What cities can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment in for under $100k? Is it even possible to find such a thing anywhere in America that isn't either in a) a nigger neighborhood or b) a place that's really far away from the urban center of the city? It doesn't have to be new or even particularly nice, just not some ugly shithole like pic related.
What cities can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment in for under $100k...
Washington DC and all areas within 30 miles reporting in - We don't got none of that shit here.
any city in Tennessee
Well washington dc is nigger central so I wouldn't expect to find anything like that there. Pretty much the entire northeast US is expensive as fuck, so I know that's out of the question too.
I just checked zillow and I don't see a single apartment listed for under $100k in the entire city of nashville.
>buying apartments
Is this a regional thing?
Where I'm from we rent apartments and buy condominiums.
That's just semantics. It's the same exact thing.
100k? lol what the fuck? 100k per year? how? why? whaT? Do you never leave your fucking city bubble? even 15 mins outside the city where i live i could get a one bedroom for 700$ a month in my sleep
I'm talking about buying property you fucking idiot.
I don't get the appeal of a condo, even if the principal on the mortgage is $100k, you're still paying $400/month is HOA fees
I mean, I'd buy a house if I could find one for under $100k in a major city, but I know that would be impossible.
> Being this retarded
Here in the midwestern suburbs there was an apartment building for sale for 200k. It was 1 bed 1 bath each unit. Seemed like a steal tbqh if you charge each tenant $600 a month.
Look in urban areas in Ohio. Tucson, AZ. Peoria, AZ. Augusta, GA (maybe too many nogs...) Arizona is generally pretty cheap and property taxes are LOW. Ohio has some of the cheapest housing in the states.
the suburbs of Kansas City have plenty of townhomes around that price with HOA fees that are more reasonable
>What cities can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment in for under $100k? Is it even possible to find such a thing anywhere in America that isn't either in a) a nigger neighborhood or b) a place that's really far away from the urban center of the city? It doesn't have to be new or even particularly nice, just not some ugly shithole like pic related.
St. Paul, MN
Omaha, NE
Kansas City, KS.
You can live in the nice part of Downtown Detroit where all the young white professionals live.
(AKA not in the poor black parts of the city)
lol what?? you don't buy an apartment lmfao. That'd be a house...not an apartment...if you OWN it.
what backwards shithole are you from? How old are you? why do you want to own property so bad...a one bedroom at that
But I would be surrounded by nothing but niggers. If/when the race war breaks out, I would be the first casualty.
It makes sense if its in a really expensive highly desired area.
In the loop/river north area for example a $400 HOA fee is much cheaper than the 1.6-3.5k a month you'd be paying if renting. so you pay less than if you were renting and also most likely will be able to sell it for more than you paid.
what backwards shithole are you from? Ever hear of Manhattan? The majority of the apartment ubits are privately owned.
>why do you want to own property
Why do you want to keep giving your money away to the rentjew?
>What cities can I buy a 1 bedroom apartment in for under $100k? Is it even possible to find such a thing anywhere in America that isn't either in a) a nigger neighborhood
If you need something under 100k you might as well be one of those fine colored folk.
because i'm only 20 years old and the rent jew is alot cheaper than the property tax jew and the utilities jew.
Also i'm young so why own property when i'll probably move around alot before settling down
Fort wayne indiana. Urban area surrounded by 90 percent white neighborhoods and small towns. Niggers in the urb and pure snowy whiteness everywhere else. Oh yeah and it's cheap to live there. You can buy a 3 bedroom 2 bath 2100 sq ft house for 100k
Canada but far from city centre. Will be quite nice.
>he has hundreds of dollars in cash to spend on a house
I'm pretty sure almost nobody has enough money to outright buy a $500k house in cash. And if you think it's a good idea to get a mortgage where you'll end up paying 3x what the property is worth in interest, you're fucking retarded.
>rent is cheaper than property tax
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. If this were true, how would anyone ever be able to afford to rent their property out?
Oh and for 15k you can get about 6 acres of land and BUILD a house on it for a decent price because of the amish competition (about 20-25 miles from the city {which isn't a long drive because smaller whiter cities have no fucking traffic or cops})
Nigger you need to experience different states. In this place I'm talking about 500k would get you a 5 bedroom 4 bathroom 4000 sq ft mini mansion
youre gonna have to live with niggers.
>white people not realizing white privledge is real
>claims that niggers drive down prices of lots
>yet when he sells, he gets a markup because hes a "good citizen"
cannot fucking wait until the chinese buy up all the boomers. fuck america and whites
not what i said retard. The proerty tax by itself obviously isn't higher than the rent...but when you "own your place" you still pay rent and higher utilities. This in COMBINATION with the the property tax is what makes it more expensive doofus
I think you mean "condo" and not apartment. Condos you buy and apartments you rent.
I live in Las Vegas and you can find a decent 1-2 bedroom condo in my area for $80-90k
If you go to a nicer area like Summerlin, the prices are like $100-130k
Found the nigger. Ayy nigger when's your dad ever coming home. Stereotypes are stereotypes but you can't ignore that most of that shit is true.
>dem whites is why we be poor
You ever work with another nigger? Laziest people and often dumbest people I've had the wonderful privilege of picking up their slack for.