Why are Americans so unempathatic?
Why are Americans so unempathatic?
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About 50 years ago the US nearly tore itself apart at the seams over what it was doing in Vietnam, the fuck are you on about.
Americans are the most charitable people in the world.
This. And not just to make themselves feel better be donating 5 dollars, also the most people to go overseas and help when there is a famine or disaster. Not all, but there is no helping a lot of homeless people, they simply don't want, or squander the help. That's why you always give homeless people food instead of money, because most of them will spend it on alcohol or drugs, that's why many of them are homeless to begin with.
stop making these threads
libertarians took over
why such a shitty ideal took over I would never know
I've noticed that leftists (the people who believe that working families should pay for the unemployed) are much, MUCH less charitable than right-wingers. Send a lone Republican and a lone Democrat past a homeless vet anf see who donates.
I did that once
they both donated
Republicans just want to give away one dollar, one time, in order to feel good about themselves. The liberal will attack the roots of the problem and perhaps give a decent chunk of money every time they do taxes.
Conservative=Fake/feel good charity
Liberal=Actual commitment to a better society
Combination of corporate interests/brainwashing and the inherent simplicity/utopianism of the ideal.
Where's that reddit post of them talking about taking over Veeky Forums through Veeky Forums?
I would have to disagree with you there. Perhaps a classical liberal would be more charitable. However, in modern America, both parties and their interests have evolved. Libertarians now seem to look to the government for handouts while the conservatives ask and provide hand ups.
Liberalism is the reason for the problem in the first place.
When was the last time YOU gave money to a homeless dude (it's always men)?
>he doesn't give them granola bars
Ha, faggot, you can't spend granola on drugs.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is reddit
Funny I don't remember liberals trying to gut every social program, spending damn near everything we had on militarization and deregulating business to the point that we are sliding back into the Guided Age.
They subconsciously believe in the Doctrine of Wealth so poor people must be "bad" somehow and don't "deserve" kindness or help.
Probably because they bunch the USA together as one country in the statistics, whereas European countries get individual entries
>guided age
Phoneposter detected
Also, it's military and old people, not just the military.
And military spending is awesome.
>Phoneposter detected
Ad hominem is widely considered a logical fallacy and is indicative of a shit argument.
>Also, it's military and old people, not just the military.
So they only kept the social programs that they use. How charitable of them.
>And military spending is awesome.
Military spending is ridiculously over-bloated. However much we may need the military, we don't need THAT much military.
If you want to see near zero levels of empathy, go to East Asia.
I'm a social democrat.
It's just that there are uppity Chinks and shit that must be kept in check by force of arms.
Also, a majority of military spending is benefits at this point. This is mainly because of all those people who got blown up in Iraq and Afghanistan. Disability benefits don't pay themselves.
When you look at what the US has to deal with, this amount of military spending is reasonable. There's a power vacuum, and if the US doesn't fill it the Russians or Chinese will.
Worship of the almighty dollar. Temporarily embarassed millionaire syndrome. Role models like Kanye West, Donald Trump, The Wolf of Wall Street.
Also -- and I say this as an Atheist American -- American religious values are often self-serving. Most Americans do not actually believe in the humble teachings of Christ. They believe in hiding their sins behind the worldly power of the church, and using the community of religion as a social prop, as well as a means of upward mobility and networking. They pay their tithes the same way they would pay a gym fee: Hoping they get something in return disproportional to their input.
True faith: I've never felt it, but I hope it would be independent of the fear of hell or the desire for heaven, and based on one's internal desire to do what is ethical.
But the American deficit in empathy, compassion and fellowship tells me otherwise.
There is a fundamental failure in my culture to realize that everything has a price. Everyone says it, but few actually consider it deeply when they need to.
Because conservatives fool themselves into thinking that they're making a difference, while the liberal knows that what you're doing is far too little, and affecting far too small a percent of the total population of homeless vets.
They need homes, they need healthcare, they need good paying jobs and decent transportation. Not what ever pity you have to pull out of your pocket and toss at them.
Nigga that's because the US is one country, and Europe is not
Americans are very empathetic, the problem is the economic system they use to value the world is a raging sociopath.
Are you retarded?
Social programs on their very best day, do nothing to stop poverty. Usually, they perpetuate poverty.
T. Comrade Tryitagainsky
Many of these people aren't actually veterans
Libertarians have never held power in the US and have never come close to holding power. You don't get 19 trillion in the red from small government.
Poverty is a relative thing.
Even the homeless and shiftless citizens in American society are well fed, sheltered and receive healthcare.
America really has no poverty as that seen around the rest of the world
"leftists" (there are not many actual leftists in america) are generally poorer, republicans have higher incomes and can afford to donate
This is the exact opposite of true.
America's current success is down to the wave of middle class growth created by unionization, the New Deal, and US government spending on WW2.
>i posted it again mom!
>middle class growth created by unionization
Unionization has absolutely nothing to do with the middle class.
>the New Deal
The New deal achieved precisely nothing in it's time. FDR was bailed out by WW2 destroying nearly all of the other world's manufacturers.
>US government spending on WW2.
See above. Unless the US intends to nuke several other countries with manufacturing capability on a regular basis, America's economic success after WW2 cannot be replicated through a broken window policy.
Economic activity for it's own sake is a farce.
You do get it from reduced government income, though.
Yeah you do. Libertarians just call money borrowing "getting investments" and then forget that taxes are supposed to pay for that shit.
>Unionization has absolutely nothing to do with the middle class
Employers will not naturally pay workers as much as they'd like.
A union forces the company to balance their bottom line with the interests of the labor force. It drives wages up.
>The New deal achieved precisely nothing in it's time
Which is why the country went back into recession in 1937 when the New Deal stopped, amirite?
WW2 was a continuation of the Keynesian stimulus of the New Deal.
The GI bill was also critical in educating and housing the American middle class, which was crucial to the post-war boom.
Market failures exist, and it's possible for governments to make profitable investments where private corporations can't.
probably because half of our income is seized by the federal government every year and redistributed 'on our behalf'
Which the US government hasn't done as much as it has cartoonishly increased it's spending on everything, promised it would pay for it with tax increases, then never actually get around to increasing those taxes.
>WW2 was a continuation of the Keynesian stimulus of the New Deal.
Did you just cite Keynesian without a hint of irony?
Well, it did end the Great Depression and turn South Korea, Japan, and Germany from rubble into first world states.
Laissez faire economics is the definition of "works on paper, but not in practice"
>It drives wages up.
also drives prices up cucklord
Companies don't spend 100% of their expenses on wages, and prices aren't equal to expenses.
Unionization turns corporate profits, which benefit primarily shareholders and executives (who spend less of their money and use their money less efficiently) into wages, which benefit the middle class.
When the middle class gets money, they're more likely to spend it on education, healthcare, food, that sort of thing. They also spend a higher proportion of their money overall, which drives consumption.
>but muh job creators
Here's a fun thought experiment. Imagine country A has producers and no customers. Imagine country B has customers and no producers. In country A, the factories close down. In country B, productive capacity rises to meet demand.
>Well, it did end the Great Depression and turn South Korea, Japan, and Germany from rubble into first world states.
Not before it in part caused a war that led to the death of millions. Therein lies the problem. Keynesian economics is unsustainable without perpetual catastrophe. That's why America and Russia's military industrial complex creates more problems than it solves. It needs those problems. There's no economic activity without those problems. But because in Keynesianism, economic activity for it's own sake is sacrosanct, You have the crisis the US is in now.
A government that spends for the sake of spending, gets into debt, has managed to convince itself that the best way to get out of debt is to spend more money it doesn't have and devalue it's currency to make it so.
Why are Democrats so stingy?
Leftists are very charitable. With other peoples money, that is.
That is LITERALLY the complete opposite.
>Not before it in part caused a war that led to the death of millions
Acktually, neoclassical economics and the cyclical market failures associated with the free market triggered the fall of the Weimar government and the rise of Nazi Germany. When the markets were deregulated again in the late 90s, it triggered another global economic catastrophe.
>in Keynesianism, economic activity for it's own sake is sacrosanct
Acktually, Keynesian stimulus is supposed to take the form of public investment, so that the government can drive consumption and provide public services at the same time.
Roads need to be built, and it makes sense to build more of them during a slow economy than during a fast economy.
Purely free markets are an appealing, simple answer to economic problems, but history shows that they aren't good enough to compete with mixed economics.
Fat bet
>Roads need to be built
That is not necessarily true, but a Keynesian government doesn't care if a road in x location is truly worth it or not, which is how you get a trillion dollar "stimulus" that stimulates the most anemic economic recovery in US history.
>Well, it did end the Great Depression
[citation needed]
you literally couldn't be more wrong. Keynesian economics prolonged the depression
Would YOU donate some of YOUR money to take care of him? If not, then why do you expect anyone else to?
>but a Keynesian government doesn't care if a road in x location is truly worth it or not
If that's true, why would a non-Keynesian government care either?
"Spend more during recessions and less during growth" isn't a prescription for where to build bridges, it's a prescription for when to build them.
>which is how you get a trillion dollar "stimulus" that stimulates the most anemic economic recovery in US history
I'd like to point out that we have points of comparison. China and the European Union also went through the 2008 downturn. China rushed stimulus, the way America did, and they barely slowed down during the recession.
The European Union was unable to create a trillion dollar stimulus plan, due to the weakness of the ECB and the reluctance of member states. Their crisis lasted longer, and still is not completely resolved.
TL;DR neoclassical economics is an autistic oversimplification and the evidence has repeatedly shown that it doesn't work
Remember in 1933 when the Government seized all gold in the United States thereby completely upsetting the social order and tumbling the country into the worst parts of the Great Depression?
Fucking government gtfo REEEEEEEEE
If government spending prolongs depressions, then why didn't the US economy collapse after WW2?
>he thinks we did WWII for free
Haha we sacked Europe for our part in the war.
because when the war ended, the spending ended
WW2 pulled us out of the depression because it shipped 16 million young men overseas, solving the unemployment problem overnight
>what is the Marshall Plan
>because it shipped 16 million young men overseas
I don't know if you know this, but young men are good for economies.
They can work full time, and they aren't dependents that tie up more resources. One of the reasons developing economies grow so quickly is that the population is younger on average than in developed economies.
>because when the war ended, the spending ended
But shouldn't government spending ballooning to like 50% of GDP worsen the recession while it's going on? The US government spent way, way more on WW2 than the New Deal. And then there was the GI bill, and Truman having to quadruple defense spending as a result of the Cold War.
>isn't a prescription for where to build bridges, it's a prescription for when to build them.
On paper, in any practical application, all it ever does is promote wasteful spending. When the government says it needs to blow a trillion dollars somewhere, every scumbag politician and snake oil salesman has a project for them to "invest" in.
They say it'll create jobs and everybody goes along with it,. After all, people love job creation, even if the job creation is in the service of a project that isn't actually productive and the only thing that actually went up was the money supply.
>all it ever does is promote wasteful spending
Why wouldn't all infrastructure spending do this?
It's always a massive expenditure.
Are you saying that doing it in batches instead of continuously is what causes waste, because I don't know if you know this, but American infrastructure is old as fuck.
>the only thing that actually went up was the money supply
Well, Obama doubled the money supply by printing trillions of dollars. As Keynes predicted, this did not cause inflation to increase, because recessionary economies don't react to changes in the money supply the way normal ones do.
If you mean the labor supply, there was surplus labor lying around. That's literally the definition of a recession.
>I've noticed
I've noticed that the few times I've been asked I walked the guy into a nearby food joint and sat down with him and gave him a free meal. What the fuck have YOU done you little faggot?
This is a (((nation))) of ethnocentric immigrants, why would different cpecies give a shit about each other. Besides, giving moneyz to vets isn't virtue aignalling.
>military spending is awesome
Ah yes the biggest entitlement program in the country is the coolest thing to waste money on. The budget doesn't even need to be expanded on them anyways, those stupid faggots waste so much on literally nothing that they could cut back on the blatant corruption and incompetence and find more money to use elsewhere than they would by adding that 10% or whatever Trump wants.
Need more carriers, more fighter squadrons, more Brigade Combat teams.
Lord knows Europe isn't going to do it.
Here's a counter example, what if in country A there are people who can buy goods and you can eliminate overhead by setting up production in a different country where labor standards result in a cheaper cost to produce, to the point in which it matters little if those in the country with the factory can actually buy the goods they produce.