Why did she never marry?
Why did she never marry?
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Because it would have lessened her power and control over the country. Any man she took as a husband would have been used as a pawn by the advisors and court. At best, they would have tried to use her husband in order to promote their own agenda. At worst, the husband could have been used as a pawn in a coup d'etat or the husband might even participate willingly. Also, there's the question of "who would be an appropriate husband for a reigning queen of England"? If she married a foreigner of her own rank, it would cause political and dynastic complications. People loathed Mary's choice of a Spanish husband. If she married an English subject, she'd be marrying beneath her and elevating a subject to the status of "king." It was accepted, although not always orthodox, for a king to raise a female subject to the status of queen, which with some exceptions was considered a consort role in England. It would not be the same for a queen to raise a subject to the status of king, which had wholly different connotations.
She was an Anglo. it's a miracle the Anglo race survives at all considering their opposition to love and affection.
This makes no sense.
well put
She was Welsh m8
blame the Eternal Sheep
Because "She" was really a dude.
2 busy fuggin noblemen
>house was literally founded by a guy called Owain ap Maredudd ap Tudur ap Goronwy ap Tudur ap Goronwy ap Ednyfed Fychan
Hmmmm yes truly the most Anglo of names
This also explains why monarchies were ultimately replaced. They result in 'dead ends' nobility-wise and fail. You just can boil a governing system down to the personal attributes and propensities of a single person.
*can't, rather.
what did he mean by this?
I think her role of allowing the Stewarts of Scotland the Throne was a stroke of genius. She took the welfare of her Kingdom over the welfare of her own families existence.
The Stuarts were great Kings of Scotland but in England they all sucked apart from Charles II.
She was a lesbian
She fucked a lot of guys, she just never married them
no proof senpai
james i was ok, though not as vigorous as the tudors. james ii, despite getting ousted, was fine except for the fatal flaw of being a catholic (and admittedly, a very gradual keikaku f bringing england back into the catholic fold which would not have been accomplished for decades or even in his lifetime)
Look at her though. You just know some serious face-sitting went on in the royal chambers. Her poor guards probably didn't get a choice i the matter either.
One of the foundations of her queenship was her virginity though. She also had a thing for blue-balling her courtiers whenever their romantic interest got too strong. It's certainly possible that she fucked people, but the evidence points in the opposite direction.
Stop ruining my perverted fantasy.
She didn't bathe often if I'm to believe the memes, so I'm not sure you'd want her to sit on your face desu.
I hate you.
even better
You said you were perverted though... you probably wouldn't mind licking her chronic yeast infection along with caked layer of sweat, period blood and anal leakage sticking to her crotch...
reality doesn't scare me off.
I'm perverted within the bounds of hygiene, thankyou very much.