Non Arkholders won't make it after August.
Non Arkholders won't make it after August
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gimme discord
lel did you make this?
We have the best bagholders don't we folks?
kek. good oc.
Kek this made me consider buying Ark
Good memeshilling
Kim Possible confirmed new Poster Girl of Ark
the discord link is invalid
Join their slack the link is in their website
Fuck that, join the Veeky Forums delegate discord with us
Goddamn biz is fucked up today
Holding 50 ARKs to show the grandkids someday.
Phenomenal job but I refuse to buy this pile of shit coin.
All the Kim posters are rather weird... Just saying.
Every ARK is a slavebitch to the hodler
Someone should fill the pot coin trashcan up with Digibyte.
>yfw they were all created by me
At the request of JimRustle, here is more of carrot loli
Ooohh yeahh yeah
I'm your basic average coin
And I'm here to save the joint
You can't stop me
Cause I'm Kim Pos-si-ble
There is nothin I can't do
When danger calls
Just know that I am on my way
Jump me, pump me if ya
Wanna dump me
When ya wanna bridge me it's okay
I just can't wait until I see
The moon mission appear
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
Everything's gonna be alright
Whenever you need me baby
Roll me, fold me if ya
wanna hold me
Literally kill yourself faggot
>tfw ark bagholder
Its a me, The Cazador
This is what Im holding
Now suck my big fat fucking aids ridden dick you colossal faggot
here this is what im holding
I'd like to be holding kim but fucking kim possible sex dolls dont exist, most likely to fucking disney and their copyright shit
you have aids?
Hey man, when you make as many memes as I do, shit happens
imagine you really get aids.
you think you will be able to think back and remember this thread ?
Join biz discord or suffer the same fate
>openly discussing the desire to fuck a kim possible doll
Yeah because Im in contact with humans on a regular basis
suzuki man gonna pay a visit