called capital capital, you called free markets free markets, you called moral philosophy moral philosophy. It's not until late, little bits here and there before the second world war and a bunch of popular economic figures after the war, that one says that they believe in "capitalism."
I suppose it formed in reaction to socialism. Implicit ideology wasn't cutting it, it's hard to prosletyze, but explicit ideology is a lot easier to write on, Which, well, socialism was, and capitalists had to keep pace with the ideological arms race.
So to answer the question: there is no true capitalism. The development of the term did not allow for something like marxism, which began with a very explicit eschatology for which a "true" communism be defined. Capitalists had what they had, and that was capitalism enough.
*much younger
not older.
>What is true capitalism
a regulated but free market that does not harm the citizens.
pic related ( as far as economics )
The "free-market" must first become free from social regulations. Allow people to treat land, labour and currency as products in and of themselves.
Worst part of this macro is some liberal arts nigger circle jerking about some obscure strike breakers meme among communist but abusing the truth about Leopold. Western leftist continually show themselves to only care about being a lens of criticism on groups they and me consider myself to be apart of rather than any sort of real continuity with communism
Surprised that no one has posted this yet.
Free from economic privilege.
There is literally nothing wrong with a class gap, so long as people are able to move freely between the classes throughout their lifetime. For example a rich man has the capacity to go bankrupt, while a poor man has the capacity to become rich.
these memes are retarded, most people dont care if you kill a few if the economy thrives
2 of the three are literal social democracies
Doesn't mean shit, they're all explicitly capitalist and their governments openly support free markets and private ownership.
Social democracy is socialism v0.5 senpai. Read up on the Nordic model
>Working class pregnant women
>Not inoccent
Behind only Japan in economic growth.
Best podcast
A system of voluntary exchanges of goods and services between two or more entities.
>leopold's kongo
with the *possible* exception of Pinochet, none of those people would have realistically responded that they were "doing capitalism"
When Nordic countries do something /pol/ likes
>aryan capitalist utopia
When Nordics do something /pol/ doesn't like
>muslim commie cucks
Nah, even Pinochet wouldn't have answered capitalism. All of them except Leopold would have answered "anti-Communism" which is a valid answer desu.
A system that seems to work fine locally, but becomes disastrous when you scale it up.
Mixed markets aren't the same as free markets.
literaly need to cheery pick 4 guys who killed couple of thousands of people while there are hundreds of capitalist states that dont kill people and like every commie state killed people most of them milions
Pinochet didn't give a shit about economics, he just let the advisors do what they wanted. He even declared admiring Stalin once.
>can people own capital goods?
>if yes, capitalism
>if no, not capitalism
It's really that simple.
They were not innocent, they were comunists
Hong Kong or Singapore
Benevolent dictatorship plus complete economic freedom
Needs more helicopters.
Private ownership of the means of production.
Wage labor.
Production of commodities.
the most recent historical phase, into which mankind has transcended after the liberation of the means of production by the industrial revolution and the daily wage. Capitalism, as an economic system, is also transforming the relations between the production factors and the superstructure of the society.
No country has a truely free market, so that point is moot.
Except for the fact that Nordic countries the most amount of economic freedom in the world...