THE POINT IS Egyptians were non-whites.
Greeks took from Egyptians. THEY WERE non-whites. Look at Socrates statue.
Romans took from Greeks. THEY WERE non-whites if we go by the stormfag definition.
THE POINT IS Egyptians were non-whites.
Greeks took from Egyptians. THEY WERE non-whites. Look at Socrates statue.
Romans took from Greeks. THEY WERE non-whites if we go by the stormfag definition.
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Using terms like "white" or "black" in antiquity is meaningless. The Romans didn't care what colour your skin was, they cared if you were Roman. The Gauls and the Egyptians were equally foreign to them.
I'm using the stormfag definition my man.
It's not that they didn't care. Ethopics and black Moors (as they called them) were known as Black and unusual.
People in antiquity did care about skin color. They just didn't put people in the monolithic categories we have today.
Just to add something: Stormfags love germanics but our biggest influence the romans considered germanics to be nothing but fucking barbarians. I love it.
>le white or not debate
Back to pol you go
>our biggest influence
Do we share influence, Tyrone or Goldberg?
>Ancient Romans
Of course do, /pol/fag.
Any country from the new world has A LOT of influence from Rome. USA has more anglo saxon but for example Brazil follows the germanic-roman style of law (civic law). I don't even need to mention language.
Just a reminder not all countries in South America are like Mexico. Brazil for example had a monarchy ruled by the Braganza family: D. Pedro I and D. Pedro II straight from Portugal
There are more Italians and Slavs on stormfront than there are Germanics.
I'm not Tyrone. I don't think I'm inferior. I learned your language by myself. How many languages do you know?
So what? Nignogs havent done jack shit since.
hue fags are delusinal. monkeys.
The point is non-whites can do it.
We are white though, or at least the north is.
t. Egyptian
the monkeys who came up with Artur Avila(mathematician who won the fields medal)
The monkeys who came up with Bossa nova
the monkeys who came up with Dumont
the monkeys who came up with MPB
the monkeys who came up with Heitor Villa-Lobos
The monkeys who came up with Guimaraẽs Rosa(2deep4yourinbreedBrain)
The monkeys who came up with Machado de Assis
The monkeys who came up with Tropicalia
The monkeys who came up with Graciliano Ramos
You can beat us when it comes to Economy but when it comes to art we can win every time my man.
Like the fact that you're using Phoenician influenced letters and Indians numerals?
Fuck back to /pol/ with your retarded tribalistic nonsense, idiot.
The fact that I can learn your language and can't learn another white language proves i'm superior. I'm learning German while you think you're the shit being monolingual. Name one intelectual who only knew 1 language. I'm waiting. Even in the fucking 1600s Newton wrote in Latin...
Btw I might be mixed but I'm 80% white(brazilians in general are 70% white)... So I share the same root as you... You can't erase that...
Eggselent pic my fellow redditor XD
Projection. No one is trying to get validation from anyone. If you tried to live in another country you most definintely need to learn their language.
Ancient Egyptians looked similar to regular Egyptians today
>t. guy who went to Egypt last week
Your native language is a creole of old English and french. Portuguese comes directly from Latin, no invasions. It has a grammar much more complex than English. The great Cervantes called it "the sweet and gracious language".
>and Spanish playwright Lope de Vega referred to it as "sweet"
Who are you compared to Cervantes?
We don't even need to count Brazil. There is Luis Camoens who wrote the Lusiads
Eça de Queiros
But Brazil has great literature too that even the country that colonized it read it: Machado de Assis and Guimarães Rosa(who wrote the equivalent of Ulysses in Portuguese)
>that nigger deleted his post
Lol you're trying so hard.