>historical movie in any given time period and setting
>mostly germanic actors + speaking british-english
why is this allowed?
Historical movie in any given time period and setting
Other urls found in this thread:
>set in Revolutionary France
>English accents
> he only watches Mel GibsonĀ“s Passion of the Christ
>set in Ancient Egypt
>english with british accent
are there any other movies that are linguistically accurate? Reconstructed dead languages and all? I really did appreciate the Passion doing it
>historical movie in any given time period and setting
>mostly germanic actors + speaking british-english
>dubbed in spanish by a mexican
release me from this body
well...Apocalypto, at least partially
>germanic actors
I think you meant to say Jewish.
> arguably the best movie ever made about the spanish conquest
> in german
> mfw
Those English speaking actors with Germanic faces pull in lots of ticket sales. Most people don't go see a movie with a historical setting because they care about history. They go watch Troy because the men want to be Brad Pitt, and the women (and some of the men) want to fuck Brad Pitt. That's it. The studio could demand completely authentic looking cast with the correct approximate races portrayed and teach them all how to speak roughly authentic sounding ancient dialect's, bit those actors would not be Hollywood blockbuster actors, and alot of people wont read subtitles to save thier lives or they will complain about it. It's pure (((Hollywood))) coin counting. There are exceptions every great while, but this is the rule. That's why Christian Bale is Moses, and Matt Damon fights dragons in China. Americans wont go out and see big budget movies with no-name actors they have never heard about. This isn't independent art-house movies in talking about, I'm talking about the big budget shit.
this makes me sad.
>with no-name actors they have never heard about
Why was Star Wars so immensely popular when it came out then? The actors were absolute nobodies at that point. You're basically confusing the demand with the supply, since Hollywood in the past 20 years just abandoned any sort of experimentation and just went with completely safe strategy. But it really isn't about maximizing profits as it is about minimizing losses, in short the Hollywood execes have became pussies.
I watched the Netflix Rome show Italian dubbed/english subbed because it was closer to Latin. am I the only one this autistic?
The setting. Put Luke, Han and Leia in the story and situations, but set in Rome, the Wild West or WW2 and nobody would have cared for the film. The cool scifi setting is what made Star Wars.
>you will never watch a movie taking place in Ancient Egypt with an all Egyptian cast speaking reconstructed Egyptian language thus BTFOing afrocucks and white-washers alike
why even live?
>The studio could demand completely authentic looking cast with the correct approximate races
>implying Achilles wasn't white and had blond hair
Even Homer says so.
Not really. By the time Star Wars came out sci-fi was already going out of fashion, if anything Star Wars revived the interest.
Tutankhamun was R1b. Ramesses II has shockingly red hair.
I'm afraid you're really doing a disservice to the ethnic diversity of ancient Egypt, a truly epic civilization that for a long time used chariots. Ok?
My face when they picked Russell Crowe to portray an ancient Hispanian. My face when the scene when the crowd at the coliseum yells at him "Spaniard, Spaniard!" instead of "Hispanian, Hispanian!".
what should the average ancient Hispanian have looked like?
Undeniably a better casting choice
>Tutankhamun was R1b.
I'm not really a geneticist but from my understanding, the implication that he's European or related to Europeans is very shaky at best. Made by some private company to sell their DNA testing kit.
>Ramesses II has shockingly red hair.
Yeah, it happens in North Africa with berbers rarely so its not too much of a surprise.
>I'm afraid you're really doing a disservice to the ethnic diversity of ancient Egypt, a truly epic civilization that for a long time used chariots. Ok?
Point taken though. Throwing in some ethnic berbers and others too. The goal is accuracy
Why do they take literally one persons word (same guy who omitted paternal genetic data from his publication) as truth?
>simply impossible
So like a Moor then? You fucking SJW. Movies have but one purpose: To make money, thus to appeal to a certain audience. And said audience needs a relatable character. The more he resembles the audience in looks and manners, the more he is relatable.
>The more he resembles the audience in looks and manners, the more he is relatable.
So why aren't actors in American movies all fat mouth breathers?
Assassins Creed Unity
I want to see the Trojan war done with the heroes looking more like they did in the Bronze age.
Wasn't diomedes clean shaven?
Make your own movie industry.
because it's exotic enough while still being english
homer never went into details like that