>the greatest "French" leader of the past was Germanic
>the greatest "French" leader of the present was Italic
What did they mean by this?
>the greatest "French" leader of the past was Germanic
>the greatest "French" leader of the present was Italic
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Curie,Da vinci, Chopin..
French are just the best because they steal the best from other nation.
you already made this thread and you got btfo
Or maybe they're cuckolds who like to be ruled by other people. Celts are a culture of cucks.
>Napoleon was Italian
>Hitler was Austrian
>Wellington was Irish
>Richard Lionheart was French
>Stalin was Georgian
French is the second most genetically heteregenous people in Europe, they are a mixed people definition. It makes sense that foreigners will dominate there
>Austrians aren't German
>the death camps werent polish
>Irish arent English
Literally when have the french claimed anyone of them.The state of francophobes itt, grasping at straws.
Austrians are different though, but Germany itself has a lot of variation too so they're all Germanic lmao
>state facts
It's good seeing frogs getting a taste of their own remedy. The claim England was conquered by the French because the Normans spoke a mongrelized version of French. Charlemagne and Napoleon both spoke their own respective languages before French.
Curie's "achievements' can be righfully claimed by the French given that she did jack shit while all the work was done by her French husband (who accpted to share credit with her, leading to him being completly shadowed nowdays because of feminist putting the emphasis on 'muh female scientist').
which facts?
>The claim England was conquered by the French because the Normans spoke a mongrelized version of French.
1066 Normans were French, Nigel. Its not just the language.
>The claim England was conquered by the French because the Normans spoke a mongrelized version of French.
Found the buttdevasted bong
Normans were French by 1066, it's fact
Maybe it's time you guys get over it, it's been a fucking millenium (although the consequences can still be felt nowdays in English language).
>Charlemagne and Napoleon both spoke their own respective languages before French.
Charlemagne never spoke French at all
Napoleon did indeed have Corsican as native language, but he could speak French perfectly as he spent most of his childhood in a French military school near Paris.
>but he could speak French perfectly as he spent most of his childhood in a French military school near Paris
He had a strong Italian accent.
are you retarded? having an accent has nothing to do with speaking a language incorrectly
He had a Corsican accent, that's not the same
And most people in France have a strong accent from their region
But it does. People can't understand you very well if your accent is too strong.
>He had a Corsican accent, that's not the same
Nice meme. Corsican is literally the sister language of standard Italian (Tuscan dialect).
>greatest French leader
Still in the same league of "me against Europe" than them, so...
Yeah, and?
Dutch is a sister language of German, and their accents are very different
sister language =/= same accent
wew lad
thats not Richelieu
This sounds like Italian to me.
Are the people on this board actually retarded?
>to me
Spanish and Portuguese sound the same to me, but they arent
Corsican is in the same fucking group as Tuscan. That's not comparable. They're the same language: youtube.com
Can an Italian just drop by here to say if they sound the same or not?
I'm from Piemonte and I can understand Corsican just fine. They talk a little funny like they're dying or something but still perfectly comprehensible. Terroni dialects and Sardinian are fucking impossible for me to understand though, so it's way more "Italian" than those.
It means that France is a mixture of Germanic and Italic.
This, they are just another mongrel nation
>I'm from Piemonte
No you're not.
t. Tyrone Giuseppe O'Neill
How would you know?
Explain what this is supposed to mean?
Have a guess :^)
>Franks are Germanic
Hum... try again sweetheart xo
He's calling you an American euromutt of Irish and Italian but also part black.
Something about the French being mutts?
I speak standard Italian obviously.
Were ancient Fench africans?
>Normans were French
>it only took them 5 generations to integrate
Wow truly progressive showing how quickly these refugees will assimilate
More like conquer
>The Vikings invaders were numerous enough to make a significant ethnical and cultural alteration
A drop in a bucket
they got btfo
By who?
Was searching for this one.
Lmao he looks just like an african
>5 generations
William was part of the 8th generation (7 generations after Rollo)
And given that all of the reproduction from the very first generation was through interbreeding with locals, it's easy to understand that the 8th generation was over 80% French genetically speaking
And don't get me started on the cultural aspect, Rollo himself had started to behave like Frenchmen so 8 generations later there was probably nothing Scandinavian left in their way of life
By the French
That's how they got Normandy: after getting defeated by a numerically inferior French force (link below), they were offered a tiny swamp at the estuary of the Seine river (Normandy) in exchange for vassalage and protecting the entrance of the river from other vikings
So the French got btfo?
Only his political successor.
yes because romans were african and romanz conquer french
Kek, well the africans seems to be conquering them once again
stalin was russian not american you fucking retard
The Normans got BTFO
But given that the Normans are French, yes, the French got BTFO