>Parents keep buying sister expensive shit
>Parents keep taking sister on expensive vacations to Europe
>Parents will pay sister's tuition in full
>Meanwhile I dont get shit and have to pay for college
myself and same with everything else
>Parents keep buying sister expensive shit
>Parents keep taking sister on expensive vacations to Europe
>Parents will pay sister's tuition in full
>Meanwhile I dont get shit and have to pay for college
myself and same with everything else
what did you do?
How old are you and how old is she?
I'm 20 and she's 15
Mind break her completely like they do in those hardcore doujinshi.
Possible early life Trauma... Got an abusive uncle?
Sounds like your parents are in competition for the affection of your sister. Maybe one parent wants to buy things for her and the other parent feels like if they refused, the other parent would do it by themselves anyway.
On the bright side, it probably means they think more highly of you. They know you can't be manipulated and maybe they care enough about you not to want you spoiled.
Or it could just be that they don't view the sexes as equal (they'd be right) and there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.
In any case, stop whining about it. Do you want your parents to take care of you or do you want to be a self-sufficient man?
noone gives a shit about your stupid little personal problems, this is /biz, not /b/
I want both - to enjoy gifts/have an easier life as well as be self sufficient.
no one would give a shit on /b/ either
You should refuse your parents help. You're the one who's going to have to make sure your family is taken care of when your parents are elderly or gone.
Why wouldn't you be able to refuse that tho?
My parents do the same shit.
They despise my sister because she takes advantage of their generosity
grow up, you are the oldest, and you must take your own responsibility. same happend to me, I did not understand it at the time but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. sort yourself out and put it behind you.
Possibly this. There might be something to it, OP.
>Parents give my brother a car, dental care, glasses, don't make him pay his phone bill and he's 3 years older than me.
>meanwhile I have to pay for my own glasses, vehicle, and dental care and phone.
I'm moving out in a month but still, I just wanted braces and my wisdom teeth removed.
This honestly sounds like a cope.
Hello senpai
I'm in the same situation as you, except my sister and I are both graduated and my parents still pay for her to live far away to pursue being an artist (she can't get a good job with her degree).
I once asked my parents if they wanted to pay off my student loan lump sum just so I'm not wasting money on interest, but they pretty much laughed at me saying I should take responsibility. It was more of a practical request than a jealousy thing though. I think them being harder on me did help as I went from lazy and unemployed (with an engineering degree) to employed, financially responsible and independent.
But still man do you ever feel cucked? Especially what makes it so much worse is it being your family.
I just don't get why they'd waste thousands of dollars on a whim for something that barely lasts, versus an education I'm working hard on to earn money in the future with.
I know I sound entitled to bystanders and I know the fact that I live in a 1st world country and attend university makes me luckier than 95% of the world or whatever but I can't help but feel cuckolded, by my very own fampais.
How do you do it man? Please help.
lucky bastard, you can get all her jailbait friends you can impress with crypto gains
beta bitch
who gives a fuck, dont be cucked, do the cucking
How? Please elaborate. For once in life I want to be the bull.
Grow up, OP, you sound like a whiny little bitch. You're 20 years old, you're no longer a child, your parents don't owe you shit. You are a disappointment.
>tfw only child
Yeah it's not like they are family or anything
Grow a pair little man. Man the fuck up.
What are you even responding to?
If his parents can afford useless, materialistic shit, then they can afford to have their kid go to college and be even more successful.
Him whining on Veeky Forums sure is retarded, lack of communication between family is no good.
Either talk to your parents or deal with it OP. Nobody here can help.
I talked man but they refuse. I'm just seeking some motivating words from fellas who are in / were in my situation.
Probably because you're always talking about cryptocurrencies and the NWO while your sister is expressing her desire to have a rich and full life of education and travel.
That or your parents are just arsehole and you should move out and not communicate with them.
just fuck your sister, literally
is she cute? i'll fuck her if you don't want to
Imagine you raise the kind of son who is 20 and whining online about how you're treating your 15 year old daughter better than you're treating him. Yikes.
Well, you should've specified that. Everybody here is a badass and won't take any of your pussy shit.
If your parents won't explain it, then there really is nothing to do. Pleading ito them probably won't get you anywhere, and it sounds like you doing fine by yourself.
How does it feel OP, that your sister, a 15 year old girl is being doted on at this very moment.
Lavish vacations to Europe, lavish gifts while her body is going through puberty, blossoming into a form that other men will want. She is 3 years to 18, a most promising age, where men and boys will come from far to carry on her parents legacy of lavish gifts and trips.
Your sister is off to a fluffy journey to a comfortable land where all her needs will be taken care of, where all laws will cater to her and where she will just marry herself a well off man and bear his brood, never needing to work a day in her life.
While you OP, will need to just 'take it like a man' and work in a cubicle for the rest of your life not even reaching the top 20% of males.
An 80% that serves the 20%.
I might just be a cuck in this regard because it doesn't really bother me. I never complained about it once and my mom trusts me enough to vent about the money she spends on my sister. She knows that I won't get bitter about that kind of thing.
IDK your specific situation, but I bet if you're ever seriously broke and unable to support yourself, they'd help take care of you again. That's a great safety net that many people aren't lucky enough to have. How you utilize that is up to you.
If you can get a job and make decent money, the loans are no problem. I pay the minimum automatically every month and still can put over half my paychecks into long-term stocks like AMZN with the plan of starting my own Veeky Forumsness in my mid 30s (10 years from now). Unless everything crashes, the interest on that student loan is less than what you'll make off a pretty safe long-term portfolio. I also get to put a small amount on risky shit like crypto/options but that's more for fun than an actual plan.
send your sister to me OP, i'll spoil her out of your sight and you can carry on being pathetic without her around to get in the way
only send if her if she's cute
But can't I change that by transcending being a beta?
Tru man. I guess it's easily manageable when I actually consider it. And when I become successful it'll be that much better to consider myself selfmade
Hey bitch boy I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.
Grow. A. Pair. You are not a special snowflake. Man the fuck up.
Thanks bitchboy.
Bye bye now.
Student loans are actually a great investment in yourself if you take school seriously, network and do everything by the books to get a job after. One of my regrets is not taking uni that seriously (no internships/networking), but I got lucky and found a job eventually anyway.
I hav big dick, yes. me strong man. big dick strong.
I'm not OP you stupid tard.
Sure feels good, not being retarded and all.
>But can't I change that by transcending being a beta?
Yes, you can transcend being beta by working out, and getting a good salary.
Many others don't acheive this and live in mental anguish.
Some sit in their basement for years till the voices tell them to shoot up a school.