Why are there still people who don't believe the Holocaust happened?
A healthy mix of cognitive dissonance, racism, and ignorance
Because they're litterally 13 and being a neonazi holocaust denier is the edgiest thing they can come up with.
If the Holocaust happened how come there are still Jews?
not an argument
Because the jews use it on an industrial level to foment pity for them and extort people and deflect any criticism whatsoever so I deny it just to spite them. I don't want to give them the satisfaction.
Who fucking cares? It's been 80 years. The Holocaust is irrelevant.
I'm at the point where I think it's outright irrelevant whether holocaust actually happened, what irks and pisses me off is that the Jewish pity party that's using the holocaust as an ammunition for every argument. You dislike the actions of the Israeli state? ANUDDA HOLOCAUST! You criticize Jews for their malicious involvement in the finance industry and the media? REMEMBER THE HOLOCAUST, YOU'RE LITERALLY GESTAPO. Fuck off.
≥You dislike the actions of the Israeli state
≥You criticize Jews for their malicious involvement in the finance industry and the media
Absolutely ridiculous conspiracy bullshit. Capitalists should be criticized for the malice, not any specific ethnicity is the cause.
Get the fuck back to wherever you came from.
good goy
We need to roll the page back on both capitalism and communism, they have the same origin.
shit thats been going on since the BC's is still relevant
Because stupid people are gullible and tend to believe in internet conspiracy theories
Also the Dunning Kruger effect
>going to a history board and saying something is irrelevant because it's 80 years old
Kill yourself my man
>Absolutely ridiculous conspiracy bullshit. Capitalists should be criticized for the malice, not any specific ethnicity is the cause.
hehehehe yes goyim look at all those non Jewish financiers hehehehe they're all capitalists all the same!
>i deny facts out of spite
I can know that veganism is probably more healthy than my current diet where i order out twice a week, but i can still also know vegans often act like holier than thou assholes, it's not that difficult
Why are you even going to /pol/ in the first place, it's probably the shittiest board at this point. It's filled with the_donald tourist and underage.
>a culture with hundreds of years headstart on banking and finnancial pursuits is going to produce people who end up being high in industries that generate a lot of revenue
The Holocaust was a failure anyway, the hitler had the oportunity to erase gypsies from existence and now we have to deal with these retards for the rest of our lifes because of his incompetence.
R9k is way worse.
/r9k/ is the only board I still enjoy going to
you unironically think white capitalists would be less degenerate and subversive if they replaced the capitalist jews
because it didn't real
There ain't no business like shoah business
seriously the number gets higher every day.
And they won't shut. the. fuck. up. about it.
My grandma had to eat grass to survive under the jackboot of the SS and the Mussolini's armies while my grandfather ran into the forrests of Bosnia with sandals and a rifle all I knew is some rich Jew whining about how his grandparents narrowly avoided the Holocaust by buying a boat ticket in 1934. My other grandmother lost a set of twins due to starvation. Fuck them and their monopolization of human suffering attempts during WWII.
Capitalism starts with the basic idea of barter though, communism starts when money isn't aroud and instead of using trade the community attempts to sustain itself via production shared by all, these things likely existed before judaism.
I don't actually, I'm against capitalism. But to deny capitalism and finance industry is a Jewish created monstrosity is to deny reality. Who was behind the bourgeoise revolution? The Jews, since they were butthurt they couldn't get an aristocratic title. Literally "if I can't be an aristocrat then nobody can!" tier chimpout.
/r9k/ is objectively right about pretty much everything.
Ajme Meni momcilo it was anudda jasenovac!
I hate /r9k/ for trying to pull PUA nonsense instead of rejecting women altogether.
>so yeah, we're in agreement that heroin is shit and ruins your health and makes you addicted and kills you
>now let's talk about how to do heroin smartly and in moderation xDDD
Wizards/gays/MGTOWs are the really redpilled people, failed normies are just resentful.
No matter weather you believe the holocaust happened or not, whether it was exaggerated or not, the point is that it is milked by Jews to shield them from legitimate criticism. That I do not accept.
so what do you want instead?
so whats so good with feudalism then?
I like /r9k/ because they openly admit they are complete losers. Unlike /pol/, Veeky Forums, /x/, /tv/ etc. where people pretend to be someone they aren't, to understand things they don't and to be passionate about things they don't care about.
>a scene from a fictional comedy
Thanks for proving my point, retard. Entertainment industry has rotten your brain.
I could mass reply all you retards taking b8 in this thread holy shit but I don't wanna get b&
>I could shitpost anti-semitic propaganda, but I'm afraid of what a mod will do to me.
>Entertainment industry has rotten your brain.
says the faggot who wants to live in some make believe lord of the rings world.
The amount of butthurt and outrage you get when you deny Holocaust far exceed any other crimes, you know there's something going on, and ultimately its just fun to poke at crybabies and hypocrites
>never blame others! it's always your fault!
This cuckold position has to be finally phased out.
You just said you want a Feudal system because "baww jews rule the capitalist/modernist system!"
There is no way this delusional retardation is NOT born out of some infantile fantasy LARP shit.
>This cuckold position has to be finally phased out.
Says the impotent cuck whos literally in the SJW millennial mindset of "bawww muh participation trophy!"
Thinking I'm drawing from some fantasy nonsense literature is literally just your projection since obviously you're the kind of guy who does that. Moreover LOTR was written by a diehard philosemite.
>y-you're just like the SJWs
Every time.
There are people who believe Earth is flat, there are people who believe ancient history is made up, there are people who believe govermnent is poisoning there water with gay-hormones, there are people who believe aliens rule the world.
Why can't there be people who think Holocaust was made up?
>literally just your projection
No it isnt. You are clearly just some miniver cheevy fuck who cant cut it in this cold and isolated society, so you want to be assigned a role by some king.
You just said nothing is ever your fault is all your failing are because of societies. How are you not an SJW?
give a reason then on why feudalism is spperior
I have no faults really, other men do for trying to coexist with vaginal demons.
>reddit spacer + a cuck + a modernist
I think we're done here, faggot.
Everyone has faults. Unless you are Quetzalcoatl our Lord and Savior.
>I have no faults really
Except you arent attractive at all to women and are very bitter and angry. You also just said nothing is ever your own fault. Thats spoiled little baby tier mentality.
We sure are since you have literally nothing to articulate. Also, its hillarious seeing someone who wants an all powerful overlord and highly regulated structure of superiority calling anyone else a cuck
>reddit spaces
>my worth is measured by the opinion of a woman
You're a literal subhuman.
idk. They have cognitive dissonance where they love hitler and hate jews, but also have some degree of empathy and arent neccesarily bad people, so they decide to not believe in the holocaust to feel ok with themselves.
I literally never said that. And its pretty funny that you pretending the opinons of women dont matter to you when you are obviously very bitter about being a perpetual virgin.
But of course, the fact that youre a boring, ugly, unfunny, mean spirited, weirdo isnt your fault. Keep wallowing in self pity betamale
>half of our history curriculum was the Holocaust
wut, all we did at my school was read Night. also
>linking a /pol/ thread to Veeky Forums
make your own OP damn it. this has to be the most explicit violation of Veeky Forums is not "/pol/ plus dates", literally linking Veeky Forums to /pol/ to start a discussion
I'm neither a virgin nor a heterosexual, but keep projecting Amanda.
>Hitler literally says hes going to destroy the jewish race in a speech. Not only that, but he produces a film that shits all on jews called "The Eternal Jew" and the final scene of the movie is him giving that speech
>people still think he had no intention of killed them
I remember back in like 2006-2007, the BIG conspiracy theory at the time was The Illuminati, which is a joke meme by now. But I remember these really paranoid fucks on /b/ talking about it all the time and the moment you would sort of question them, they would get angry and say you were an illuminati agent.
Betas are betas through no fault of their own.
>no fault of their own.
its literally all their fault. They just wallow around in self pity
It was heavily implied. Basing your self worth on the opinion of a woman is no less absurd than basing it on the opinion of a dog.
>Basing your self worth on the opinion of a woman
Being literally unable to attract anyone is going to destory your self confidence and anyone who claims other wise is just being sour grapes. Every guy wants to fuck pretty much everyone other woman he sees
>this is what roasties actually believe
You're completely hopeless.
says the angry virgin with a chip on his shoulder.
See It's also apex irony that someone like you who's talking about "bitterness" is doing literally nothing but experiencing vaginal holocaust and spewing sulphur all over the thread. Textbook projection.
nah, I'm saving my virginity for Ann Frank
Sorry to break it to you, but yes women were and are arbitors of man's worth, whatever you like it or not.
>actually linking to /pol/
This should result in permaban.
>it was real in my mind
i think we need to drop the ann frank copypasta in every holocaust thread
/his9k/ strikes again
>denies holocaust
>thinks white genocide is real
i think i'd rather call a demitranny xir
How do we save them?
This meme needs to die.
cause they're fgts
Probably a Jew too.
>Can't even greentext properly
>this genocide was embellished
>That means THIS genocide has to be fake too!
Neck urself
I love that this new alt-right/neo-reactionary whatever wave of idiots that miss the middle ages when IRL they are scrawny nerds that are mad because le SJWs want to censor their anime (pic related is some annoying guy that post in anime Facebook pages), funnily enough they would never survive feudalism eating raw carrots and working for 12 hours since they were born in the contemporary era in 1st world countries enjoying all the commodities old capitalism.
Oh but of course they imagine themselves being Lords and finally having gfs.
Because there is substantial evidence that the Holocaust is majorly exaggerated and proven false. Read some official Auschwitz records here: thegreateststorynevertold.tv
I've listened to nearly all of Adolf Hitler's speeches and never heard that claim of "destroying" the Jews. If you have a speech of him saying that, please give me a link.
I have never seen an "alt-right" person advocate feudalism or monarchy except for that guy right there if you want to count him.
You haven't looked very far
"Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international Jewry succeeds in plunging the nations into another world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!"
30 January 1942 hitler said "[T]he war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. Now for the first time they will not bleed other people to death, but for the first time the old Jewish law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, will be applied. And -- world Jewry may as well know this -- the further these battles [of the war] spread, the more anti-Semitism will spread. It will find nourishment in every prison camp and in every family when it discovers the ultimate reason for the sacrifices it has to make. And the hour will come when the most evil universal enemy of all time will be finished, as least for a thousand years"
1943 Goebbels published an article called "The War and the Jews" in which he wrote "None of the Führer's prophetic words has come so inevitably true as his prediction that if Jewry succeeded in provoking a second world war, the result would be not the destruction of the Aryan race, but rather the wiping out of the Jewish race. This process is of vast importance, and will have unforeseeable consequences that will require time. But it can no longer be halted. It must only be guided in the right direction"
I don't have to go to the link to know exactly what nonsense they are spewing here.
They are saying that of all the people registered in the camp only 271,000 or so died per some red cross document . What holocaust deniers will fail to mention is that the document only counts GERMANS who were REGISTERED in the camp.
It says nothing about non-germans or those who were not registered (the majority were sent to their deaths shortly after they arrived on the train platform and went straight to the gas chambers. So they didn't get a chance to even get in the camp.
Pictured is the letter from the Red Cross clearing up any confusion about the document holocaust deniers love to use.
Arguments and reasons are different things
He talks about them in Mein Kampf
I see it all the time. It's the same people who say the Renaissance, Enlightenment and Modernism were all a mistake.