Were they really all that bad or is it just modern media pandering to Native Americans?
Residential Schools
>Left: Godless filthy atheist commie
>Right: Smart, sophisticated Christian boy who doesn't masturbate
Depends on the school.
Some where hell on Earth. Others were better than what American children were getting. The vast majority were "y'know essentially kidnapping children is bad, even if you are doing it to give them an education and because the Democrats want to kill off Indians".
Depends on how much of a reactionary you are. It's funny how liberals are vehemently opposed to any White reactionarism but orgasm at the notion of Brown, Black and Red reactionarism.
I think it was a good idea that was horribly executed.
After the collapse of the fur trade, the aboriginals were living in absolute squalor. The government thought a mass clean up was in order, and tried to forcefully uplift native kids in these schools to break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy. However, they either didn't eradicate the culture out of them or they were lazily teaching them. The allegations of sexual abuse were true in many cases, but that is what happens when you put a large amount of children in front of clergymen. To call it attempted genocide is a joke though, and it's become the holocaust for prairie aboriginals, used to get their way and demand an absurd amount of money. Mostly the people complaining are metis anyways, and are virtually white people playing indian.
My native great-grandmother apparently experienced nothing so different from basic catholic schools of the time (she was raised in a convent as a young girl, then sent to residential school for assistance).
pick one.
When is your bedtime again?
>sexual abuse
To be fair, Injuns in the US (and from what I've heard, Canada) are absolutely HORRENDOUS in this regard. Anyone who's ever done any charity work in US reservations relates how incest, rape, and pedophilia are stupidly common. Girls who aren't fucked by their brothers' and father's by the time they're 18 are rare.
It's absolutely tragic, but it's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario. On one hand, reservations suck. On the other hand, if you don't radically change their culture quietly enough liberals will whine about how they're hearing a ruckus.
it was cultural genocide
In Canada, particularly Manitoba, there has been a big narrative of native women going "missing" (IE murdered and dumped). It usually is always allegations of racial targeting and white supremacists/serial killers, but 99/100 cases it happens to be the native boyfriend or the native father who kills the woman. There was a girl almost a year and a half ago who was raped multiple times, beaten, then tossed into the Red River, then beaten again. She somehow survived, and once it came out that she was attacked by native men connected to the local chief, less than 48 hours after her attack, her family announced they forgave the native men.
It's insanity.
>systematic rapes and beatings
probably bad desu
I find it pretty shitty how half-assed the United states and Canada was in all its policies towards natives except for replacement.
The United States should have encouraged natives into forming settlements and then bringing those settlements into the USA.
But no, Jackson even fucked over the natives who tried to do just that, its very tiring.
Depends on the school. Carlisle PA was pretty bad from what I heard. My great grandmother was sent to a school when she was little. We could never get her to talk about it.
>but that is what happens when you put a large amount of children in front of clergymen
So it was a bad idea
Cultural genocide sounds bad but letting people fester in disgusting practices because they think its okay is worse.
disgusting practices such as what
It was a nightmare.
Shitposting aside, I'm an expert on the topic. Natives are still getting their language back. Really fucked what happened in there, priests and nuns raping children, malnutrition, low standard of education. At least they had sports.
such as natural homeopathic "medicine"
there was a bit of an uproar here in canada when a native family took their daughter off of real medicine and gave her some whacky tabacky shaman shit, despite the doctors actually going so far as to sue the family so they could give her treatment.
the courts ruled in the family's favour, and predictably, she died.
>nuns raping children
Go back to your containment board board you fucking retard
So much this.
Worked with native populations for a few years in the youth mental health area. It's a goddamn nightmare and I don't see it ever changing.