Anyone of you fellow burgers out there know any cool folklore? Local legends and all that
Anyone of you fellow burgers out there know any cool folklore? Local legends and all that
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I guess it depends where you live in the states.
>dub dubs
Every town as some weird story and at least 10 ghost stories, I can promise
Threads on the American West don't do well on Veeky Forums for whatever reason.
Here in Texas there's La Llorona or "The Crier" that hangs out at the Rio Grande looking for her children. She wails looking for her children at night.
How'd they die?
We have the Dogman in Michigan.
We have Frogman in Ohio
From what I was told she wanted to get married but she already had children, and the man refused to marry her because of that. So, she killed her children and threw them in the river, then headed to the guy's house in her bloody dress. Realizing she was crazy as all get out, he booked it and she died of a broken heart. She was cursed as a spirit and had her actual head replaced with a horse's head and cries looking for her children's spirits, apologizing for what she did ever since she died.
I'd also like to add that's just one of the variations. Others have her killing her children because her then husband left her for a younger woman. La Llorona looks for other children to drown to have their spirits keep her company.
Any good books on this type of stuff? From magic to more realistic stuff, I just want Americana.
Kek all those fictional, whimsical characters
>every b. a. botkin anthology (like 8 600 page books)
>Myths and Legends of our own lands
>Folklore in American Literature
>South from hell-fer-sertin
>American Imagination at Work
A lot of regional books. I have one for maryland, connecticut, kentucky, mississippi, ohio, and michigan
Thanks, man. Are there any for Indiana?
sounds like a mexican tale, not an american one.
Sorry for the shitty picture
>A treasury of New England Folklore
>A treasury of Western Folklore
>A treasury of Southern Folklore
>A treasury of American Folklore
>A treasury of New York City Folklore
>A treasury of Mississippi River Boat Folklore
>A treasury of Railroad Folklore
>A treasury of Civil War Folklore
>Sidewalks of America(early urban folklore)
>Legendary Connecticut
>Amish folktales
>Folklore in American literature
>American Folk Tales and Songs
>Mexican American folklore
>Buckeye Legends
>Myths and Legends of our own land
>QPB Treasury of American folktales
>American imagination at work
On the Mexican American border, everything has a Spanish and English name in folklore
if I read another fucking story about how the Jack-o-latern got made I'm gonna blow my brains out
Thanks, man.
You too, man.
I heard of a legend of someone lassoing a tornado once, other than that idk.
t. Nevada, but I think it was a story from somewhere else.
Pecos Bill
>>every b. a. botkin anthology (like 8 600 page books)
Can confirm, picked up his Treasury of American Folklore at Goodwill on a whim, best $3 I ever spent.
Was it always generally accepted that John Henry was a freedman?
Yes, it is a major part of the moral of the story, though it varies if he was born a slave or free man. Doesn't matter how shitty your heritage, everyman is entitled to the sweat of his brow if he's willing to work for it.
yeah, okay, sure
>pirate captain
>govnah puts bounty on him
>lafayette puts larger bounty on govnah
>war 1812
>Lafayette and pirate crew help jackson fendoff redcoat bastards
>lives out life the most successful pirate of his time
please stop typing like that, this isn't twitter.
Earl Long
>brother to Huey "GODEMPEROR OF LOUISIANA" Long
>sent to mental hospital (against his will)
continues to run the state via telephone while in the nutty hole
>when being committed he told his lawyer
>get me outta here and i'll give ya a croaker sack of hundred dollar bills
>lawyer says "Well govnah just how large is a croaker sack
just for shits and lols
America has an awesome history, not gonna lie. Those early days with the Frontiersman, farmers, natives and all the rest of it. America even had a pretty distinct culture once too...shame really.
Here in Philadelphia there's this this old wive's tale that if you go outside wearing New York Mets merchandise you'll be beaten to death and dumped into the Schuylkill.
It still does, only problem is you've got to travel to more remote places to find it. Looking at the things that have reach to other countries like corporate marketing and franchising is just going to be the same as everywhere else in the world, a sterile, functional industry that only thinks of efficiency.
There's a bridge near my house that people say is a gate to hell.
had a good laugh
Here in the Southwest we have "Skinwalkers." Their proper name is not to be used in proper conversation. I used to think they were legend, but I've been convinced otherwise.
As for national folklore, I've always been partial to John Henry, even if he was a negro.
>ywn see a buddy-cop serial of Andy "Jihad" Jackson and LaffyTaffy Feyette banging hot sluts and pushing perfidious limey and Cherokee shit in set in southern gothic New Orleans
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
To ensure that tho rhetoric glory fades the myth remains
in Louisiana, we have the Rougarou which is a wolfman that steals kids for being bad
here it is at the audubon zoo
lol this is mexican, not texan
Shit, that's cool
Anyone know of any good Native american legends for that matter?
We have the Pigman in southern California.
Interestingly enough, he doesn't fuck with people or anything, he just kills pigs. Nobody has pigs out here though, commercially or privately. There are some cows but that's it.
There's also an urban legend in my town called the Green Mist, but beyond its physical attributes the actual effects vary with pretty much everyone you ask. Could do anything to you, I guess. Or nothing.
Our town used to be nothing up until the 90s. Before that, it was all cow pastures and farmland, along with a single government base they used to test rocket technology at. Areojet or Aerotech or Aerotek or something like that. There was another rumor that they buried tons of nuclear waste below places that would eventually be our neighborhoods.
Sleeping bear dunes in Michigan
>Big dune on the mainland
>Two little duney islands off the coast
>Story goes there is a big forest fire
>all of the animals scatter to escape
>Bear mom and her two cubs try to escape
>mom dies just before she gets out (Coastal dune)
>two bears try to swim across Lake Michigan
>Drown and become the two little islands
>We have the Pigman in southern California.
>Interestingly enough, he doesn't fuck with people or anything, he just kills pigs. Nobody has pigs out here though, commercially or privately. There are some cows but that's it.
But is he half pig half man, or just a guy who kills pigs
The important questions.
Wisconsonite here. Our state is actually the most fucked up, given it's relative population to other weird states like Florida.
More recently, there's also the girls that sacrificed a classmate to Slenderman.
If you're looking more for myths, the Hodag is a thing in the northern part of the state.
Anything specific to the Pacific Northwest?
>La Llorona
Build the wall!
We all settle for Steve Aver and RLM.
Lmao when this sort of shit happens today and often
Minnesota has Paul Bunyan, a Lumberjack Giant with a big blue ox named Babe.
There's also Francix Xavier Pierz, a Catholic priest that got a lot of pioneers and Ojibwe peoples to convert around the St. Cloud region of the state.
There was also the time when the creators of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show leased an Island in the state and name it Moosylvania. They even petitioned for it to become the 51st state, but were turned away from the White House with their petition. They later found out that they tried to do this during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And the Kensington Runestone.
Some guy built a bigfoot trap by a lake near here.
However its never gonna work because people keep walking there to see it and take pictures.
fucking asshats
Every person in the states has a weird story and at least 10 ghost ones.
There's always Bigfoot
Thunderbirds are more of a Southwestern thing.
In the Midwest, sometimes you are walking through the forest and you encounter pic related.
They are called Indian burial mounds and underneath them there is some old dead guy. They are pretty spooky and cozy at the same time. A lot of them have been destroyed over time by farming and archeology. When you're near them there is a strange, solemn feeling.
Jersey Devil, anyone?
>you are like a baby
Half pig half man, from what I could recall.
As in, a man with the head of a pig, or something aesthetically satisfying like that.