Why did Europe produce so many mathematicians compared to the rest of the world?
Why did Europe produce so many mathematicians compared to the rest of the world?
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superior euro intellect
not even meme'ing
the jews were dunces until they crossed with Europeans
hard to find a non racist answer
the europeans did document shit throughout history, explains why kangz (egypt) has a "high" number of mathematicians
Why is Iran there? Have they contributed a lot in the 20th century?
Right place at the right time.
It's not hard to find a non-racist answer. Europeans have been richer than the rest of the world for centuries, and wealth means access to better nutrition, e.g higher IQ.
It's from 4000 BC to the present
This is a joke, right? What you stated is simply not true unless you're dealing with post-19th century Europe.
Intelligence plus creativity and a will to explore. European culture (Greco-Roman, Scholastic Catholic, Protestant and secular humanistic) all value learning as well.
>pic related
even if what you said was true
>post-12th century Europe
>Europe has been the riches continent since the 12th century
Holy Toledos, batman. We have a regular retard on our hand.
t. black people invented space ships
>What you stated is simply not true unless you're dealing with post-19th century Europe.
Well even before that too. Do you think working class people who lived in workhouses turned into Nobel Prize winning mathematicians?
Even Aristotle admitted that there's just no way he would be able to do advanced philosophy if he wasn't wealthy.
It's not like other continents didn't have their own versions of wealthy and nobility. Asia certainly did. Even West Africa had their kangz and chiefs.
Picking outliers like Aristotle doesn't mean Europe was the wealthiest continent for centuries. This is particulaly retarded as it doesn't even include the societal collapse that was the Black death.
Chinks eternally blown the fuck out
>hundreds of millions of people
>thousands of years of history
>produce jack shit
It's clearly a bait image because China isn't even at the top 5.
>It's not like other continents didn't have their own versions of wealthy and nobility. Asia certainly did.
Yeah, and some of those countries also have known mathematicians.
There's a huge correlation between nutrition and IQ.
But if you want another reason, I also think that the inquistiveness of Western culture towards learning things it does not understand also helped.
The point is I doubt most of Europe's wealthy class had access to more nutrition to the wealthy class of other civilizations throughout history.
Fine. Doubt it if you want. Doesn't change my thesis that nutrition is highly correlated with IQ, so it can at least explain why it's only Egypt that have any known mathematicians in Africa.
They had the tools necessary to actually perform complex complex mathematics. If 0 isn't even a concept in your culture, than you're going to have trouble with other concepts such as negetive/real numbers
Russia was dirt poor for 90% of their history and underwent several famines and still produced more mathematicians than entire east Asia put together.
what do you call it, enlightenment
When was Russia rich?
How in the fuck is Greece not in a list of mathematicians?
They fucking invented it
You're spontaneously saying that from the 9th century AD to now, most of it's history was being a shithole.
With the exception of the aristocracy, it was.
When Napoleon entered Russia, the only buildings made of stones were in Moscow.
An average korean is 6-10 times more creative than an average euro
Japan has more patents than the whole of Europe combined
all it takes is a simple googling effort
more than half of US patents are by non residents by the way
no hiistory didn't begin with euro enlightenment and it didn't end with it, and no white people aren't special
some are, most aren't
crackers are pretty autistic
I can fold a piece of paper and patent it, does that make me intelligent?
Wrong. Moscow up until Peter the Great's reign was full of wooden buildings. Fire hazards that burned portions of Moscow was common place. Russia as a whole underwent multiple golden ages throughout it's history. The aristocracy alone didn't make Russia into a European power since the early medieval times.
>St. Petersburg didn't exist
i don't believe white race is inferior to east asians, i'm not a racist
Fuck off chinks don't have souls
There are a lot of Iranian scientists and mathematicians. The only female fields medallist, for instance, was born and raised in Iran and did her undergrad there.
True but the thread is talking about contributions. The only things I remember contemporary Iran made was some laser.
IQ is meaningless if you're a conformist drone.
whites males are prone to a special kind of autism.
not really
outliers do not define the larger population
besides where we white males before the 14th century - nowhere, aside from meds
besides, using 'autism' when you don't actually mean the disorder means you are stupid, which is ok
world expert on autism says it's more likely than you think. I'm sure you can at least agree this isn't a woman thing.
Maybe the European ones are just more usually "globally known" because we colonized all those fuckers
1) Mathematics is not invented, but discovered, because its objective reality persists independently of human observation. The contrary assertion is a very common misunderstanding of what is being discussed, on /sci.
2) I had the same initial thought as you, but the OP's chart appears simply to be a birth-list of some selection of 150 or so mathematicians. It is highly probable that the listing attributes Euclid's BIRTH to Egypt, and so accounts for him that way, to say nothing of Apollonius, etc. And let's be fair, the other ancient Greek mathematicians are not nearly so well known as Euclid (Pythagoras though?), so it's a partial list in any event, which seems perhaps only to represent Euclid.
/pol/ memes aside, Occam's razor does demand we consider racial superiority as an answer.
However these sort of accomplishments compound don't they. Newton drew voraciously from western canon, Euler would have been influenced by Newton and so on and so forth.
Thus European culture was more conducive to intellectual accomplishments. Societies were isolated back then, maybe if an aboriginal was transposed with Euler at birth, we'd just have an odder looking Euler -- maybe.
So I guess the question is why the proverbial ball got rolling or keeps rolling towards Europe?
Probably divine providence desu.
Who let Jared Diamond in?
>156 people only
That's not enough to draw any conclusions.
Also, where the fuck is Greece if its from 4000 BC to the present? en.wikipedia.org
What? If you were to do the same study 1000 years ago, the list would barely have any Europeans aside from the Greeks. If the answer is racial why did Europe not do anything outstanding in math until around 500 years ago?
Almost all important mathematicians on that list were born in the last 500 years. You do realize that progress is exponential right?
>le science
IQ is meaningless. A nonmetric
>occam's razor
Why is this meme correct?
>math genes are related to autism
The Hindus invented zero that's at least a tenth of it
>tfw no french ancestry
If you are white you have french ancestry, I can garuntee it.
Is it really that hard to find a non-racist answer for you?
The answer is simple, before the advent of renaissance, the bulk of the math was done by India/Arabic/Ancient Greeks/Ancient Egyptians.
Once the printing became the norm, the libraries were being filled with books. Recording data from the age of exploration became the driving point. The math functioned to help the data make sense. This served as both an economic viability and a intellectual viability. A perfect storm so to speak for knowledge explosion.
>12th century Europe
>The math functioned to help the data make sense.
This is the main cause
During Enlightement, for better understanding of the world, Europeans were trying to sum up everything as mathematic formula, which laid the foundation for every scientific progress we made since then.
I have some problems with this graph.
1. "Globally known" is subjective.
2. "Mathematician" is subjective, and many people theorized the relationship between lengths of a building before "math" existed.
3. United states is for all purposes European, and should be colored as such.
4. Poland should be added to Russia, as Polish mathematicians were part of either the Russian Empire or the USSR Empire when they studied and worked.
That said, during the most intense growth of mathematics Europe simply had the most dudes who can afford to not farm to eat.
Having an aristocracy, people who have food and roof provided simply by their station, and they don't NEED to do anything their whole life, they will turn to hobbies, and at the time science, math and such were popular gentlemanly hobbies. Thats also the reason for the literary development in the period.
>United states is for all purposes European
No it isn't
It's mostly based on wikipedia popularity
>the US has existed for 0.4% of that timeframe
>still 5.13% of the contribution
Coattail riders, all of you.
Math is in part invented, because the axioms which define any particular branch of mathematics are made up, even if they're inspired by real world phenomena. The resulting theorems are entirely based off of the framework created by the axioms, which are invented and unprovable.