It's abundantly clear that the Neoliberals and Jews want a to discredit the Christian crusades, and part of that plan includes the propagation of the myth that gorillions of (degenerate) were killed by the Catholic Franks during the Sack of Constantinople Hoax. Why is this myth so widespread, almost as much as the Holohoax?
4th Crusade Hoax
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Take your meds lad
Wasn't aware that the myth was a thing.
Neoliberals wish to discredit Western Christendom by putting degenerate Byzantines on a pedestal.
Kill yourself, millennial homo cuck
Don't worry about him, he's probably Jewish or Irish or Greek, AKA nonwhite
>accounts of it from both Latin, islamic and byzantine sources
We all know that the Sea Jews did it, and they were excommunicated.
Are yous saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a millenial homo cuck?
/pol/tards are just as bad as /leftypol/tards
Allso, the fourth crusade was a massacre of christians and it was the event that doomed the Byzantine empire.
>The Crusaders looted, terrorized, and vandalized Constantinople for three days, during which many ancient and medieval Roman and Greek works were either stolen >or destroyed. The famous bronze horses from the Hippodrome were sent back to adorn the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where they remain. As well as >being stolen, works of immeasurable artistic value were destroyed merely for their material value. One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large >bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other priceless artworks made of bronze, the >statue was melted down for its content by the Crusaders. The great Library of Constantinople was destroyed as well
>The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory; thousands of them were killed in cold blood. Women, even nuns, were raped by the Crusader army, which also sacked churches, monasteries and convents.
>urrrrrrr everyone who disagrees with me is le /pol/ boogeymang just because i said so xdddd
Go back to /utg/, you millennial homo cuck.
OP is a faggot
You are not pol because you disagree, you are pol because you post a retarded statement with no evidence and call everyone who disagrees a cuck,kike or shill.
Thats pretty much the essence of /pol.
You're a millennial homo gay anal guinea SJW communist libcuck degenerate derelict irrelevant millennial from /utg/. Kill yourself. Die in a bus fire. Die in a river. Fuck off back to /utg/ forever.
>urrrrrrr everyone who disagrees with me is le /pol/ boogeymang just because i said so xdddd
Go back to /utg/, you millennial homo cuck.
Italian merchant located
Where was the nation of Latin, islamic located?
Just to be clear, this is a joke, right? A parody of the /pol/ mentality. Please tell me it's a joke.
Butthurt falseflagging libturd detected.
>HURRRRRRRRRRRRRR, everyone who disagrees with me is le falseflag boogeymang, because i said so XDDDDD XDDDDD XDDDD
Fuck off and die, anal gay guinea millennial ShariaBlue shill KIKE. Go back to /utg/.
I don't know who was calling people a homo cuck, I'm just calling out the fact that Western Christendom has been under perpetual attack by intellectuals and part of that includes putting Constantinople on a pedestal.
Trying way too hard, libtard. I know this has been your common strategy for quite some time; falseflag as an obnoxious /pol/tard on other boards to try to get more people to hate /pol/. Try to not make yourself so obvious next time though.
the only falseflagger here is you, you cucked-in-the-brain millennial faggot
don't you have a big-dick somalian BULL to prep, you weak little neo-cuckoldian jew-puppet?
fuck off and die in a river fire
>don't know what /utg/ is
>google it
>it's some fucking videogame
What the fuck
ALL millennials, fags, and jew-brainwashed SJWs come from /utg/
Well I'm a fag and I don't play vidya at all so
t. lying /utg/ junta shill
fuck off with your weak disinfo
I might be a fag but I'm not gay enough to play vidya since I'm an adult
Great joke, dude.
Kill yourself.
I'm 42
Yeah and I'm the black king of Portugal.
Fuck off and die, /utg/ cuck child
Prove I'm not 42
Prove I'm not the black king of Portugal.
You certainly type like you're black so cannot refute that one
>I'm the black king of Portugal.
No, but you are a dindu e-nigger ghettoising this board.
Nice samefag.