Adolf Hitler saved the West from Communism. If it wasn't for Hitler assuming power in Germany, the country, and all that Hitler conquered, would've eventually been absorbed by the Soviet Union. Adding the interests that certain (((people))) had in the USSR, there wouldn't have been a World War 2. Or a Cold War.
Adolf Hitler saved the West from Communism. If it wasn't for Hitler assuming power in Germany, the country...
hmm, realy makes u think
and Stalin saved us from Hitler. What's your point? Glad we got both and not just one?
Or, Hitler might have helped prolong Communism by 50 years. No need for Soviets to go to war = no opportunity for them to expand their sphere of influence. No aid sent to the Japanese = less likely for Mao to gain a decent foothold in mainland China (let alone being given all of Manchuria).
why is this crying lady being posted everywhere
Soviets got tremendous land and influence benefits from the war you retard.
>interests that certain (((people))) had in the USSR
The USSR was a staunchly anti-semitic state due to Stalin. Jews were either purged or discriminated against. Reminder that Hitler also thought that capitalism is a jewish creation that allows them to be at the top and control society.
The soviet union only expanded thanks to Hitler, both through the invasion of Poland and Hitler making a West-Soviet alliance possible by invading the Soviets while still at war with England. before then the Soviet Union got their asses beat by Poland and even fucking Finland.
Hitler was a complete loser. Is that why Veeky Forums loves him?
>starts a war that leads to the soviets controlling eastern europe, having deeply entrenched footholds in western europe, and the chinese communists being in a stronger position than the japanese or the KMT
It's as if chamberlain had watched austria get annexed then turned to a crowd and said "good show lads, we've saved Europe from Hitler!"
we still have yet to achieve final victory
>Soviets got tremendous land and influence benefits from the war you retard.
Yes, because Germany lost. Are you retarded?
>be Hitler
>believe communism and labor movements are caused by Jews
>also belive that capitalism is corrupted by a secret cabal of jews that rule the world though the flow of shekels
pick one nigga
why are all these little faggots so eager to LARP as communist or nazis? Not only that, but they think thats the only two things anyone can be
Exactly, germany lost.
Are you retarded?
those arent contradictory at all you retard
learn the history of political thought
there can be positions (like national socialism) that are against both
But can they do so from the standpoint that both are unified juden plots
say something that both are purely materialistic systems run by (((people))) who want to destroy muh germanic culture and heritage
this isnt hard
no shit, but this has nothing to do with the fact that claiming all jews are behind capitalism AND behind communism, two systems diametrically opposed to each other, is fucking retarded.
Because they're disgusting plebeians that don't know the glory of anarcho-monarchy.
Why didn't Adolf save us from capitalism though
>only juden would want to destroy german culture
Are you new nere
i didnt imply that at all
>two things want to destroy germanic culture
>they must be jewish plots
im saying that was hitlers idea you doofus
>ww2 ended with half of europe belonging to stalin and the rest of europe voting communists all over the place
>hitler stopped soviets guyz I swear!
The true redpill: Hitler was a soviet plant
>outright invites the communist into europe by offering them half of eastern europe
Kinda, he would have never gotten in power without stalin sabotaging the weimar republic and he was functional to stalin.
True redpill: the Soviets were German plants and WW2 was a coordinated German effort to replace western democracy with communism.
Yeah, that's why he allied with the Soviets to invade the buffer state between the two of them and they were each other's largest trading partners. And he certianly didn't attack them out of the blue sparking a colossal military buildup and retaliation, as well as convince the Soviet leadership they needed a buffer state that included half of Europe. Truly, without Hitler Communism would be unstoppable.
>the Soviets were German plants
This was an actual conspiracy theory after the october revolution.
Well, it's absolutely true that the Germans shipped Lenin over to Russia in a sealed train car.
I'm not even being facetious when I say that communism was almost entirely caused by Germans, at every stage of development.
and I'm saying it was a dumb idea, doofus.
no ones claiming hitler was a genius at political theory
Actually, this is exactly what the nazis said. Hitler rationalized his inability to conceive of another way by allowing privatization while being the top dog of the country.
Well then why are we arguing if we believe the same thing
are we doofus's
the proper term is doofii
The reddest pill: Stalin was a Rothschild plant
Hey look, it's another "Wehraboo claims hitler dindu muffins and was a good boi" thread
Damn, this means I'm the greater doofus.
Well played.
Not crying. She was walking past the bodies in London shielding her eyes and staying glued to her smartphone
>reactionary politics
Watch yourself goy.
Then they tried to flip Germany ironicly
>Veeky Forums
>dominating /pol/
They barely even think about you; Most of the /pol/ here are just bored and feel like shitposting
>W..we are just pretending to be retarded!