Some whale just dumped a massive amount of ETH on GDAX and it went down to $13 for a minute. Prepare yourself for $218 ETH. Hope you sold high so you can buy on the dip.
ETH Momentarily Down to $13
Well, either whale or some type of terrible shit going on with the ETH blockchain now
OP is not lying check GDAX
All the automatic trade bots are going insane due to the drop
GDAX is barely loading. Probably a ddos + mass margin call like what happened on Polo.
gdax under heavy attack
price tanking since ui is unavailable, but api works
just like polo last month
tons of people prob got liquidated on their margin calls
>75% below initial ICO price
what the fuck
this is what you get for trusting jewbase
is this how you mess with the bots
buy / sell a tiny amount and watch one of them jump
Why are people fudding this hard?
This literally happens every 2 weeks where it goes down 100$ or even more and then back up 2-3 days later.
This is literally one of the "too big to fail" currencies.
I bought way too high but im holding with ease
>inb4 getting fudded
gdax did the right thing and halted margin trading
prob going to be a lawsuit like what happened with polo
>Berns Weiss LLP Investigates Potential Cases Concerning Recent Kraken and Poloniex DDoS Attacks
keep coping
>All the automatic trade bots are going insane due to the drop
Looking at the small volume compared to the past things look bad for $ETH
I bought at 250 and dumped at 350. Waiting for the crash to get back on bigtime.
Christ, how long is the transaction delay currently? I cashed out my dwarfpool mining balance two and a half hours ago and it hasn't hit my wallet yet.
Been waiting on withdrawals from normiebase since this morning.
Good thing I exercise my hands daily
Remember a big EEA is due tomorrow.
Whales are shaking out weak hands.
>tons of people prob got liquidated on their margin calls
Called it. Dude lost $10k
Good. Fuck newfags.
There's a reason we tell people not to use stop losses and not to trade on margin despite newfags recommending this to each other like they're experts
Stop loss doesn't help during extremely fast and deep crashes.
my node has been about 20 blocks behind most of the day, slows down and catches up at times
>not to use stop losses