Why do they not have any culture?
Why do they not have any culture?
Other urls found in this thread:
Germans are worse than niggers
culture is racist you fucking nazi
They do; however, viKANGZ culture is truly pathetic, and should not be glorified.
Germany is a meme country created against France in the first place, there is no such thing as German culture, but there are Germanic cultures like Bavarian culutre, the Saxon culture, the Thuringian culture and so on
There isn't even a human culture. There are just people doing things. It's not like Germany had been united for more than 1000 years in the HRE.
Why don't you ever have sex?
Are you an American or some other post-colonial?
I'm ausfag and the more I learn about history, countries and their cultures and regions the more I think all countries are meme countries.
Germany is as artificial as France, Italy, Russia etc. Not any Balkans countries though, they're legit memes.
The HRE was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural clusterfuck including French, Bohemians, Lombards, Bavarians Flemish, Frisian, Swabians, Burgundians and so on
their culture is one of the world's best.
Why are you shitcunt e-niggers hell-bent on ghettoising Veeky Forums?
It was dominated by Germans (90%+) though (in fact in order to be crowned emperor one had to be crowned king of the Germans first). And it was united. My point stands, your does not. You're just making shit up.
>90% Germanic
Pick one
>Rhine area
>Not German
>Eastern Germany
>Not German
However that map displays the HRE almost at its greatest extant. The fact that it managed to expand its territory doesn't make it less German or less united (in terms of "Germanic" heritage, Burgundy and Lombardy would count actually)
Eastern Germany was always a bunch of Germanized Slavs and Balts.
Lombardy stopped having any germanic heritage virtually after the 7th century, connecting more and more with the french occitania, everything east of the elbe river was slav or germano-slav at best until 13th century, and southern burgundy only saw partial germanification through the 13th to 15th century in western switzerland
People were actually settling there, there was a boom in settlements in the Middle Ages. Germans settled as far as Romania back then.
(I don't know if you're implying that there are some a kind of magical, 'pure' European peoples, but there are really none)
>>Rhine area aka Ripurarian Frank-Gaulish area is Germanic
>Eastern Germany aka Sorb-Kashubian areas are Germans
>in terms of "Germanic" heritage, Burgundy and Lombardy would count actually
GerMEMEny everyone
You can't suddely stop having Germanic heritage. Both culturally and genetically it'd evolve. And the term Burgundy dates back from when the Germanic Burgundians were resettled in that area as Roman foederatis.
>can't differentiate between German and Germanic
>posting on a history board
>has still not commited suicide
Sure the germanic burgundians did settle that area, but with they underwent a gaulisation first, for a good couple centuries, and then with the frankish conquests, you really can't say there was anything germanic left in them except for irrelevant 1/whateverillion of blood, which isn't even as relevant as culture anyway
Sure northern Italy was originally (in part) gaul, and then later got settled by germanics, be it visigoths and longobards, but it was only the ruling class, the vast majority of the population was still very heavily latinised gauls, and the germanic cultural heritage of the longobards was lost as quick as it came
>calling a country a meme
>posts meme
If you can't make an argument, post an image! Very clever.
mfw *erman are bastards
That's very speculative there. And by that logic, Frankish conquests should have actually regermanized the 'gene pool', so to speak. Or you're implying that the Germanic tribes were so negliable in numbers that they wouldn't have influenced the regions they conquered, which then in return would diminish France's claim to Frankish heritage. Yet, in most regions the Germanic heritage was still prevelant for the longest time, especially in terms of names. I think the distribution of nordic features gives a proper impression of the real extant and impact of the migration period. So for Italy/Burgundy 1/4 - 1/3.
Are you Muslim by chance? Because Europeans don't take pride in incestuous associations.
>their region is named after a Germanic tribe, that must mean they're Germanic
Reminder that Lombardy just has that name because it's where Pavia, the capital of the Lombard Kingdom (that was all over the peninsula) was located.
Are you implying France isn't actually Frankish?
Pick one
Why you are so obsessed over the fact the Franks have Germanic origins? And why is your English so bad? Germans and Germanic peoples have different meanings.
They don't since they aren't I-Germanic but R1b-Celt and J2-Trojan
>Germanic DNA
>include R1a(Slav + Indo-Aryan)
>include R1b(Celts)
>include I2(Balkans)
>include I1(Scandinavian)
Celtic mainlands were teutonicimbri clay and short of Rome and English interruption remains to be so
Not him, but they're not all ethnically Frankish. Culturally however, yeah. Parisian culture is a version of Frankish
>doesn't know what haplo subclades are
So how come that noone has picked up on your findings yet? Even the Franks couldn't care less obviously, bearing Germanic names and speaking a Germanic language, emerging from Germanic territory.
If the Germanic mixed with everyone, doesn't make that make all others "mongrels" as well? How old are you btw?
>Doesn't know what Ancestry and Race mean
Poles are a Race(R1a)
French are a Race(R1b)
Danes are a Race(I1)
Germans aren't a Race(1a + I2 + R1b + R1a)
this is a new low, even for his
Yes, that's kinda true, but not for the reason you think. Germans are indeed mixed with Slavs, Italics and Celts going by some of their subclades.
Pro-tip: That haplotype is part of subclass R1b-U106 which is most common in West Germanic countries but rare in la Frons
Germans obviously have their own culture.
Culture is the art, music, food, customs and traditiona of a people.
Germans do all those things. Slap on some lederhosen and stuff some schnitzel in your mouth listening to Bach or yodeling and there ya go: german culture
I'm specifically talking about culture, not genetics, and language is one of the main indicators of culture: to this day, northern italian dialects contain heavy elements of french language, and in medieval times, the occitanese poetic culture was the main source of inspiration for italian writers, from the sicilians of the 11th century to Dante. As far as the french/german divide in Burgundy goes, suffices to say, google "röstigraben"
This one, right?
>Drawing the city of bern and the central cantons of switzerland red.
Nah nigger, you applied that red paint a little too generous
>don't know what culture is
K e k
I'm not the one who painted the map
However (unrelated), I'm the one who posted this:
And I wanted to add, in response to this:
that most probably the blue eyes percentage in northern italy is more to attribute to gaulish heritage than german heritage
second time I'm responding to you (not-drawer-of-map-guy), keep forgetting to make full posts:
In medieval times burgundian (french) heritage went up as far as the Aar river, since about the 13th century a phenomon started, that is still active today, of german language and culture pushing against french, and gaining terrain
one more addition: that is, in Switzerland. Lorraine/Lotharingia is a whole other matter, for example
It is Belgea Gaul
There's not all that much in Gaul and it peaks in the West Germanic areas where Franks came from.
>where Franks came from
They came from Pannonia or Troy m8
Not there
And Merovingians were J2, my haplogroup
>The most common R1b subclade in England is R1b-S21 ("Germanic"), which is common in the North Sea areas such as the Netherlands and Denmark.
>This subclade is defined by the presence of the SNP U106, also known as S21 and M405.[1][67] It appears to represent over 25% of R1b in Europe.[1] In terms of percentage of total population, its epicenter is Friesland, where it makes up 44% of the population.[68]
Schizophrenic French germaphobe:0
>Het Y-chromosomale haplotype van individu 15 is relatief zeldzaam in Nederland waar het slechts bij 0,14% van 2085 onderzochte mannen voorkomt. In Eurazie komt het bij 0,26% van 49147 onderzochte mannen voor en in de hele wereld bij 0,27% van 89237 onderzochte mannen. Dit haplotype valt onder de Y HAPLOGROEP J2A1.Het mt haplotype van individu 17 komt vrij algemeen voor in heel Europa. Omdat van individu 15 niet de gehele HVR1 getypeerd kon worden, kunnen we niet vaststellen wat de frequentie van dit haplotype is
>Dit haplotype valt onder de Y HAPLOGROEP J2A1.Het mt haplotype van individu 17 komt vrij algemeen voor in heel Europa. Omdat van individu 15 niet de gehele HVR1 getypeerd kon worden, kunnen we niet vaststellen wat de frequentie van dit haplotyp
Merovingians were J2, Franks confirmed as TROJANS
Lmao not only do germans not have a culture, they are not even a real people
Fucking mongrels
>that most probably the blue eyes percentage in northern italy is more to attribute to gaulish heritage than german heritage
But there is an obvious correlation between Northern Europe and light features. Note that France is a rather 'dark' country when it comes to those features. So either the total amount of Gauls was historically very, or they have almost completely vanished.
one (1) individual had haploshit J2a1
Do you even understand the text you posted
I guess OP's mum was germanized last night by this chap
20 bodies were found 4-5 were analyzed and all were J2
Germans and their Germanic neighbors are the most civilized people on the planet.
>starting two world wars
they are white niggers
>starting two world wars
this triggers the snowniggers
At the time of this map Elbe basin was Slavic
During the migration period, all the Germani left Germany and were later replaced by huns and Slavs.
The original Germani tribes were noted for their reddish hair and blue eyes, they were a lazy people who slept a lot and gave the women all the work while they occasionally went to war with neighbouring tribes to gain what they needed by fighting rather than through farming. They were a chaste people who remained virgins until much later in life.
All of this is a stark contrast from the Germans we know today who have sex early, love to work, are obsessed with efficiency and productivity and have mainly blonde hair and blue eyes in the north (a result of Scandinavian admixture) and black/brown hair in the south with brown eyes.
t. Tacitus Germania
I was about to call a checkmate on myself and give this point to you, then I started googling "blue eyes in europe" and yours is one of about 4 or 5 main maps that I can find, and I can't really tell which one comes from a better source, since they all seem to come from blog-tier sites, but what I noticed in the maps is that all, except yours,show france in general having more blue eyes incidence than northern italy
You realize Tacitus had a very positive view of the Germanic people and their values?
Or maybe that was just made up. And Scandinavians are Germanic, too.
>At the time of this map Elbe basin was Slavic
It was sparsely populated by Slavic tribes, that were either getting replaced, killed, enslaved or incorporated by huge waves of German settlers. Note that, unlike in France, the population in the HRE experienced a massive growth. Most cities in Germany date back from that time.
He gives them a noble savage quality but ultimately they are portrayed as lesser compared to "the glory of Rome".
>Scandinavians are Germanic, too.
Scandinavians are haplotype I. They're a whole different species compared to R1b who are commonly found in areas with highest red hair and blue eyes concentration.
'my' map shows that the distribution of blue eyes is very prevelant in Northern France (75%) compared to 25% in Northern Italy.
>Scandinavians are haplotype I. They're a whole different species
Lmao what the fuck man? Different species? You realize your haplogroup is just paternal marker?
and I'm saying that, amongst the other couple maps I could find whilst googling "blue eyes", all of which appear to have the same degree of credibility, "your" map (as in, the map you posted, no need for this silly play of quotation marks), is the only one showing northern italy as having a greater incidence of blue eyes than france
They're not a different species, and they're Germanic. You get entangled in random historical accounts of "Germani" and actual Germanic peoples.
There's like 50,000 years of divergence between modern I and R.
You're just illiterate. My map uses darker colors for Italy, but the legend clearly says 25%.
A pure I Scandinavian looks very different from a Southern German. Yet you would classify them as both "Germanic".
No you're fucking retarded, I'll make it easier for you
1) Your map shows northern Italy as having a higher % of blue eyes than france
2) I google "blue eyes" and find about 5 maps, one of which is yours
3) Your map is the only one showing northern Italy with a higher percentage of blue eyes than France
4) All maps I found have the same degree of credibility, or source-value
Is it clear now?
Uh Okay? Your y-dna Haplogroup doesnt have any effects on your appearance or personality though, let alone making someone part of a different species lmao. You seemed to be confused about what it actually is
nevermind I've been reading your comments completely wrong IM retarded
but in this case what was the point of showing that France has a relatively low amount of blue eyes? It does not contrast with the thesis that northern italy gets its blue eyes manly from gaul heritage
Yes, of course. Germanic tribes interbred with all kinds of people in the course of the expansion of their tribal territories. Celts, Slavs, Balts, Alpine peoples, even Arabs and Semites in Northern Africa and the levante (and with jews of course). If Mr. Hausmann is French or German is merely a thing of ancestry but of culture at that point. And here comes the magic: This applies to all of Europe and the boundaries are fluid. Poles are just as Germanic and Baltic as Germans and Balts are Slavic, Spaniards just as French and Portugese, as the French and Spanish etc.
>Your y-dna Haplogroup doesnt have any effects on your appearance
True, if you're as mongrelized as modern Germany is and your paternal and maternal lines weren't kept pure over the centuries you would look very little like your ancestors.
But there are some places in the world where you will find people with similar features who share the same haplotypes, that's because they're related and usually descend from the same family.
>or personality
Yeah ok. All those writers and people who believed red heads were hot tempered or that blonde people are promiscuous were just collectively making it up for thousands of years as a secret way to spite your feelings.
No. There are many isolated pockets of people in Europe who are still remnants of their ancestors and have not been mixed into oblivion like most Europeans have.
>thread about culture
>turns into internet haplogroup scientist discussion
I have no idea, but I think Germanic heritage is more prevelant that Gaulish heritage, if there is any. It's hard to prove anyway, since Northern Italy has now been a prime destination for immigrants from Europe for over centuries.
Do you believe Ireland is Germanic?
Yeah, sure. But this applies to Germany as well. But statistically, it doesn't matter so much after all. Why should I not take pride in my French and German heritage? What's wrong with that?
THis is bs anyway
The whitest part of Italy is the French part(Val d'Aost)
Not an argument, that was "Muh feels, fuk germany for keepin me down muhda fuka" the post.
Post one
Just ONE
Scientific Study that shows correlation between Y-dna haplogroups and personality or physical features. Pro tip: there are zero
The y-chromosome is deformed and the smallest of all chromosomes it carries no relevant genetic information other than determining your sex.
A Haplogroup is just a marker, An R1b and I1 person can be half brothers for christ sake.
Also Genetically autosomal wise Germans and French are practically brothers, so if you shit on them you're essentially putting yourself down germanic frank
northern Italy was home to gaul tribes (It was called Gallia Cisalpina for that reason) for centuries before the romans came, and saw succeeding centuries of roman domination, then a couple germanic military expeditions from the visigoths and the longobards, I find it hard to believe the latter has prevalence over the former
comparing apples to pears now, desu, we were talking about blue eyes. And in this map we can see that the absolute whitest parts are the one with the most french (Aosta) and german (south tyrol) heritage, and that gaul and etruscan Italy (green) has more blonder hair than latin Italy, but less than french and german - influenced Italy, so I'm not sure what your point is
>Also Genetically autosomal wise Germans and French are practically brothers,
SNP-wise French are linked to Ancient Near-Easterners like Hitties and Trojanjs
>so if you shit on them you're essentially putting yourself down germanic frank
Pick one
Pick two
So, Turks?
>making up stuff
How do you know what SNPs the Hittites and Trojans carried?
I believe Ireland is Ireland. I'm not even sure what you're asking me. See answer below.
Because Germany and France are political boundaries, not racial ones. They don't show your family ties and your own people.
>Pro tip: there are zero
James Watson got kicked out of science for suggesting that DNA affects race and behaviour.
You really believe that modern academia would allow, fund and take notice of a study which proves our racial ancestry makes us different from each other in very noticeable, defining ways both physically and mentally?
That would disrupt their ultimate goal of creating a one world government.
>DNA affects race and behaviour.
Yes it does, you are right.
Unfortunately you're referring to something completely different. I'm specifically talking about the y chromosome which you dont seem to comprehend is entirely different from the rest of your complete genetic background.
You'll find dozens perhaps thousands of studies correlating DNA and behavior.
You will not find a single study correlating Y-dna and behavior or anything else.
>I believe Ireland is Ireland. I'm not even sure what you're asking me. See answer below.
But why does the most Celtic country applies the most to your idea of Germans? (red haired)
He is a schizophrenic troll that's why