Can someone explain to me why Hitler and the people of Germany hated the Jews, I have been trying to figure this out but I keep getting the typical answer that it was a scapegoat and that just doesn't make sense since hatred can't just spawn from nothing.
Can someone explain to me why Hitler and the people of Germany hated the Jews...
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They're fucking ugly.
success breeds jealousy
Jews were a scapegoat
>I have been trying to figure this out but I keep getting the typical answer that it was a scapegoat and that just doesn't make sense since hatred can't just spawn from nothing.
You're suffering from the same problem many students of the Holocaust and WWII suffer from which is the complete confusion as to how the Nazis could on the one hand be believers in people, order etc. yet commit huge atrocities in private.
Don't worry, you're not the first one.
What you have to come to terms with is the evil of man and the huge capacity for man to commit such evil.
Stop looking for the 'inner' motivation and simply look on the 'outside'. There is no inner reason or motivation. It is precisely the very empty nature behind such ideology that allows it to function.
-Jews were historic scapegoats in Germany an Europe
Thats about it. All the memes about them were bullshit.
Jews have been kicked out of 65 countries in the past six hundred years, the hatred of jews is nothing new
people lack so much awareness about the JQ they will make silly posts like this saying the Nazis did it just because with no rhyme or reason
You think getting rid of Jews will heal the divisions in your social body but only new divisions will come.
read mein kampf nigga
Post ww1 Germany was embarassed and destitute. How does them being a scapegoat not make sense
couldn't you say it had something to do with the january revolution and blaming bolshevik jews for that?
First, there is the historical package. Jews used to take the better positions in society, crafted all sort of things, were traders, lended money at exorbitant rates while the population wile 90% peasants.
Second, they act like a tribe. There is many different people living in Germany and all of them lived together in the more or less coherent ting you can call the German people. Jews lived in their own part of the town. Jews with a few exceptions married other Jews, lived with Jews and so on.
Then, Jews are rootless and have been kicked from kingdom to state all the fucking time. They don't give a fuck about the nation they are living in. Keep in mind the nazis were nationalist as fuck.
And then, above that, Jews tried as hard as they cold to doge the draft of the create war because it was not their war only to massively enlist to the communist revolution of 1919.
Give me some numbers.
You made the original claim. Give some numbers or any proof that "Jews tried as hard as they could to dodge the draft and create the war"
you haven't provided any of your own evidence so far
and the number of Jews in the German army during WW1 was about 200,000-300,000 IIRC and I think about 70K died
>Want to found a ethno-national state
>A powerful minority living within your desired area has a huge incentive to stop/destroy any ethno-national state
Jews degrade morals and spread corruption wherever they go, it has very little to do with them being rich.
What's the point in going to a doctor if your death is inevitable?
>provide literally no proof for you claim while demanding evidence proving you wrong isnt good enough
Total number of Germans KIA: 3,116,000
Total number of Jewish German KIA: 12,000
If there was 0,3% of Jews in Germany at that time,Jews would have fought the war as hard as Germans.
Not an argument. There is no death, it's just continual ailment.
Virtuous Jews have no business being Jewish, they'll only get fucked over by the actions of their more numerous amoral relatives.
Here come the infographics LMAO
>destruction of your nation and culture
>no death
That wasn't the argument you or I were making.
Strawman. Sad!
Jews have always been the scapegoat because they were the only surviving religion in Europe that wasn't powerful enough to stand up for itself.
Then why did they survive?
The German government at the end of the first world war surrendered before the military was permitted to attempt a defense of the homeland.
This was controversial for several reasons. The powers that be in Germany at the time felt that strategically a continued defense was impossible. The military from mid ranked officers down largely disagreed with this, as from a tactical standpoint without factoring in supply concerns, the German army at the time appeared stronger than it was.
German capitulation was also based on a list of favorable terms put forward by the US. There was no official guarantee that this would be the blueprint for the treaty however, and Germany found itself having to agree to far harsher terms after they had already crossed the point of no return with their demobilisation.
This led German soldiers and by extension in time the public, to feel that the war had been stolen from them. Defense was king in the great war, and surely a defensive Germany would have force the allies to dash themselves like waves on the rocks? Surely we could have avoided this terrible debt and humiliation, when our army was relatively intact and our borders unmolested? Again supply concerns as well as food riots and agitation from the left made this unrealistic, but that bigger picture view did not reach the soldier on the front.
After the war, rightist Germans seeking to rebuild their national identity first focused on the idea of a betrayal by their government. Basically, Hitler did not create Jewish hatred from nothing, but instead redirected existing resentment. Jews were a palatable target for many of the German people due to their perceived association with socialism, and some prominent positions in the pre war government. More importantly, they were close to hand, and redirecting blame from the German government allowed for the salvation of German pride and national honor, which the public desperately craved during their ongoing post war humiliation.
It was a sound political move, made all the more effective and terrible because Hitler actually believed it.
>since hatred can't just spawn from nothing
Give me one instance of hate poping out of nowhere.
They were hated long before that in all of Europe already for all kinds of reasons.
By being nomadic and going to the kingdom where the King didn't care enough about jews at the time.
Ashkenazi have incredibly high average IQs on average. This causes them to overly represented everywhere in business and government; good, bad, and neutral things. You can see how people would focus on the perceived bad.
Also, successful minorities are usually hated by the majority. Igbos in Nigeria, Armenians, and others are also hated in their respective settings. Jewish success is largely due to their high IQs (especially verbal IQ).
>Lend money
>To powerful people
>Wile you have no fighters on your side
>Sometime, they can't pay back
>You still ask for your money
Ho, vey, we are hated!
>it's hollow and empty by nature
>that's what allowed people to go through with it
Wrong, ideology has everything to do with it. Ideology is precisely what permits the rationalisation of evil.
Its not the success itself, its that according to antisemites Jews just dont have the same interests as them.
Being jewish can be a conflicting identity with being german.
Many jews saw themselves as german, but many didn't, or considered themselves more jewish than german.
For someone as ultra-nationalistic as Hitler, this was intolerable i suppose.
This also means jews were more represented in anti-nationalistic ideals, like liberalism and communism, further fueling antisemitism among nationalists.
>Sometime, they can't pay back
>You still ask for your money
>it's wrong to ask for money that you lended to someone else! Banks should just give away money for free!
>Wrong, ideology has everything to do with it. Ideology is precisely what permits the rationalisation of evil.
The ideology is an abyss, which is what precisely allows it to commit such contradictory violence. It is in its ambiguity.
You can't even decide what's evil in the first place without ideology.
The Jews controlled the banks and impoverished the German people by abusing their power in the bank. They also controlled all the main media outlets (radio, press, newspapers, movies, theatre) shaping the public opinion to benefit themselves. The Jews also demoralized the public by creating many trashy sex books, pornographic films/pictures, etc. The Jews wanted to have utter control over the German people.
>Second, they act like a tribe. There is many different people living in Germany and all of them lived together in the more or less coherent ting you can call the German people. Jews lived in their own part of the town. Jews with a few exceptions married other Jews, lived with Jews and so on.
actually that's true for most of Europe but not Germany, German jews were the most cosmopolitan and integrated of any European jewish population. There had been a great deal of intermarriage between jews and christians since the 1870s, which was why the nazis declared that anyone with even one great grand parent who was jewish was considered a jew, even if they were a practicing christian. They lost their rights the same as all the actual jews.