Other urls found in this thread:
good night sweet prince
fake and gay
no its not lol
You told to sell every day since the parabolic ath but some of you refused to listen. Some of you even re-uped.
This actually happened. Some mega whale cashed out
RIP in piece ether
>its real
What application is this?
Someone market sold 100k Ether lmfao. Every single long just just fucking destroyed. Reddit salt related.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the guy must have killed himself by now, how many, selling thousands of ETH at 13$
Holy fuck. I didn't even think about margin traders.
>store $10k ETH in exchange wallet.
not sure what step 3 was supposed to be...
OMG. That's fucking amazing.
Thanks for posting that.
Rip in ethers
>not 7
still not a dip, wait
yes, you can sit there and contemplate suicide while we laugh at you
wait I dont understand. How could they have gotten liquidated? if the whale did a market sell then every buy order from 300 down to 13 got sold to. He only should have gotten his ETH sold if he had a limit sell
going to an hero...poor guy
he traded on margin and was bleeding out
you get liquidated when they want their money
>tfw sold almost all my ETH two days ago
God has a plan for me.
Margin long position.
If you had a long open you would've gotten closed on. If it was a short you'd be fucking millionaire. But it was not a short kek
ur not supposed to understand. ethereum is a known scam ponzi. holders have been deceived. and well deserved, fucking crypto casuals
Margin trading.
If the price goes down a certain point you automatically get liquidated.
trailing stop loss?
damn I should rewrite my bot
ohhh I didnt know he was trading on margin. Thought it was his own money in which case it makes no sense. I know what a margin call is, yep he's fucked. When they want their money they dont give a fuck
lel. Bad things happen in grandpa stocks too
Why would a whale sell 100K ETH all at once though? That's just fucking stupid. He could have stealth sold all of it down to $250 at least. Was he just being /devilish/?
Likely a whale with even more ETH setting a short position at the same time. With 5x leverage, they'd make the equivalent of 500k ETH.
hacked account
ico scam cashing out
maybe the nigga needed money?
A whale didn't sell all of those coins. But the whale probably sold enough that it triggered margin calls for tons of people and the exchanges sold all at once and thats what caused the flash crash
>goes to lambo dealership
>hmm nice
>ill take them all
>opens Gdax
That could be the Status ICO cashing out. Or any other ICO.
It's not unreasonable. That's really what it could be.
All newfags just got obliterated the fuck out.
>Bought my first ETH yesterday (only my second crypto)
>log on to biz today for the first time
Can confirm.
t. newfag
be whale
have lots of ETH and some FIAT still
Sell 100k ETH for 13$
Place buy order for 13$ beforehand
you just sent ripples through the market
it dips
you buy more ETH on the dip because you know it will moon again soon
Whale 101
why are retards allowed to post?
Because of the 1st amendment.
I agree this made my fucking day.
welp status/bancor investors, all your ETH just got sold...good luck cashing in your bags
thats a USA law, what's it got to do with Veeky Forums?
If this happened to a Veeky Forumsraeli I would actually be sad but since it happened to R*ddit I am oh so happy.
Sold all mine literally 2 hours ago
That was a big drop.
Wow, I'm laughing but I shouldn't, I could think of suicide if I was in his situation.
newfags don't know how to margin.
Can someone post a link to this?
top fucking kek
These posts write themselves.
Fuck man I shouldn't be laughing because Karma is a fucking cunt
Praise sativa
Why the fuck do people think they can get away with margin trading without something to absorb the risk?
ok honestly eth crazy ride is over everything is going back to normal bitcoin dominance on coinmarket will increase end of this must finally come
no ether user here I dont buy it not even one
and heres what I missed if I get in with my crypto savings on january
Good riddance scamcoin
You eth shills can crawl back into the woodwork now