It's over for crypto.
why are people asking him to explain an ETH move from 700 days ago?
xd nevermiond i see it now
>I would buy fiat, real estate, stocks
Enjoy losing at least 40% of your money in the next crash then, Vitalik.
Because you aren't suppose to move the Genesis block. It show lack of faith in believing Ethereum. Like if the original founder don't believe in Ethereum, why would I keep mine. Or ethereum founder know something is looming and are selling theirs, why am I keeping mine.
Thanks for your money retards
>People listen to this fucking cuck
ETH crash inevitable.
>Don't buy crypto, buy boomer investments instead
yeah this will really help eth, giving plenty of ammo to crypto skeptics to prevent normie adoption.
what the fuck is his problem?
AHAHAHAHAHA! That desperation.
Say goodbye to your shekels you anorexic, numale cuck.
Vitalik is the biggest fucking cuck on the planet
>eth price went up immediately after this reply
wtf? that doesn't any sense at all
>this is actually vitalik
>he thinks we'll think it's a troll
Anyone know his steam ID?
even mootykins had one, come on
Though I was always planning on loading up regardless of AIDs Skelly's asinine opinions.
The FUD retardedness is strong in this thread. Obtuse morons interpreting Jesuslik word in the most handicapped way possible.
Yeah, keep believing Veeky Forums has enough volume to make a difference. At least you clowns are entertaining.
Never doubt master Vitalik when he uses twitter to move the markets masterfully
It's retarded to say "don't buy crypto, buy some stocks and bonds instead"
these words will be used against him lol
Its not retarded at all. True diversification is having your money in different asset classes to protect in case one category completely falls apart in a black swan event.
this reply will go down in flames and memes will be born from it
this is the FUD that will kill ETH if enough people meme it enough
stfu no coiner and gtfo
seriously only a no coiner would say something this stupid lmao
mfw vitalik is a nocoiner
He is definitley selling the rest of his ETH and buying Bitcoin.
What's wrong with diversification? I have a crypto portfolio, vanguard mutual funds, and a WiseBanyan account. All make money at different times. Or if I'm lucky at the same time.
If a writer wants to BTFO crypto, all he has to do is point to that tweet and say "Look, even one of the most famous people in crypto says he wouldn't invest in it and that he'd rather invest in stocks!"
I'd like to assume this is a shitpost, but I know better sadly.
Crypto is useless confirmed. What will you do with your bags now?
Keep coping, noco.
How much electricity (in dollars) would a single 480 use per month mining eth?
Spread this everywhere
It's almost as Vitalik is in the crypto field because he is interested in developing a new technology, and isn't in crypto to get rich (he is already rich).
No, no, that can't be it, Vitalik is an evil russian scammer. He must have an underlying when recommending safe and steady investments over a highly volatile speculative market.
Like $7 a month of you pay close to national average for power in US
*underlying motive
eth is kill
Thanks.. why does everything I read say that mining cost tons in electricity then?
because the average person runs 50 rigs at once?
jesus habbenings are a hell of a drug
be careful pepe
he's FUDing his own coin.
Don't you see that? Do you believe he doesn't know what's going on?
He is the ultimate whale, crashing his coin just to buy more for his friends... of course I would convert that into real estate... when it's mooning again!!!!
The club of rome predicted the big problems into the 30s, 40s... there is much time till then
hahaha vitalik nocoiner confirmed
>The club of rome predicted the big problems into the 30s, 40s
You niggas dumb. He is implying ETH is so good. He doesn't need to diversify into more crypto. He already has the best one.
yup it's so good that he can just delete our tx's anytime he wants
crypto will be the first thing to go down in a financial disaster
ffs, it's probably going to CAUSE the next financial disaster
um you realize that btc would only go up as the dollar goes down right?
>he's FUDing his own coin.
>Don't you see that? Do you believe he doesn't know what's going on?
>He is the ultimate whale, crashing his coin just to buy more for his friends... of course I would convert that into real estate... when it's mooning again!!!!
This guy is right.
>The club of rome predicted the big problems into the 30s, 40s
a financial and environmental meltdown. Unsustainability in the system we live in.
Predictions of the Club of Rome were so precisly right many times. They make them for centuries now... love them
stunning lack of understanding going on here
>It's almost as Vitalik is in the crypto field because he is interested in developing a new technology, and isn't in crypto to get rich
he literally made eth because he was butthurt about missing the boat on btc. this kid abuses his power, FUDdjng against btc repeatedly, endorsing shifty ICOs, bailing out his buddies. when they get hacked. youre honestly fcking nuts to trust this shifty aids goblin with your money.
wtf I hate vitalik now
Even more reason to have less respect for Vitalik "undoes transactions" buterin.
no, because he wanted to do things with bitcoin that required a separate blockchain. hence, ethereum was born
he doesnt care about money; im not sure if he even has an ego.
yeah, just like the precious metal funds!
We got a real bright spark here guys
ETH is not a store of value.
He's saying that diversifying within the same market space as your current holdings isn't really diversifying.
It's smart to have money in crypto and traditional markets if you are that rich. Crypto is very volatile. Sure, old markets will die eventually leaving crypto as the standard, but before that happens (decades probably) it makes sense to have both.
He's right and I respect his honesty. The whole crypto market is out of control and a real crash is coming soon. Bitcoin is overpriced by at least $1000 right now.
he's not saying "why would I buy (more) crypto", he's literally saying WHY WOULD I BUY MORE BITCOIN (AKA MY #1 COMPETITOR. FUK U SATOSHI NAKOMOTO ITS MY TURN ARGGGH)
the mindset of someone whos going to lose all of their money in 5 years when this shitshow collapses
>im not sure if even ego
vitalik go 2 bed
kek'd very hard at this
You idiots don't understand. He is saying if you want to diversify, you don't fucking go into the same damn market. If you want to truly diversify from stocks, you don't go and fucking invest in stock funds, you go into bonds, real state or crypto.
I mean, he isn't wrong. We have made a lot of money here, but we are betting a lot. If you are all in on crypto, you could wake up tomorrow and have nothing.
His scam is collapsing and he FUDs bitcoin to avoid people from selling ETH for BTC.
Anyone with serious assets at stake who is going all-in on crypto is an absolute moron
Crypto is surely the future, but maybe ETH's implementation has some obscure 1 line bug in it that brings the whole thing down in an instant. This CAN happen, any sufficiently complex code DOES have bugs in it
Bitcoin is literally one of the shittiest coins in the market right now, even Bitbean is better as a cryptocurrency.
>he told me to buy bitben
bitcoin and eth is old news
these days all kids want to be paid in wojak
wow big surprise
the most faggot response from a tripfag
OK poorfag.
Because you are dealing with idiots mostly, people who don't want to believe that diversification is good, people who want to put $50 into some pump and dump and buy a lambo 20 minutes later.
>Bitcoin is overpriced by at least $2665.80 right now.
From a technical aspect, bitcoin is terrible. However, no one can beat their name recognition, reach into the normalfag-sphere and amount of die-hard shills that would literally kill your mother for saying something negative about BTC.
Ethereum is a russian scam, wojak is where its at