&Humanities hate thread N°1488

What's the final solution to the &Humanities question? I propose to put philosophy, sociology and other shit tier "sciences" on Veeky Forums and only let politics and theology here

Just allow history discussion.

I agree we need to split this into 2 boards like the Roman Empire: Veeky Forums and /hum/

Whoever keeps posting this image doesn't realize that none of his &humanities column ever gets posted here?

The problem isn't "& Humanities", the problem is an asleep at the wheel janitor allowing "& Humanities" to be used as an excuse to post content which belongs on other boards, or in the bin, "History" gets hijacked by shitposters all the same. The board as a whole is going through a rough spell of shitposting due to to people seeing what they can get away with and how much further they can push the envelope.

The only solution is vast amounts of shitposting to make the janny choke on his hotpocket when seeing the board. That should send some bells ringing.

If this place was only Veeky Forums then they should just rename it /hit/ and be done with it.

Napoleon a bit.
But yeah, Veeky Forums has been nothing but nazi/hitler/holocaust and a couple of always same bait threads

History is a sub category of Humanities, its only in the board title so you History brainlets can find the history board.

Great minds discus ideas: Philosophy
Average minds discuss events: History
Simple minds discuss people: /pol/ tier "history and religions" threads.

Stay brain cucked facts-fag.

Also, I see you want theology and politics here - why? Politics belongs on the politics board, plain and simple. As for theology, that was all well and good when theology was actually discussed during the early months, but now it is nothing more than the same internecine shitflinging and false flagging over and over, no actual theology in sight. We need /rel/.

who is the qt in that painting?

80 percent of the humanities column never gets posted here rather most of it is protestant vs catholic vs atheist mudslinging

Divinities are not humanities

christian "le deus vult" larpers are objectively the worst on this board

with all the /pol/ shit in the history threads the humanities is actually looking quite good in comparison

I thought the history side would be about historical events, great moments in history, educating about histories one doesn't know about, military history like the ones in Veeky Forums and /k/, and actually citing their fucking sources.

but instead we get right-wing agenda, Marx hate threads, memes, and national fanwankery.

A generic image of a triggered feminist, often used as reaction pic

(the british poet Mary Robinson cosplaying as Perdita)

Theology belongs on /x/.

The problem is that all poeple who like to discuss history properly are slowly but surely driven out.

>good history discussion on Veeky Forums
>good history discussion on /k/
>good history discussion on Veeky Forums
>good history discussion on /int/ of all boards

>finally get a history board
>shitty /pol/, Veeky Forums, and /x/ threads

Ah, but which board will go the way of Western Rome, and which the way of the East?

Cutting out the tumor of humanities could do us good, but what if, without their manpower, we grow weak and accepting of the wild savage tribes of /pol/ which constantly attempt to intrude past our borders?

a sticky covering all the meme /pol/ questions with the most relevant geographical determinist factors listed which far outstrip genetics as an explanation even if you are biased in favor of genetics

mediterranean trade routes and oceanic climate agriculture which became productive in the time of Charlemagne when the heavy plough and 3 field crop rotation were introduced

report obvious /pol/ threads, but I don't think it should get to the point where people start being falsely accused of being /pol/, the will try to veil their threads of course

maybe some rule like you must discuss ideas or people who were relevant before 1991

You will still find good history discussions on those boards. lot better than Veeky Forums for sure

>"History" is Eurocentric
I prefer & Humanities

You forgot /int/, I'd rank them as one or the worst.

>/pol/ - 404 Not Found

>look, i used a quote some bitch said long ago to prove my point, because, you know, i can't come up with my own shit, and besides, if someone slightly known to the public said it, and it happens to please my personal views, it is basicly the undiniable truth of life

Honestly just remove &humanities. let them go to /pol/

I love how this picture tries to pretend the failures of &Humanities are due to the left.

are you implying that isn't true?

The failures if this board fall squarely on the lap of alt-right and /pol/ shitposters.

Care to explain?

you completely ignored my question dude

To be fair sometimes it's /r9k/

Yes, they are so.

No, they are not. For they proceed from truths long forgotten by contemporary leftists.

As a Christian, I can agree
Anyone who says doos voolt should be crucified

You may see a couple pro-marxism threads on the catalog but you will see a torrent of "hitler did nothing wrong", "dixie did nothing wrong" "why did africa never develop" threads, questions about jewish persecution which are leading in nature directly towards antisemitism, roleplaying as fascists, DEUS VULT, Constantinople buthurt(which slip immediately into islam hate threads) IQ posting, threads complaining that women aren't perpetually barefoot and pregnant anymore. I could go on.

Sorry as to your question "are you implying that isn't true?"
Yes I am implying it isn't true. It's ok to have a few ultra leftist threads or a couple ultra rightist threads but as far as taking things to the extreme it is the right on this site which is produing the cancer.

>No, they are not. For they proceed from truths long forgotten by contemporary leftists.

Oh really? """Truths long forgotten""" means stuffing Jews into every fucking thread possible?

yeah I see so many great ideas being discussed here.

We wouldn't care about the &humanities if it was being used to discuss actual academic humanities

hence the "of all boards"

Ban Americans

Using "butthurt asterisks" instead of a vowel to avoid saying a race name is the most &Humanities shit possible

What does Veeky Forums think of jurisprudence?

It doesn't have to do with the crusades or hitlers penis so (((Veeky Forums))) doesn't know what that is.


I'm not saying people from other boards can't post here, but I really wish the containment board would actually contain

fuck off retard

nah sociology is based

Why do Veeky Forumsterics think they're perfect and all the shit must come from the "others"?

Most of the shitposting is history related and would still be here even without "&Humanities". At most all the religious disputes should be moved to /x/ or a separate /rel/ board only for theology and religion.

Is it because they are driven by the scourge of modern feminism and critical race theory that they migrate to escape to greener fields?

>Marx hate threads
nothing wrong with that

Lefty/pol/ and reddit shills have ruined every chance this board had to have a serious informative discussion.


Neck yourself, you stormfront faggot. Every single board you dipshits post on outside of /pol/ fucking hate it. You can't contain your shitty board culture to your home board and insist on shoving your dumbass memes into every thread on every board. You're worse than /tv/ and that is a terrible accomplishment. /pol/ was a mistake and all of its posters should be permabanned from this site.

t. Shlomo Goldberg

>meanwhile on pure /history/
>hitler, hitler, hitler, mussolini, stalin, china, rome, rome, rome, which army was best?, what's your fav thing to larp?

Just call em out on what subject within the humanities they're talking about when they say humanities.

It's not harder than that, retards.

Humanities aren't so bad. The real reason for low quality on this board are the Hitler/ Imperial Japan/ Stalinism/ Leninism/ Maoism/ Juche apologists who insist that war crimes are all fake propaganda and turn the history threads into off topic shitposts.

That's how you turn this place into /tv/.

Please off yourself, you edgy gen-Z cunt. Go jerk off to your appropriated Pepe memes at r/thedonald.

This. Shitposting more is not the answer because it invites Redditors here who are only here to shitpost. /tv/ is a fucking horrible board.

>Neck yourself, you stormfront faggot. Every single board you dipshits post on outside of /pol/ fucking hate it. You can't contain your shitty board culture to your home board and insist on shoving your dumbass memes into every thread on every board. You're worse than /tv/ and that is a terrible accomplishment. /pol/ was a mistake and all of its posters should be permabanned from this site.
T. Leftypol shill calling for an SJW safespace

T. /pol/ shill calling for an alt-right safespace

I'm detecting a laughable european bias in that pic

The fact that you think the only people opposed to your anti white propaganda are /pol/ proves how disconnected you leftists are from reality

Why do non-Europeans always demand that Europeans care about them?

Make your own images ya little brown troll

You delusional retards are exactly the same as the regressive left keyboard warriors. It's hilarious that you can't take one step back and look at yourselves. That dumbass stuff with Yokulaylee or whatever is just the most recent example. Y'all are pathetic and are the other extreme of what you say you hate.

>anti-white propaganda
Not that user, but where the fuck was the anti-white propaganda? You're just a triggered 17 year old who thinks he can talk politics because he saw some infographics on an anime imageboard. Get a real education you troglodyte.

>having access to the entire worlds knowledge at our fingertips
>ayyyyy anons pay some liberal teacher to translate history for you
>regurgitate their viewpoint for credits

Why? We have access to all the knowledge we need and healthy debate about what we find interesting.

Delusions of grandeur mixed with pure laziness and occasionally we wuzing Romans/Egyptians/whatever fuck happens to be the hippest historical meme civilization around that point of time.

>if you don't hate your own race that means your are as bad as SJWs
Why are leftists so fucking retarded?

>leftpol SJWs want safe spaces
>leftist politically incorrect wants safe spaces
>politically incorrect
>safe spaces

You realize how you're being retarded right now faggot?

Leftypol supports BLM, Soros, Bernie Sanders, and feminism. Their the farthest thing from politically correct

I don't know where you're getting that from. I'm white and I like my race. I can't stand the sjw culture either, but /pol/ is just as bad.

Because a (good) college teaches you how to learn. Not the facts. Anyone can look up facts. It helps people try to think critically, which shows on internet debates with people who pull up outdated scientific information to push their retarded viewpoint.

>imploring the & humanities blight is strictly marxist
>"only let politics and theology here"


Oh really? Could you name a person without tertiary education who contributed to physics/chemistry/bilogy?

Having access to knowlege is one thing, having wider understanding of the topic another. Especially in the case of heavily politicized subject like humantities, where the "internet educated" people just circlejerk without getting to produce new ideas or defend their old ones.

What the fuck is leftypol? It seems like stormfaggots scream that at whoever disagrees with their viewpoint. Kinda like the SJW crowd screams alt-right at anyone taking a different view point. Funny how you two groups are so similar huh?

>believing the "white" race exists instead of europe being populated by multitude of different races like celtics, germanics, baltics, slavs, mediterraneans, iberians, etc.

The easiest way to detect a colonial mutt desu.

A board on hotwheelschan.

>leftypol is okay
>but stormfront is bad
Why are you SJWS so retarded?

Why do SJWs deny the existence of white people?

Hello I am a leftypol

BLM is controlled opposition
Soros is a capitalist who finances opponents of communists, like Yeltsin in 96

Sanders is a succdem capitalist

feminism is nice, but a lot of pol converts hate on it on leftypol

So I dunno, fuck off m8

They're against a Zionist globalist agenda which involves perpetuating the lie that the Europe was populated by the purely fictional "white" race in an attempt to undermine the foundations of European nationalism and help the founding of Pan-European Superstate.

>believing the "white" race exists instead of europe being populated by multitude of different races like celtics, germanics, baltics, slavs, mediterraneans, iberians, etc.

Races are arbitary, for American there is white race, while for Euros, where there is natural gradient between people it makes sense to distinguish the smaller ones.

I just posted that I didn't know what leftypol is you dumb nigger.

Leftypol lies, just look at

The fact that you think the only people opposed to your alt-right propaganda are leftypol SJWs proves how disconnected you alt-right are from reality

>leftypol subhumans are so stupid that it must copy paste responses to itself in oroder to compete

SJW "intellectuals"

if you aren't aware that there are great philosophical discussions occurring on this board daily, it's because you aren't educated enough to participate in them properly.

you're also retarded if you think history is not a branch of the humanities. these threads are embarrassing and worse than any other threads that get posted on the board.

/pol/ only exists in places where leftist degenerates congregate

and with leftist degenerates, since their ideology is objectively wrong, they spread stupid shit

/pol/ directly acts against the spreading of stupid shit by /pol/posting

This should be pretty obvious. If leftists wisened up and stopped being retards, /pol/ would have no need to be here

>I can only argue with people by greentexting my braindead interpretation of what they said back at them

Hope you're smug enough to eternally ignore your shit-tier intellect

Leftypol proving their stupidity again

Does anyone know who the painter of the painting below the sphinx is? Second down on the right of history.

You both should fuck off back to your shitty knock-off board.

Why don't you go back to where you came from and post that shit on Reddit then

>implying Veeky Forums wouldn't be the east, lazily deflecting the /pol/barians towards the /hum/ west where they can ransack it and divvy it up into their petty kingdoms

I see.

We must not be too harsh on /pol/. Surely, they can become good Veeky Forumstorians in service of Veeky Forums!

Let them in!

looks like STEMfags are still buttmad that they accidentally stepped into a philosophy thread and got their face wiped across the floor.

>The easiest way to detect a colonial mutt desu.
Wer're all "mutts" to one degree or another and so were our ancestors. A few posters here probably even make up that '0.5' % related to Genghis Khan. And I bet if you look back in your own ancestry you'd see different races/ethnicities too.

>/pol/ subhuman is too stupid to realize that he was the one who started calling others leftypol swjs
White masterrace "intellectuals"
you are just as bad as that leftypol you hate so much

I went up through the conversation and literally all you did was regurgitate stale /pol/ rhetoric. Glass houses, nigga.

it's just humorous how important you think every irrelevant thing in your own history is, as if 85% of your kings and leaders have any relevance beyond a sentence about the various hors d'oeuvres they enjoyed

There is no leftpol board on Veeky Forums, only a pol.

Sounds like you're just being a little baby, make your own image.

>you're also retarded if you think history is not a branch of the humanities.

The problem is that a lot of things are branches of humanities.

Leftypol is actively raiding Veeky Forums along with /r/Communism

>not posting the original