whose holding you up from the red today, Veeky Forums?
TKN is holding me even.
whose holding you up from the red today, Veeky Forums?
TKN is holding me even.
My portfolio is getting slaughtered
I fucking love GNT and Sia.
I have 500$ I want to spend. Looking all the dips I still don't know which one will give me the best return once "network congestion" and faggots calm down and everything goes back up.
ANS is the only one that's green among my sea of red.
I'm still in the black with ETH and GNT. Though, Aragon is bringing me down just a bit. Bought most of my Aragon when it hit $3.75.
I sold two days ago. Now I have to figure out what to buy.
do you think norm gambles with crypto?
lomocoin is up 3x since I bought it.
I'm up on bittrex because I own so many different shitcoins but I'm down overall because I went big on STR on poloniex and it's fucking me in the ass. It looked like a sure thing
Literal memes are keeping me even
I only hold ANS and ICN, both green.
No he doesn't like the internet. Seriously, listen to his interviews.
I'm using Polo to predict movements on Bittrex and making sikk gains. Literally catching every dip.
jews are cartoonishly evil lmao
This and an ETH short position.
35k virtual money
Yea is like gta 5 money
You cant buy shit
You cant withdraw real cash
So kill yourself lmaoooo
Salty nocoiner. I have 7k available plus the short profit. I can sell the others whenever I want to cash out.
Stay poor.
i love norm
Where are the gas chambers when you need them!?
I'm always buying and selling, I'm up for today - been trading ANT, PTOY, CFI, ETH, MYST, BAT and SNGLS. I'm not up by much, mind you.
stay poor. Cashing out is easy as fuck
BTC, BLOCK and AEON though I'm 0,50% down today overall
AMD but I previously sold most of my holdings to get into ethereum
Shocking LMC (LoMo) tripling up from my buy in saved me on most of the coins I dont trade to USDT.
there are nocoiners still on this board??? hahahaah get the fuck outta here
just LBRY credits and ZEN cash, only green i see out of my collection of 20 shitcoins