Why do leftists hate white people?
Why do leftists hate white people?
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We hate you because of your white privilege and superiority complex.
Because white people are apparently responsible for all evil in the world.
I think it's a scapegoat for their own failure
They were the ones who were supposed to protect wages and go after the big banks and corporations, and they've failed.
Do you hate Japan for the same reason?
Damn I wish we hadn't taught your family English
Look what you do with it
I hate Japan for turning me into a degenerate
Because superiority, goodness, and high value are antithesis to the philosophy of the leftist where objectivity in the world does not exist
I really can't wait for another war in Europe where it would be legal to genocide leftists
I believe that this article is referring to dividing the working class along racial lines.
I hate you because I wish I were white and I had a white gf.
I hate you because your history is world history.
I hate you because of your beauty, creativity and intellect.
I hate you because I'm not you.
If I can't be you, then nobody can.
If I can't be you, then you must be destroyed.
And whatever theory, political movement, social class, religion or group of people that helps me accomplish this goal is a good one.
Why do you keep making identical "& humanities" threads?
too reasonable for this post.
the handful of americans will masturbate over killing lefties and then die when their healthcare gets taken away from them.
The question is, why fringe, radical, socially liberal elements of the AMERICAN left are so obsessed with race in the mess of racial relations that exist in America since its inception? The rabbit hole goes deep in America's relationship with race. Slave trade and segregation aside, the American identity has always been obsessed with ethnic background, to the point where you have to choose which "colour" you identify with. American society is the perfect breeding ground for such retarded movements like "Anti-whiteness SJWs".
for this thread I mean.
Because leftist are by and large bourgeoisie elites who have come to see pandering to minority groups as their ticket to power by promising them gibsmedats.
it's the fluoride in their water.
Why don't you hate Japan then?
Doesn't help that our "left" was consistently undermined throughout the 20th Century until it finally gave up and embraced liberalism in the Clinton era.
So it's written by a Marxist in other words.
Wow, this so much
Non-Whites really just shouldn't be allowed to immigrate
because I don't vote for them I suppose
at some point I hope they'll get tae fuck out
Why would you want to argue in good faith when you can just froth at the mouth at those gosh darn pinko kike communists?
I've seen this thread like 8 times. Same OP sentence and same image. Try and come up with new bait next time at least.
To be fair, the lefties really need to get better with their P.R.
If it's still working on you after 8 times then it must be really good.
yeah, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever for workers to object to having cheaper competition imported
Veeky Forums isn't difficult to drag into lowest common denominator /pol/ shitflinging.
Do they say that in the article?
Japs hate leftist fags. You're not welcomed there or the West. Move to Africa.
Fucking wage slaves just passively consent to big capital substituting you with cheaper labor!
Now why is that I wonder...
Im not a leftist tho
This is sarcastic right? I have seen too many people on reddit unironicly profess this.
>i-it's not the Marxists it's the liberals
Fuck off Red.
The moment your movement embraced anti-colonialism it became an anti-white movement centered around racial identity politics, that puts brown people over white workers in a pyramid of relative privilege. It has nothing to do with Clinton or "liberals".
It's because most modern "leftists" are either bourgeois reformists or ideological infants who unknowingly shill for the perpetuation of capitalism. Mass immigration cheapens the Western labor market, props up economies that can no longer depend on colonial exploitation, and stifles the development of a cohesive proletarian class consciousness.
Going back to your question, anti-whiteness that's being peddled by the nu-left is just an age-old tactic of the capitalists using identity politics to pit members of the working class against one another. Only this time, the white working class are scapegoated for problems caused the diverse, multicultural exploiters that dominate contemporary global capitalism.
How do we save the white working class? Simple. Cast aside the divide-and-conquer policies of the bourgeois left (and the far-right) and united the working classes of the world in overthrowing rainbow capitalism. Mass immigration and anti-white racism will then cease to exist in a classless society.
You can't believe in "white privilege" and be a rightist or a centrist.
Veeky Forums is /pol/ish clay
Are you aware that your movement was founded by someone one the same ethnicity that controls most of Capitalism?
Nothing wrong with that desu
Nothing wrong with a bit of competition. The problem is they have low incomes and receive more in government spending than they pay in tax.
Laissez faire is best, open borders, zero welfare and a strong police force to deal with the people who get angry with all this even though it is perfectly justified.
>Fuck off Red.
I'm a capitalist who supports labor laws and a welfare state to undermine communism.
>The moment your movement embraced anti-colonialism it became an anti-white movement centered around racial identity politics, that puts brown people over white workers in a pyramid of relative privilege.
I don't really care about colonialism. I guess I support the U.S. undermining it if it benefits us.
>It has nothing to do with Clinton or "liberals".
AFAIK, the Clinton administration more or less marks the point when the liberals overtook the lefties in the Democratic Party. Do you really think something like NAFTA is "Red" gommunism?
>open borders
This is how you get your country destroyed. I'm shocked anyone could unironically belive this
wew kill yourself
Oh you are a Clintonite? Fuck off you Jew
How did you arrive at that conclusion?
>the solution is even more Marxism!
Jk. You do have some points. Capitalism is just as subversive as communism, and liberalism was the Marxism of its day. This is why I cringe at so-called right-wing conservatives that spout libertarian non-sense. In fact, I think Marxian class analysis has some insights it could be appropriated by the right. Except communism is not the answer, because it is the ultimate conclusion of capitalism and liberalism, the ultimate system of rootlessness, universalist materialist production, not a negation thereof.
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money."
- Karl Marx, On The Jewish Question
this is what liberals actually believe
Because the biggest obstacle to communism is national/ethnic identity. Hench why leftists always try to destroy it
>open borders
>thinking africans and arabs will advance your society and accept your system once they become populous enough to effect society greatly
anarchists are literal morons
>I don't care about colonialism
Then you're missing the point because the Left is OBSESSED with it, to the point they place a greater priority on granting self-determination to agrarian, pastoralist, hunter-gatherer primitives over the industrial workers of their own society.
What does NAFTA have to do with liberal support for anti-white racialist politics?
but this shit is born out of neo-marxism
You're retarded. Japan has a bigger and more radical left wing movement than any other developed country.
The Japanese communist party is the largest in the first world.
I've come to believe that leftists just hate strength, beauty and excellence. It offends them to their very core because they feel like losers.
Except just being around whites is a net benefit for non-whites even if there were no handouts. Also implying that with open borders the coming tidal wave of mud people wouldn't vote or downright impose the welfare system again, where whitey works and pays taxes while the mud races live off it. Lolbertardianism is utopian at best and suicidal at worst. And stupid in all cases.
Any advocacy against the working class is not leftist. Whoever wrote that is a centrist technocratic goblin along the lines of Hillary Clinton and John Kasich.
You're the one bringing up muh anti-white /pol/shit. Colonialism is irrelevant to me and, AFAIK, the decline of the American left.
>Capitalism is just as subversive as communism
Capitalism can't be subversive as it isn't an ideology, it doesn't have a manifesto. It's just the natural state of man owning property and using it to advance his status.
Subversives don't have to print up pamphlets in their basements in order to convince people of the efficacy of exchanging currency for services.
Just came across this
left wing elitist shitting all over the white working class and telling them how to run their lives despite knowing nothing about their work
White supremacy != white people
You're correct. The left is satanic. It's just destruction for destruction's sake.
More like watered down, commodified "Marxism" designed for postcolonial bourgeois consumption, just as how neoconservatism was ultimately sprung from the anti-Stalinist left who cast their lot with First World capitalism. Pic related.
With a membership that is something like less than a quarter percentile of 1 percent.
Japan can absorb a few million "kooks" as long as it maintains strict immigration quotas.
The problems would arise if they accepted anyone muslim.
>Capitalism can't be subversive as it isn't an ideology,
It's an economic ideology.
Who gives a shit? Can somebody whose parents owned slaves not be an abolitionist?
>Says the right winger, whose entirely ideology is promoting hierarchy and oppression
PC revisionism, Censorship and forced racial integration and multiculturalism is fare more oppressive than organic hierarchy.
That's not too low in the context of Japanese politics, and very high for a radical party.
The most powerful political party only has 800,000 members.
>bankers placing a bunch of retarded meta-bets and failing causing people to starve and be unable to productive is natural
"nationalist" capitalists should fuck off tbqh
>whose entirely ideology is promoting hierarchy and oppression
t. wannbe Peoples Commissar of Education who wants to jail anyone who disagrees with you as a anti-revolutionary fascist
>muh oppression
Hierarchy actually validates people. Only losers such as yourself would feel oppressed.
There's absolutely nothing organic about running through Eastern Europe to gun down every Slav, Jew, and gypsy you can find
How would the immigrants destroy the country? Are you imagining Kim Jong Un would send an army over?
They would either starve in the streets, leave or get a job (most likely working for the original citizens in new businesses). Crime would be next to impossible because everyone will be well armed.
Why does social darwinism trigger you? If you are superior you should be able to prove it in the real world and dominate tall muscular black african immigrants like they are scared little children.
>All right wingers are nazis
spotted the reddit faggot.
>tall muscular black african immigrants
The majority of Blacks from Africa are thin and starving or fat. You need to lay off the cuck porn, friend.
>White pride is bad
>black pride is okay
Why is leftypol full of cuckolds?
Lol are 12 years-old? Do you think that this is actually about physical strength, about people fighting on the streets for "domination". Comeback when you no longer have pimples.
>PC oppression
Jesus Christ, you fucking crybaby. Nobody is oppressing you for holding edgy opinions. You can advocate for genocide of all black people on social media and you won't be arrested.
Private individuals or companies telling you to shut up is not oppression or censorship. They're expressing their legal right to challenge your speech.
>if you arent a communist, it means youre a nazi!
please stop
This is not about muscles your moron. It's about demographic change effecting social and political change.
If you feel validated by being lorded over by dictators and business magnates, you're a weak and miserable person with no self-worth.
Willingly supporting the creation of a hierarchy that does not empower you is pathetic cuckoldry. Instead of fighting for your own power and well-being, you help stronger and smarter people get ahead.
>white pride = white supremacy
This is known lefty philosopher and even he knows PC is oppression. Get your head out of your sjw ass. youtube.com
you know, it's entirely possible to think some of the things we've done in the past and now are silly and don't actually help anyone without thinking they're a matter of "justice" and bringing down retribution
nationalists who think the NSDAP was in any way a positive force besides Strasser and company or that the prohibition of gay marriage or police brutality are good things need to fuck off
He's a dumbass marxist. They got btfo last century.
t. loser.
There will always be hierarchy. Deal with it.
>No, I LIKE being fucked up the ass!
>Trying to change this makes you the real loser!
Interestingly, dialectical materialism proposes conflicting forces is the cause of capitalism. Modern leftism seems to have its roots in Marxist thought.
>projecting this much
And what's your point? Saying that everyone is equal is the opposite of strength, beauty and excellence.
>hierarchy that does not empower you
these can exist though? not in capitalism, but there's absolutely a hierarchy in doing something exceptional and getting acknowledged for it, even if it doesn't allocate away from society the resources to do exceptional things
>Not listening to anyone's opinions, even leftist, if they go against sjw opinions
hold tight: they don't!
Because leftism in america is socially progressive but fiscally conservative
Capitalism is the cause of agriculture and weaponry
Nobody thinks everybody is equal. However, all humans are entitled to equal happiness, freedom, and opportunity.
Mistreating people because of difference is morally inconsolable. It doesn't matter if you're bashing the white working class or bashing the Chinese.
Hierarchy will exist to the end of fucking time or to the point where each human being has a nano-assemblage capable of morphing into food, toy, tool, and defense and run to the stars.
But that's a tall order. We're beings of information in different starting conditions and tasked with leveraging other information to gain a measure of power in reaity.
It's not leftism, it's liberalism
Most nationalists today are capitalists, because getting away from state power would help their cause. It's possible that if they were allowed to secede and form their own etho-communities, they may go back to some form of socialism, but being a socialist now just, in their view, hurts their goals instead of helps. At this point most nationalists are concerned with cutting themselves off from typical administrative power.