Other urls found in this thread:
/pol/tards are mentally ill
/pol/ was right all along
France is the greatest thing ever conceived, and Anglos and G*rmans are subhuman
Veeky Forums is full of idiots, even on the "smart" boards.
That & Humanities was a mistake. Also, dogma is more important than reality to theists.
I should probably start with the Greeks.
Germany never really had much of a chance in ww2
Islamic Golden age don't real and Babylon Egypt, and Persia wuz all Germanic Kangs before the Ayyrab man genocided them all and replaced them with brown people
>nd Babylon Egypt, and Persia wuz all Germanic Kangs
Very poor strawman. Just because honest historians admit those people weren't Black or even Dark Brown doesn't mean anyone claims they were "germanic kangs."
researched posts never gets (You)'s
Germany ruined everything
They are basically the same color they are now- which ranges from light to dark brown
I actually learned quite a lot
new Veeky Forums sucks
A lot. Before Veeky Forums, I didn't really have an interest in the events of the world, but then i stumbled on here, and each and every thread made little sense to me. Then I was like, hm, I want to understand what these people are on about, so I started reading. so far, I've learnt about Constantine, the defeat at Constantinople, how the Ottoman Empire came to be, the beginnings of ww1 and Italy's involvement in both "world wars". Idk, I'm a little disappointed that I had been so ignorant of the world, but thanks to this board, little by little, things are making more sense to me.
we wuz kangz and shiet.
people who believe there are smart boards are newfags
>it's germany's fault
>italy a shit at warfare
>asians can be really, really awful to each other
Communism was invented by jews apparently
politics are cancerous
There's a lot of Christians on the internet now, way more than there used to be, and they're all extremely stubborn, headstrong, and if they're not busy leading a verbal crusade on some outside sect, they're leading an internal crusade against other Christians for believing slightly different things.
Much like real life, Christians rub like sandpaper on everyone else and they can't be convinced of virtually anything.
I learned Yahweh is very well-endowed
The Ottomans were a continuation of the Roman Empire
How much i hate humanities
that everyone's cuck, Frenchfrogs are retarded, Eternal anglos are shit, Germany is a hell hole and Amerifats have no culture
Also that I will not study history for sure
>Catholics are Pagans who worship Satan
>Germans are savages responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire
>all ancient people were gay except Jews
>"Why didn't Africa develop?" is the most important historical issue of all time
>Greeks are Turks
>the Romans were Nordic and all became Catholics and Protestants
>real ism has never been tried
>ancestry doesn't matter and modern nations should be judged for what their ancestors with funny names did 3000 years ago
>eveything you don't like is a spook
1453 was the most important year in human history, if not the history of the entire universe.
Also that Byzantineboos are gluttons for punishment.
Everyone is an ww2 expert
Catholicism will never die, and will become exceedingly insufferable in the coming future.
Veeky Forums is just a glorified /int/ colony.
No, /int/ is a friendly place. The banter is just banter. And they have a collective board mentality. Here it's serious. This much more like /pol/ and Veeky Forums. And I've also learned that every nice place on the internet that isn't very heavily moderated will turn to shit as more and more plebs find it.
they weren't black but they obviously weren't white either
Hitler was an evil guy who gassed billions of jews for no reason
But I learned on Veeky Forums that Hitler did nothing wrong.
I learned that anglo blockades ensured that starvation and lack of medicine would cause widespread population loss as the war dragged on.
That the Jews certainly gave Hitler cause to take them out of the war effort but that Hitler also took a routine forced resettlement way too far.
go back to pol retards
>That moderation makes boards better.
>That some people will never get tired of making the same exact bait threads over and over again like their life depends on it, even if they always get 3 replies telling them they are faggots.
>That Czar Nick was an autistic teddybear
>That there are real people who will defend feudalism from the comfort democratic republics provide them
>That medieval monks fooled around doodling knights fighting giant snails
>That there was probable Yamato influence on the Korean peninsula in ancient times
>That Veeky Forums can have 100 reply long threads full of people talking about their favourite ancient Greek city states
Whoah what a pointless answer.
Just shit flinging. You're not going to win any arguments that way.
> eurogenes.blogspot.ie
Sub Saharan admixture entered Egypt with the Roman Empire, with no central authority in Egypt, admixing within Egypt increased.
history is one sneaky, morbid, insufferable bitch which will never stop amusing and baffling me
kinda this too, though Veeky Forums just reawakened my interests for world history
its also pointless to argue with stormfags
Greater the parameter of population lesser of the quality of overall content explicitly that of thread topic
A subject by itself isn't "smart". Most people interested in guns bang their sisters yet I wouldn't be surprised if /k/ have a higher level of discourse than Veeky Forums.
Holy shit we must do something to save our aryan brethren! DEUS VULT!
Whether or not a historical figure is/was a "cuck" is an important and pressing question.
>btw be sure to go to Amazon.comĀ© and buy my game and my wifes books.
He doesnt like capitalism and communism equally
fuck off larping cuck we purged you heretics once and we'll do it again.
stay mad jew boy
>Communism is like getting hit with a rock. Capitalism is like getting hit with a nuclear bomb
thats literally something Varg said.
I learned that there are people who believe that the Roman Empire died in 476 AD.
This too.
Maybe you'd have a point if they weren't banned on sight or just outright dismissed and then ridiculed.
Veeky Forums is a reddit colony
Catholics aren't Christian
He was just a misunderstood failed artist. Other than enabling nazism and creating ww2, he was a pretty ok guy.
Protestants aren't Christian
I learned that all the lefties from Reddit are trying to colonize this board but are running into the firm wall of /pol/ack autism
Sprinkle in some /int/ old-fashion shitposting and we've got the best board on Veeky Forums
>(although the dictatorship in Soviet Russia was almost as bad)
Lefty /pol/ btfo!
>"winning" an argument
A lot of them were in the semi literally sense, they didn't raise other men's children unwittingly, but many of their wives did cheat on them.
Christians aren't real
Do you even know what a strawman is?
islam is great
byzantines suck
British empire is a gud boy and dindu nuthing wrong
It was always like this.
But a man cheated on by his wife is the literal definition of a cuckold...
I learned that I can't tell the difference between Christian LARPers and actual Christians.
American education memes are real
This is true though, success breeds jealousy
I was shilling this board to the gookmoot until he finally created it.
It's always been like this, although we seem to have exchanged religion nutjobs for more /pol/. I blame 2016
That pre-Raphaelite artwork is from the middle ages, because the term refers to every artist who was working before Raphael.
That medieval people should have instinctively known to all go to that one bit of Poland to escape the plague, while simultaneously shutting down borders and stopping people moving.
Hitler was the main topic on this board for the first week and triggered anons got Grant replaced by Herodotus.
Furthermore, Veeky Forums was full of autistic religious anons from Veeky Forums the first few months.
HMMMMMM?! tbqh this gives me hope! Reddit OUT. libtards OUT
>this falseflag bait
i literally have no idea what u r talking about.
like, I would LOVE IT if I didnt have to read kooky religious or libtard stuff here. If i dont have to?
You seriously don't actually write like that, right?
It's like a 13 year old tapping one key at a time.
Yeah because Christianity thread thread #146743235 was so amazing
Charlie did nothing wrong
he solved the famine
clerical fascism is the way
Humanities is a cancer on this board
because you would lose. Gas chambers are a fucking retarded idea. If they wanted to exterminate jews, they would have shut them like the did at Babi Yar. Such a process would have had the jews in Germany completely exterminated within a year or two, and they would not have experienced psychological trauma as a hinder as many stupid books claim.
So what? They are not going to ban me over your butthurt. Historical events have top be physically possible to have occurred.
you literally dont know what youre talking about
I'm jewish and my great grand father died in Treblinka
Alot about Celts for some reason.