Compared to other cultures, does western culture struggle to accept death?
Compared to other cultures, does western culture struggle to accept death?
I dunno man
no one cares
Its predominant religion is a masochistic death cult.
Because atheism rules and teaches that death is the end of existence.
You mean Atheism? Secular humanism?
Even if your bullshit "interpretation" of Christianity" was true it's a complete oxymoron because a "masochistic death cult" would embrace death. why'd you bother to post anything is behind reason.
>You mean Atheism? Secular humanism?
Christianity. It's a death cult no matter how you spin it, and its primary motivator is guilt.
this is what i was trying to avoid
How can you possibly argue Christianity isn't a death cult? The entire religion is based around this life being a prelude to the awesome (or horrible) eternal afterlife.
he means christianity.
they're masochistic in that they're told to endure pain without a fight and to even go so far as to enjoy suffering as a necessary and excepted state of being.
They're a death cult because they base their entire philosophy on how to live based on what it will get you after death
fuck this shitty board
&humanities was right
i'm out
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
This doesn't sound like being based around death. It sounds like being based around reality.
Either you're hopelessly naive or full of shit. That prompt is begging for Christposting.
A lot of western literature and cinema is about accepting death so I will have to disagree with that
"believe this thing and live this way and go to heaven, dont and you go to hell"
death cult
And nothing of value was lost
How? The West is nominally Christian in the most meaningless ways. If people still think the West is Christian they are deluding themselves. Maybe Poland and Hungary. Not the USA or Western Europe.
>Sola fide
Spotted the Amerifat. Opinion disregarded.
>not the USA
this board alone should show you that the stereotypical retarded protestant redneck that is distrustful of science and clings to irrational beliefs is alive and well.
"behave this way and go to heaven, dont and you go to hell"
Is that more comfortable for catholics?
>separation of church and state
>no prayer in schools
>Faggot marrige
>moral guardians are secular and humanistic
>religion very removed from the public conscious
>Christian groups can barely starve off removing a copy of the 10 commandments from a courthouse in the deep south
Name some religions that aren't like that.
>inb4 buddhism
They believe in Hells. They just think you should achieve nirvana to not end up in one.
it's besides the point, the fact that christianity uses lies about the afterlife to influence behavior on the planet is the textbook definition of a death cult. Not to mention all the early Christians vehemently defending their faith to the bitter end gives off the impression of a fanatical cult-like following
The difference between Christianity and stuff like Hinduism and Buddhism is that those religions don't believe in eternal damnation, they believe in cycles and renewal. Death isn't the end for them, and even the hellbound have another shot.
>what is purgatory
spotted the Amerifat.
I think we're agreeing, I was using that statement to illustrate the trivial difference between proddies and catholics in regards to the obsession with the afterlife.
Why is this board so venomously against Americans?
isn't purgatory just a later invention that's not even in the bible, similar to the whole dante's inferno mythology?
Christianity isn't a "death cult" because it actually affirms life. "death cult" is just a meaningless kike word anyway. People who worship Odin are more accuratly following a "death cult" because Odin is connected to the dead.
Even purgatory emphasizes the afterlife, not renewal.
Whether you believe in purgatory or not is irrelevant to the baseline belief that this life is a trivial prelude to the enduring afterlife. To Hindus the emphasis is that you're part of a cycle, even buddhists acknowledge that cycle even if the ideal is to escape it.
>sola scriptura
Holy fucking shit your retarded.
>Veeky Forums is used by large numbers of autists for (you) farming
>Americans are the largest demographic on Veeky Forums
>(you) farmers post anti-American things in an effort to get the largest part of the userbase to reply to them
Breaking the cycle is an affirmation of life. Christianity teaches preexistence but that's pretty obscure.
What do catholics even believe if your entire doctrine is open to any retard changing it?
Because Americans have a selfish worldview and assume what they've been exposed to in their shallow lives is all that exist in the world. Take for example fedora's who think Christianity is exclusivity it's American Protestant variants and can't comprehend that most Christianity throughout history and the world isn't like that.
are you seriously going to try to use semantics to dance around the fact that christianity is openly counterculture, trivializes the world as a mere stepping stone, promotes heroic acts of defiance for the promise of a happy ending in the afterlife, and insists on being distrustful of and disobedient towards existing power structures?
The fact that christianity as a state religion became a thing is still hilarious to me. The entire philosophy of jesus was to detach yourself from the world because it didn't matter, as soon as it's literally the power structure that you have to break away from, it's no longer christianity.
The Romans really butchered the original merits of the teachings, as it has no place alongside an actual government. No doubt the very fact that it is a state religion means it is already at odds with itself intrinsically.
So is charging into battle with a wish to enter Valhalla a death cult?
To be fair, America is the only relevant country, so no one really cares what local flavor the rest of the world imparts to their versions of our religions.
in the same way that crusaders charging to their deaths with a dulled sense of fear because of their misplaced beliefs about the afterlife is a death cult. From what I can tell the only noticeable difference between a cult and a religion is how big it is. Christianity in its early forms certainly looked more like a cult than a religion, mostly because "religions" are generally tied closely to power structures, and religions that are adopted into power structures are heavily modified to exist alongside them.
The cycle is meant to be broken. That's the point. Buddhist affirm death just as much as Christians do. Just be ready for it.
no one likes the idea of ending