Why was white bread such a relative luxury in the past? Was wheat really that expensive? All sources indicate that only aristocracy and rich people ate white bread lin larger numbers while commoners mostly ate ones made from rye and oats.
Why was white bread such a relative luxury in the past? Was wheat really that expensive...
>posting that American sponge dogshit
That's not white bread, this is.
White bread looks nice. Brown bread with little shit on it does not. Even though it is healthier. Simple as that fám.
Humoral bullshit. Foods were judged by color and taste in how they would impact your health. Your circumstances of birth judged your personality and what you should eat.
>“Be aware that it is food which aught to cause growth. For adults, it replaces instantly that which, being dissolved in the body, would decrease in quantity. The most commendable is the one which forms a pure blood when being transformed; for example, a good loaf of semolina, the meat of young chickens. Likewise, the vegetable beet agrees with sick people. Amoung foods certain ones are thick; example; semolina and two-year-old lambs with flavorful meat. The fish caught in rocky waters is a thick food which agrees with people who have to work hard. Among foods, there are some which, by themselves unpleasant to taste, are useful such as mustard, onion and garlic. In reality, they generate yellow bile; they are sometimes used as medicine. There are some which produce black bile and may make certain people sick; for example, old goats, old bulls, bread make from wheat with its impurities; that is dangerous. There are also those which create plegm; for examle, large fish and milk."
In reality, there was no great difficulty nor expense in sieving wheat flour once it's gone through the gristmill. The upper classes could use slaves or servants for sieving duties... and the peasantry did not have the time nor the will to sieve flour.
Production of white flour caught on during later industrial ages because of its longer shelf life over wheat with the bran and germ still added. Hardtack is typically made with white flour, for instance.
that looks like literal dung with bugs in it lol yuros
>muh no true scotsman
>muh everything bad is America
its literally bread. doesn't matter if you like it or not
>pearls before swine
It sounds sort of funny if you talk about a type of bread only upper class people ate and accompany your post with a picture of some industrially produced garbage those "rich ancients" wouldn't clean their bathtub with, manufactured specifically to be affordable for hobos and 3rd worlders.
OP here, i'm not the guy you're talking to. I just picked out the first image when i typed "white bread" in search.
pic of you eating white bread to prove that you aren't shitting this information out
It wasn't. Just soft white bread made from wheat.
someone fell for the "brown bread is healthier" meme
Spot on mates.
Until the late 19th century many European nations still held on to strict mercantilist policies which kept the price of bread, (and food in general) artificially high through protectionism. When more and more free trade policies were adopted we see (in the case of Britain) a plummet in bread price. Nations realized that they could import their grain from foreign nations like Russia for a fraction of what they were paying locally. You can check % of imports and you will see staggering increases in Britain and Germany throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.
This happens to such an extent that huge amounts of farmers are not able to afford to remain in the industry and had to move to urban centers. It was a conflict between the industrialists and farmers, and the farmers lost, never being as powerful politically since. Industrialists saw cheap food as effective in maximizing production and efficiency.
that isnt true at all you just made up a story that has nothing to do with anything.
How exactly is whole wheat not more nutritious?
I bet you Americans have never gotten bread from a boulangerie in your lives. I'm having a hard time thinking of the US as a first world country when they consider literal cancer white bread a delicacy.
If you call more sugar and more fat "nutritious".
More sugar? Whole wheat bread has .1 less per serving, with over twice the fiber. White bread also has more fat, though they both contain healthier fats.
>being this sheltered
The process of making white bread strips a few different nutrients, so companies are forced to add back 5. Even then you won't get dat fiber.
>It's an American doesn't realize all the food he eats is Alien-GMO garbage episode
Can you explain what exactly is wrong with GMO food?
Can you explain why more people have cancer today than ever before across Veeky Forums? I mean I know correlation isn't causation BUT...
Could you please explain correlation between GMO and cancer?
are cancer rates rising though? if they are that could just be related to the fact that people are living longer
It's in the air, faggot, not in the food.
>it's a Euro who pretends he's a scientific atheist but in fact praises NATURRRRR and GAIIIAAAAAA in everything he does episode
Go back to circlejerking over your organic wine plots you fucking morons.
As far as I know, grains like barley were somewhat easier to grow (or just produced greater yield?) so wheat was a kind of luxury grain for much of history. Furthermore, to make white bread, you have to further purify the wheat by removing the bran. This would have been done by sifting the flour. As you put wholemeal flour in a sieve and shake it, the portion that falls through first will have less bran than the portion that falls through last. This could be repeated a number of times, each pass increasing the "whiteness" of the flour (both in appearance and in baking properties). This is however a wasteful process, since you lose some of the flour with each pass, leading to a higher price. The lower classes would have been better off just eating whole grains.
That doesn't look like white bread to me.
I'm a Catholic. Go project your faggotry somewhere else.
Isn't it funny? Religious when it's convenient, atheist when it allows you to troll Americans!
Europeans really are subhuman creatures.
>hurrrrr durrr muh american white bread when it was the British who invented the Chorleywood process and still use it as a mainstay of their bread making industry
>le atheism strawman
Praise god when it allows you moral high ground on anonymous image board, revert to atheism when it's time to prance around your voodoo wine plots MUH TERRRRRRIOORRR THE SOUL OF MY ANCESTORS MAKES MY WINE & BEER TASTE GUUUUDDD LOL FUCKING AMERICANS WITH NO SOOUUULLL
Are you having a brain aneurysm, DeShawn?
>le allcaps = MAD meme
Praise god when it allows you moral high ground on anonymous image board, revert to atheism when it's time to prance around your voodoo wine plots MUH TERRRRRRIOORRR THE SOUL OF MY ANCESTORS MAKES MY WINE & BEER TASTE GUUUUDDD LOL FUCKING AMERICANS WITH NO SOOUUULLL
If you don't have to cook the food, it's a luxury meal.
Hhahahha no. Food and air.
It's all carbs, it's all sugar.
Superior to white bread every time.