Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
I dont browse anything else on Veeky Forums
>country flags might be cool
But people would just proxy somalia and beg for btc
Insta IP ban for begging posts.
And giveaway posts.
And remove the posts asap.
remove discord shills
/biz used to be about helping each other make money, not making money off each other's loss
Ive browsed biz for years it has just the right amount of board traffic imo, discussions can pop off but shit wont be spammed out of existence too fast.
People will always shill, no way to prevent it.
Obviously we should find a way to integrate crypto INTO the board even a simple btc donation for gook moot or a biz meetup would be a start.
By transforming Veeky Forums into a decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC) with its own digital currency allowing us to tip one another for leads, memes, and quality shitposts.
flags to identify pajeet shills easier
coin flags
Pajeet ban
Get rid of obvious pajeet shills that make several threads for a single coin and begging threads.
>flags so you can spot pajeets and canadians
>a mod that is actually part of Veeky Forums not just some random reddit tier contributor that fills up the application
Perma ban for anyone that mentions cryptos
95% of all threads are for shitcoins, this needs to stop.
Apart from country flags, I think we should introduce user accounts like on a real forum, so that we can see who's posting and detect scammers and shills
Also, each user must have karma so we can see if he's a reputable contributor
Anonymity is not needed, it's overrated
>country flags might be cool
board would become even worse desu
did you see what happened to /pol/ when they introduced flags a few years back?
Ban all begging threads.
Ban all threads that start with, "Im a girl :) But i dont want to whore out to make money"
Ban all give away threads
Reddit is the place for you
STOP telling other boards to come here.
Bring back kiyosaki posting.
More tortilla warmers and kneepads.
let me guess, you are from greece or sweden?
I also want to see more neets arguing with the cleaning business guy then posting photos of his family on holiday
whoops sorry i forgot i had it on from the other thread
get triggered
is there an archived thread of that?
add flags
u hear me mods
Veeky Forums VIP requirement to post.
poorfags pajeet shills newfags should only be allowed to lurk.
Keep this place SFW: no goddamn asses everywhere.
>being this mad that people are making free money
I've accumulated .5 BTC in various crypto from begging threads
maybe from months ago. I'm sure the guy is lurking, he said he semi retired and just goes on Veeky Forums all day
Faggot get the fuck
make a /crypto/ board
this isn't r eddit