Why did Hitler (and the NSDAP) hate unions so much?
Why did Hitler (and the NSDAP) hate unions so much?
Then why did Stalin?
Because at the end of the day, Hitlers main goal was power for himself, and in order to secure that power, he need capital, and in order to get capital, he had to cuck himself to the junker class who saw him as a much better alternative for themselves than the communist revolutionaries, so Hitler did their bidding by fucking up unions.
They're breeding grounds for communism and corruption
>Because at the end of the day, Hitlers main goal was power for himself,
Collective bargaining is a negotiating tactic, it is motivated by logic not emotions like tribalism.
OK, but that logic can be heavily influenced by emotion.
1) unions had a proclivity to sympathize with socialist ideals and movements. the question of communism was one of existential repercussions for the third reich.
2) collective bargaining was fundamentally incompatible with national syndicalism/corporatism, since it put the needs of certain trade classes above the ouput of a national industry or economy as a whole.
>class collaboration
>poor stay poor and work in horid conditions for long hours making bombs and bullets for the rich because muh greater good for the nation we gotta win the war also let me take your son and send him to die in a cold muddy foxhole somewhere in eastern ukrain
Are you unfamiliar with his freakout over the party moving on without him while he was in prison? How scared of Strasser he was? How he created the SS specifically as his own little army as opposed to the SA which was the army of the party and sympathized with Strasser? How he had to beg Goebbels to follow him instead of Strasser by shit talking him like a gossipy teenage girl? How he created the "Leader Principle" specifcally so NO ONE could ever challenge his leadership of the party again?
tribalism is the only non destructive ideology you stupid moron
He was a power hungry egominaical art cuck. The apologetics going on are gay as shit. He banned unioms because it gave worker power, he wanted the state, so him, to have all the power. "Class collaboration" bs.
>tribalism is the only non destructive ideology you stupid moron
thats exactly what I said though.
>tribal societies have high % of suicides
>tribals societies invented weapons of mass destruction
>tribal people die out of consumerism
>a tribal war usually ends up with 30% the population of a continent dead, just like the 30 years war
>isolationism, a key feature of modern tribalism, is a very destructive policy
oh wait
You act like tribalism would fix this, or these things wouldn't come about under tribalism.
I act like we know from studying tribal societies still around that that is, indeed, the case
Tho I'm more oriented towards an amish-style tribalism
Unions implied that the Soviet state was failing to bring about socialism. You can't have workers dissenting in the "worker's paradise" after all! Same reason unions were blown the fuck out by Soviet tanks during the East German Worker's Revolt.
Because unions were traditionally leftist.
>national SOCIALISM
>NATIONAL socialism
Haha Hitler was a leftist
The Right doesn't do facism that's leftist shit
>national SOCIALISM
>national soCIALISm
But do you have direct proof from his own mouth that he wanted direct power?
The Nazis distinguished themselves from the politically left movements. They didn't want themselves to be grouped with them and their sympathisers were bourgeois movements. The national conservative parties gave Hitler their votes so he could turn himself into a dictator - not the Communists and Socialists (who were already locked up) and not the Social Democrats either.
>national socialists are socialists :^)
Then I guess the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy, right?
>national SOCIALISM
Hitler's rise to power was a war between Jewish leftists and German leftists.
Do you realize how stupid this sounds? Have you ever heard "actions speak louder than words"? This implies some retarded ass shit. "NORTH KOREA SAYS THEY'RE A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!". Hitler made it so he had the final say, actively used this power to overide his general's and impose his will. He abolished term limits when he got in office and suspended election. If this isn't centralizing power to him I'm not a fat loser responding to shitty bait on Veeky Forums.
And if you need a direct quote from Hitler saying his plan was to direct power to himself so he could be dictator of Germany before you believe it and you can't see how retarded that is.....dude honesty kill yourself.
I don't think you know what tribalism is.
>workers don't own the means of production
pick one
I dont think YOU know what tribalism is